

在 華語教學碩士學位學程產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 💠臺大國際華語研習所(ICLP)新舊任所長交接典禮💠 ICLP New Director Handover Ceremony 臺大國際華語研習所「新舊任所長交接典禮」於2018年7月30日(週一)上午10時假447會議室舉行,儀式由文學院黃慕萱院長主持,並邀請到國際事務處、翻譯碩士學位學程...

  • 華語教學碩士學位學程 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-08-03 11:11:37
    有 26 人按讚


    ICLP New Director Handover Ceremony





    ICLP’s held a Handover Ceremony between our Outgoing and Incoming Directors at 10:00 on the morning of July 30th, 2017, in Conference Room 447. The ceremony was presided over by Huang Mu-Hsuan, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and representatives were invited to attend from the Office of International Affairs, the Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation, the Graduate Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, the Language Center, the Foreign Language and Teaching Resource Center, and the Language Training and Testing Center. The representatives focus on implementing inter-departmental language acquisition activities, with hope for greater cooperation in the future and maintaining NTU’s international repute for Chinese language learning.

    After this brief exchange, the representatives enjoyed a slideshow of ICLP, and reflected on the various contributions of Director Chiu Chin-Jung over the last three years in a warm and genial atmosphere. Immediately thereafter the ceremony began, with an address by Dean Huang, followed by remarks from the outgoing and incoming ICLP Directors, with words of farewell and encouragement to teachers and administrative staff. Dean Huang presented flowers and a commemorative plaque during the ceremony to Director Chiu for her contributions to ICLP over the last three years.

    Director Chiu left her position on July 31. Beginning on August 1, the new Director is former Deputy Director Kao Wei-Hung, with Associate Professor Lin Hsiang-I of the Foreign Languages Department succeeded as Deputy Director.

    ICLP電子報編輯小組/E-Newsletter Editing Team

