

在 英文請假信產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過50萬的網紅蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 史上最痴L線的英文請假信 《蕭叔叔英式英文學會射波英文大賽》結果公佈! 幾經辛苦,蕭叔叔終於讀完所有entries,而最後得獎者是網友 Haha Ngky. 網友Sir Humphrey Appleby式水蛇春咁長的電郵,可算是英文請假史上最痴L線的請假信吧。得獎原因,係篤中Uncle Siu...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅錄低香港 DocHK,也在其Youtube影片中提到,思浩大談美國員工扮病請假,警察上門先知玩大咗!(大家真瘋Show 2020) 美國南卡羅萊納州一名在電話中心工作的男子,涉嫌為了騙取有薪病假,偽造醫生紙。警方將他拘捕,將控以破壞和平和偽造文書罪名。涉事人已遭解僱。 #北京 #警察 #警方 #美國 #醫生 #係唔係 #唔想 #唔講 #唔好意...

英文請假信 在 三媽 Sama Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 10:50:55

【VoiceTube Hero】開學季限時優惠大fun送! 重點先來! VoiceTube Hero 開學季限時優惠大fun送! 全品項8折,用我的優惠碼 samatsai 再享有 9 折優惠 ! (8折再9折的意思) 報名👇👇 http://voicetu.be/3nvs5r . 難得看我在文章一...

英文請假信 在 Elaine? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 08:04:51

答應很多人敲碗的這集🥣 可能是因為星宇最近要招人(先說我沒考過星宇)但還是很多人很好奇長榮面試的經驗 趕在你們面試前打給你們~ 我的人生大回顧(再不回顧要忘記了🤣) 航空面試分享~ 很多人私訊我問我面試的心路歷程 其實我不是那種很會講話很會面試考官緣很好的人(從小就很內向也超不會聊天🤣)...

英文請假信 在 歷史哥HistoryBro Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-03 12:54:25

【昨天第一次跟介文汲大使合作真的受益良多!一個學者有沒有自己的觀點,能不能帶動思考,經常是我關注的重點!台灣需要更多願意思考動腦的人,而不是主觀「我覺得...」當作獨立思考!也許有些人以為英文中的「I think」就真的思考了吧!話說回來,最近歷史哥一直在拓展更多方面的知識,不知道各位同學有無感受歷...

  • 英文請假信 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-02-20 21:15:45
    有 1,935 人按讚



    幾經辛苦,蕭叔叔終於讀完所有entries,而最後得獎者是網友 Haha Ngky.

    網友Sir Humphrey Appleby式水蛇春咁長的電郵,可算是英文請假史上最痴L線的請假信吧。得獎原因,係篤中Uncle Siu笑穴(蕭叔自認係個笑點高的人),並不代表它比其他參賽作品好。正如蕭叔叔所說,評審準則只看蕭叔個人喜惡,絕無客觀可言。


    It has so viscerally pained my heart, however strong a will I hold in my heart just to grapple with the mere thought of breaking that which I am about to impart to you while staying sane and reasonably calm to continue this message, that today I am afraid that your company will be short of one valuable member because I, to my tremendous despondency and disgruntlement of no one but myself, and within me an overwhelming shame alongside that unimaginably vivid guilt which I made every effort to devise a way to fight shy of only to find my painstaking endeavour in vain, have fallen victim to, among many a city-dwellers who have applied themselves so completely in their work like me, the maliciously capricious weather that has afflicted our city recently, resulting in a condition of mine that prevents me from being capable of contributing my productivity to my beloved company in this day of ailment of many. I wish nothing but keeping our company sanitary and germ-free so that my colleagues could be spared from the pain and suffering that the flu has relentlessly inflicted upon a wrecked soul like mine. I have no choice but to inform you that I shall be fine although I have to suffer another blow of pain as I not only am combating the disease but also am subjected to the need to swallow so great a sorrow of being deprived of the gaiety of working in the company with my colleagues and you. I hope to be graced with your generous understanding in this very rare circumstance.




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  • 英文請假信 在 錄低香港 DocHK Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-04-02 14:30:06

    思浩大談美國員工扮病請假,警察上門先知玩大咗!(大家真瘋Show 2020)


    #北京 #警察 #警方 #美國 #醫生 #係唔係 #唔想 #唔講 #唔好意思 #唔知咩 #唔係好舒服 #看更 #好食 #想要 #好朋友 #你自己 #幾多錢 #一個人 #雲吞麵 #一家人 #日用品 #百分百 #應該係 #我自己 #好意思 #一家大細 #每一個人 #醫生紙 #好得意 #思浩 #放飛機 #有薪病假 #北京填鴨 #豉油雞 #大家真瘋Show #食飯喇 #思浩大談

