作者antilove5566 (我愛故我在)
標題[認真] 一些色色的英文
時間Wed Jan 20 15:41:04 2016
I am horny/excited?
Put/come inside?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/sex/M.1453275667.A.84B.html
推 ChicoJ: I'm turned on 01/20 15:42
→ bird1140: 好好講中文就好... 01/20 15:42
推 n98802001: 之前不是有一篇嗎...? 01/20 15:42
推 neojustdoit: fuxk me now? 01/20 15:42
推 Vincent6964: duck me 01/20 15:42
→ meninblack59: 準備當CCR? 01/20 15:42
→ bird1140: duck me<----yeeeeee鴨子我!? 01/20 15:43
推 mekida: 樓下推may show... 01/20 15:43
推 n98802001: Gun mo 01/20 15:43
推 Vincent6964: 壓(鴨)我 01/20 15:44
→ bird1140: 空叔有篇很專業啊 01/20 15:44
推 tdjpl: You kinka ture me on. 01/20 15:45
→ Vincent6964: 還有一個我教你們 ma su gun mo 01/20 15:45
→ bird1140: 鴨我ok你淫了 01/20 15:45
推 milk61108: KMT me 01/20 15:46
推 bird1140: 樓上不要罵髒話 01/20 15:47
推 hij76128: oh!!! Just Huang An me, baby. 01/20 15:49
推 luminair: I am wet / you make me so horny / fuck me right now 01/20 15:50
推 amosyu: fuck my cunt & cum inside me 01/20 15:51
推 MiiShin: would you papapa with me >< 01/20 15:57
推 benden: I am so KMT 01/20 15:57
推 popobear31: 我只會轟轟 01/20 15:58
→ achiang40: horny 01/20 16:00
推 Vincent6964: 再教你們一句 coffee or tea or me 01/20 16:03
推 kj763: how do you turn this on 01/20 16:04
推 james0146: Huang An me .....有這句??????????????? 01/20 16:06
→ o790224: let me into you 01/20 16:08
推 glen987258: Let me full 01/20 16:11
推 woodoo: You have a new mail 01/20 16:16
推 wolfganghsu: Squeeze my dumplings 01/20 16:16
推 andyscot: This is a book. 01/20 16:16
推 dominate0328: 幹我樓上好好笑 01/20 16:19
推 likeair: you got mail 01/20 16:20
推 milk61108: I'm fine thank you and you? 01/20 16:30
推 CurryMvp: Curry for threeeee 01/20 16:31
推 andyscot: D大為何叫我幹你~~這不太好吧? 01/20 16:32
→ BepHbin: I am Hornydragon. 01/20 16:33
推 cckcc: May show gun mo 01/20 16:37
→ cinnamon: 打開google翻譯,一直打「R」就可以學習發音 01/20 16:38
推 alloriginals: I go to school by bus 01/20 16:42
推 turnacircle: 之前在網路上看過英文版的夫妻成長日記,從阿真跟優 01/20 16:44
→ turnacircle: 良的對話應該就可以滿足你的需求了 01/20 16:44
推 hellodogy428: Howdoyouturnthison 01/20 16:47
推 aircool2014: I will be back 01/20 16:47
推 wowqweasd: I like yellow.夠色了嗎? 01/20 16:52
推 j21118: costco 01/20 16:52
推 ENJA: That is a chair 01/20 16:52
→ blueskymaple: oh yes oh yeah oh oh oh ye~~~s 01/20 16:53
推 samsungli: Big Cock 01/20 16:55
推 sodas500i: I am honryDragon. 01/20 16:59
推 diebird978: assassin 暗殺 01/20 17:01
推 roy0511: Im Joe song eh 01/20 17:02
推 GIE13: I have a pan 01/20 17:04
→ GIE13: pen 01/20 17:06
推 birdruei: costco 01/20 17:07
推 limodi1980: An apple a day,keeps the doctor away. 01/20 17:10
推 Yamamoto5: Fuck my pussy 選我選我 01/20 17:12
→ LupinArsene: You ma in nine 01/20 17:14
推 Vassili242: may shown gan mo? 01/20 17:20
推 patrickjj: 去妳媽的就是 your mother's gone 混蛋就是mix egg 他 01/20 17:23
→ patrickjj: 奶奶的就是 his grandmother 01/20 17:23
→ wvwvwvwvwv: 義大利名師就是sit down please 01/20 17:26
推 wscorpiow: how do you turn this on 01/20 17:27
→ nvlsvee: Taint Kisser 01/20 17:28
推 GordonJordan: How much? 01/20 17:32
推 qwsedqss22: who's your daddy 01/20 17:38
推 andy26002863: May show gun more ? 01/20 17:45
推 mudafucka: i wanna creampie 01/20 17:56
推 a6931791: Who's your daddy? 01/20 18:00
推 Iluhopeless: near~/far~/wherever you are! 01/20 18:01
推 USAF: 網路查都有 01/20 18:02
噓 mochacha: 我都唸ikea 01/20 18:05
推 yukicon: Say my name 01/20 18:20
→ seansusu: deep throat 01/20 18:21
推 FlynnZhang: my pen is huge 01/20 18:29
→ snane: 其實電影或a片多看就會了吧,美國派那種色情喜劇 01/20 18:43
→ BaRanKa: 通識報告自己做 01/20 18:45
推 bbac99119: how do you turn this on? 01/20 18:46
→ starfuxks: 不是都是法克咪卑鄙 01/20 19:05
推 sula7480: sick my dick 01/20 19:08
推 hongalli: Netflix and chill 01/20 19:24
推 asdwxasdwx: ggininder 01/20 19:36
推 evldra: 我都說aegis,然後不用一秒就結束了超方便 01/20 19:36
推 James102211: Kobe ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01/20 19:54
推 mclaren99: k~o~b~e~ 01/20 20:01
噓 baiya01: 不會去英文的fb問喔 01/20 20:05
推 gg0815: IndownshishiDer 01/20 20:32
推 deejayken: a man with a pan 01/20 20:46
→ eminemonkey: "I want to play a game " 01/20 20:52
→ eminemonkey: 01/20 20:52
→ blairccc: 講中文不好嗎QQ 01/20 20:55
推 tokiki123: English 01/20 21:04
推 daniel870527: i do my homework everyday 01/20 21:08
推 nowmyTurn: I am fine, thank you. 01/20 21:09
推 df810710: Suck my duck 01/20 21:17
推 Craks: 速挖懶叫喇 01/20 22:19
推 wiwi212: no money no hot 01/20 22:31
推 msf409: 整個會被推文笑到不行 01/20 22:34
→ dreamtime83: My pen is broken 01/20 22:48
推 devil40528: pa pa pa with me XD 01/21 01:13
推 dodobun7854: I like vegetable 01/21 01:29
推 waiting1481: winter is coming!! 01/21 01:34
推 kanehhh: fxck me 讓我想到大法師那個小女孩,頭還可以360度旋轉 01/21 01:40
推 j04286: Inn ho ten 01/21 05:04
推 PageW: This is a pen 01/21 09:16
推 sky82610: I got it from my daddy 01/21 09:20
推 abcd41256388: Do your best please 01/21 13:01
噓 ians0606: GG ININ 竟然沒人推 01/21 13:53
推 hoinoi: i am so Huang AN......fuck me.... 01/21 15:45
推 daniel870527: Is it good to drink? 01/21 16:44
推 yainman: im arriving~~ 01/21 17:16
推 Dicklen: juicy 01/21 18:42
推 horny: I am horny 01/21 21:16
推 relax109: drill me 01/21 21:18
推 jamespan78: 蔡英文 01/22 01:38
推 linstyle: wanna fuck my pussy??? 01/22 02:32
推 d004093: I'm fine thank you and you? 01/24 01:21