三個禮拜前我以為我只是腳踝扭傷,當時有馬上去急診室也照了X-光確認沒有骨折。 三個禮拜後,發現腳踝還是很腫淤血都沒散,而且還是不太能走路會疼。 朋友覺得有點嚴重建議我去做個MRI。 本來還想說不用吧? 當時不是說兩三個禮拜就會自己好的嗎? 但為了求個安心,我還是乖乖去了。 也還好去了,才發現原來我的...
三個禮拜前我以為我只是腳踝扭傷,當時有馬上去急診室也照了X-光確認沒有骨折。 三個禮拜後,發現腳踝還是很腫淤血都沒散,而且還是不太能走路會疼。 朋友覺得有點嚴重建議我去做個MRI。 本來還想說不用吧? 當時不是說兩三個禮拜就會自己好的嗎? 但為了求個安心,我還是乖乖去了。 也還好去了,才發現原來我的距腓前韌帶完全撕裂,而且好像其他韌帶也有損傷。 醫生建議我還是要做微創手術,要不然有可能就算自己好了,可能性是只恢復百分之六十,而且還是有可能變成習慣性扭腳。 為了可以有更好的恢復機率,為了後面工作還可以在台上唱唱跳跳,在球場上彈跳飛奔,我們選擇做手術。 所以,明天就要做啦! 第一次做手術,還是會有點小緊張嘻嘻,希望一切順利啦! 之後更重要的就是做好康復過程。 期待兩三個月後,我舞跳得更好,跑步跑得更快,網球打得更帥! 😜😜😜💪💪💪大家為我集氣加油喔!
Three weeks ago, I thought it was just a minor ankle sprain. At the time, I went to the emergency room immediately and got an X-ray to confirm that nothing was fractured. Three weeks later, my ankle was still very swollen and bruised, and it hurt to walk. My friends thought it looked a bit serious and suggested that I go for an MRI. At first I was a bit hesitant…. I mean the doctor said it would get better on its own in two-three weeks. But for a peace of mind, I went obediently. Fortunately, I found out that my anterior talofibular ligament was completely torn, and it seemed that other ligaments were also damaged. The doctor advised me to get an anthroscopy, a minimally invasive surgery. Otherwise, even if I get better on my own, recovery could possibly be only 60%, and become a chronic sprained ankle problem. In order to have a better chance of recovery, and to be able to continue to sing and dance on stage and bounce and fly on the court, we decided to get the surgery. So, tomorrow is surgery day. This is my first time having an operation, so I do feel a little nervous, and I really hope everything goes well! The more important thing afterwards is the physical rehabilitation process. I’m hoping that in two or three months, I will dance better, run faster, and kick ass on the tennis court! 😜😜😜💪💪💪 Please pray for me! 🙏🙏🙏
腓骨骨折走路 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
三個禮拜前我以為我只是腳踝扭傷,當時有馬上去急診室也照了X-光確認沒有骨折。 三個禮拜後,發現腳踝還是很腫淤血都沒散,而且還是不太能走路會疼。 朋友覺得有點嚴重建議我去做個MRI。 本來還想說不用吧? 當時不是說兩三個禮拜就會自己好的嗎? 但為了求個安心,我還是乖乖去了。 也還好去了,才發現原來我的距腓前韌帶完全撕裂,而且好像其他韌帶也有損傷。 醫生建議我還是要做微創手術,要不然有可能就算自己好了,可能性是只恢復百分之六十,而且還是有可能變成習慣性扭腳。 為了可以有更好的恢復機率,為了後面工作還可以在台上唱唱跳跳,在球場上彈跳飛奔,我們選擇做手術。 所以,明天就要做啦! 第一次做手術,還是會有點小緊張嘻嘻,希望一切順利啦! 之後更重要的就是做好康復過程。 期待兩三個月後,我舞跳得更好,跑步跑得更快,網球打得更帥! 😜😜😜💪💪💪大家為我集氣加油喔!
Three weeks ago, I thought it was just a minor ankle sprain. At the time, I went to the emergency room immediately and got an X-ray to confirm that nothing was fractured. Three weeks later, my ankle was still very swollen and bruised, and it hurt to walk. My friends thought it looked a bit serious and suggested that I go for an MRI. At first I was a bit hesitant…. I mean the doctor said it would get better on its own in two-three weeks. But for a peace of mind, I went obediently. Fortunately, I found out that my anterior talofibular ligament was completely torn, and it seemed that other ligaments were also damaged. The doctor advised me to get an anthroscopy, a minimally invasive surgery. Otherwise, even if I get better on my own, recovery could possibly be only 60%, and become a chronic sprained ankle problem.
In order to have a better chance of recovery, and to be able to continue to sing and dance on stage and bounce and fly on the court, we decided to get the surgery. So, tomorrow is surgery day. This is my first time having an operation, so I do feel a little nervous, and I really hope everything goes well! The more important thing afterwards is the physical rehabilitation process. I’m hoping that in two or three months, I will dance better, run faster, and kick ass on the tennis court! 😜😜😜💪💪💪 Please pray for me! 🙏🙏🙏
腓骨骨折走路 在 鄭宇劭物理治療師 Cheng Yu-Shao Physiotherapist Facebook 的最讚貼文
雷可貼布(Leukotape)是常運用在肌肉骨骼及運動傷害的強力貼布,而且歷史應該有超過40年以上,由BSN這家醫材行提供。最有名的應用此貼布的大師是Jenny McConnell為澳洲的物理治療師同時也是資深研究員和BJSM的編委會,發表超多篇關於慢性肌肉損傷相關的臨床期刊。而最有名的我想就是針對前測膝蓋痛的貼紮法McConnell taping技術(1984)。另外在臨床上也蠻常運用紐西蘭物理治療師Brian Mulligan,Brian最有名的臨床技術就是動態關節鬆動術(Mobilisation with Movement,MWM),然後貼紮方法的概念也就跟徒手技術一樣,將關節擺位到舒服的位置,並且由操作者施予貼布方向,也是我目前常用的臨床技術。
在學校就有聽到曉昀老師介紹雷可貼布,而最早接觸是在實習階段,那時候是由目前台中照揚物理治療所 許其揚所長將雷可貼布與其他不同性質的貼布運用在臨床個案上,印象最深刻的針對脛骨骨折合併韌帶損傷術後病人,除了徒手儀器與運動外,最後都會藉由貼布來調整生物力學結構。而後來由於2017年參與世大運的關係,也有機會聽到不同老師來講解。
期刊:Barton CJ, Lack S, Hemmings S, et al The ‘Best Practice Guide to Conservative Management of Patellofemoral Pain’: incorporating level 1 evidence with expert clinical reasoning British Journal of Sports Medicine 2015;49:923-934.
#physiotherapy #sportphysio #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #taping #leukotape #sport #sporttape @ Taipei, Taiwan
腓骨骨折走路 在 吳佳儒 物理治療師 Facebook 的精選貼文
一開始復健時腳踝仍腫脹、踝關節角度受限,經過復健約3個月後,把基本的下肢肌力、重心轉移及本體感覺都給練好,由於個案的目標是回去爬百岳,我們把基本功練好後轉介給教練,讓教練銜接練習專項運動的訓練 ,現在已經爬了好多座百岳了!!!
#術後復健 #腓骨骨折 #腳踝骨折 #王稚暉醫師
#台中物理治療 #吳佳儒物理治療師
#成吉思汗台中館 #陳德儒私人教練