圓碌碌女生:「我屬於水腫性肥胖,朋友推介日日飲紅豆水、薏米水就能祛水腫,真的嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:紅豆水以紅豆加水煲成,紅豆具補血和胃,養血安神的作用,並未能祛水腫或減肥...
圓碌碌女生:「我屬於水腫性肥胖,朋友推介日日飲紅豆水、薏米水就能祛水腫,真的嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:紅豆水以紅豆加水煲成,紅豆具補血和胃,養血安神的作用,並未能祛水腫或減肥。如果想祛水腫,所指的紅豆應該是赤小豆,赤小豆與紅豆外形相似,但較為細小及窄身,赤小豆具有健脾止瀉、利水消腫的功效,但小便頻多、陰虛、濕熱體質人士就不適宜飲用。
Can red bean water and coix seed water help to lose weight?
I am always quite bloated. My friends suggest that I drink red bean water and coix seed water every day to relieve edema. Does it work?
CheckCheckCin: Red bean water is made with cooking red beans. Red beans can replenish blood and stomach, nourish blood and calm the mind but not relieve edema or keep fit. If you want to relieve edema, you are talking about rice beans. They look similar to red beans, but are smaller and skinnier. Rice beans can strengthen the spleen, relieve diarrhea, promote diuresis and reduce bloating. They are not suitable for those with frequent urination, yin deficiency and damp heat.
As for coix seed water- made by cooking coix seeds. Coix seeds are cold in nature. They can clear heat, dispel dampness, promote diuresis and reduce bloating. It can alleviate damp heat, bloating and unsmooth urination. Those with asthenic spleen and stomach and prone to have stomache after eating cold/raw food should not drink too much. Not suitable for ladies during menstruation or pregnant women. (to be con’t in comment)
#男 #女 #我胖了 #我疲憊 #痰濕 #減肥
胃痛舒緩飲品 在 營養師 Annie Lee 李杏榆 Facebook 的精選貼文
相信大家都可能試過 (甚至經常發生), 明明唔係食到好飽, 都硬係有啲頂住頂住嘅感覺, 有時又會好多胃氣, 甚至會有腸胃敏感情況. 以下十類食物, 未必對每個人都有反應, 但容易胃氣漲的朋友, 不妨留意一下:
1. 豆 – 含豐富纖維和寡醣Oligosaccharides, 是糖類一種, 身體難分解
- 可以嘗試煮淋啲, 每天進食少量, 讓身體慢慢適應
2. 有氣飲料 – 汽水, 啤酒, 梳打水, 都含有二氧化碳, 多喝會影響消化系統, 引致胃氣漲
- 可改喝其他無氣飲料, 如檸水, 花茶, 綠茶烏龍茶等
3. 小麥 – 含有小麥麩質, 有些人對它有消化困難, 會形成胃氣, 胃漲, 胃痛, 肚瀉等問題
- 減少進食麵包, 意粉, 蛋糕, 餅乾等含小麥製的食物
- 改吃燕麥, 藜麥, 紅米糙米等
4. 薏米 – 如果對小麥過敏, 很大機會進食薏米和黑麥後都會出現胃漲情況.
- 煲湯唔放薏米, 就改放沙參, 玉竹吧
5. 6. 洋蔥, 蒜頭 – 呢孖寶真係令人又愛又恨: 好高抗氧化價值, 但食完又有口氣又易放屁. 呢對孖寶都含有果聚醣﹙Fructans﹚, 對有些人較難消化
- 可改用其他天然香草作調味
7. 十字菜類 – 椰菜, 西蘭花, 椰菜花
- 可以嘗試煮淋啲, 或改吃其他含相近營養素的蔬菜如菠菜, 莧菜, 露荀等
8. 奶類 – 包括牛奶, 芝士, 乳酪, 及其他奶類製品如白汁, 忌廉, 芝士蛋糕等
- 大人和小朋友都有機會出現乳糖不耐的情況, 即是不能分解牛奶當中的乳糖, 不過嚴重情度各有差異: 有些人吃少少無問題, 但有些人一吃即出現腸胃敏感情況
- 改用其他不含乳糖的奶代替品, 如豆漿, 米奶, 杏仁奶等
9. 代糖 – 常見的如山梨糖醇 (Sorbitol), 木糖醇 (Xylitol) 等, 用於無糖飲料或其他食物如無糖香口膠等. 有研究發現, 代糖或有機會影響腸道好壞菌平衡, 形成胃氣, 腸胃敏感等問題
- 想有啲甜味又唔想用白糖或代糖, 可以改用蜜糖, 椰糖, 肉桂, 羅漢果等調味
10. 酒精飲品 – 所有酒精都有促炎性, 即會加速身體發炎, 而炎症可以發生在任何地方, 包括腸胃粘膜等, 當中啤酒因同時含有小麥和有汽, 所以飲完啤酒更易 “成肚氣”
至於有咩食療有助舒緩胃氣漲, 下次再分享.
#胃氣 #胃氣漲
#StomachGas #StomachBloating
#營養師 #Nutritionist #AnnieLee
胃痛舒緩飲品 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
Can red bean water and coix seed water help to lose weight?
I am always quite bloated. My friends suggest that I drink red bean water and coix seed water every day to relieve edema. Does it work?
CheckCheckCin: Red bean water is made with cooking red beans. Red beans can replenish blood and stomach, nourish blood and calm the mind but not relieve edema or keep fit. If you want to relieve edema, you are talking about rice beans. They look similar to red beans, but are smaller and skinnier. Rice beans can strengthen the spleen, relieve diarrhea, promote diuresis and reduce bloating. They are not suitable for those with frequent urination, yin deficiency and damp heat.
As for coix seed water- made by cooking coix seeds. Coix seeds are cold in nature. They can clear heat, dispel dampness, promote diuresis and reduce bloating. It can alleviate damp heat, bloating and unsmooth urination. Those with asthenic spleen and stomach and prone to have stomache after eating cold/raw food should not drink too much. Not suitable for ladies during menstruation or pregnant women.
If you want to relieve edema, it require diligence. The dampness will not accumulate in the body if you reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach and keep them healthy. The rice water that we encourage people to drink more is made with red and white rice with a little bit of coix seeds. Due to its mild nature, it is suitable for the entire family with the exception of pregnant women as coix seeds can cause uterus contraction. Rice water can strengthen the spleen and stomach and dispel dampness so it is effective to solve the problem of asthenic obesity with edema. You may add a little bit of red beans in the rice water to replenish blood and achieve rosy complexion.
Tea remedy to relieve edema
Effects: Strengthens spleen and dispels dampness. Suitable for people who always feel tired and with bloated limbs
Ingredients: 10g rice beans, 10g purple haricots, 10g hyacinth bean coats
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Combine all ingredients with 800ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
#男 #女 #我胖了 #我疲憊 #痰濕 #減肥
胃痛舒緩飲品 在 翰醫堂中醫診所 Facebook 的最佳解答