

在 聲明書英文declaration產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] The Trump-Kim Summit & Agreement 美國總統川普與朝鮮領導人金正恩舉行了兩國首腦之間的首次會晤! 週二早間,川普和金正恩走向對方,彼此握手,接下則是舉辦川金會和共同簽署文件! 同學們,這可是歷史性的一刻!!! 關鍵詞彙 (錄音檔: https://wp...

聲明書英文declaration 在 KayLA Chang✖️張凱拉 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-05 01:45:03

#Darcy_Kayla_wedding 《文件Documents》⠀ .⠀ 外國人在臺結婚這檔事?⠀ How do foreigners get married in Taiwan❓ .⠀ 絕對不是到戶政事務所挑個好日子登記就可以解決的事⠀ It’s never easy just to go t...

  • 聲明書英文declaration 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-06-12 12:56:04
    有 96 人按讚

    [時事英文] The Trump-Kim Summit & Agreement

    美國總統川普與朝鮮領導人金正恩舉行了兩國首腦之間的首次會晤! 週二早間,川普和金正恩走向對方,彼此握手,接下則是舉辦川金會和共同簽署文件! 同學們,這可是歷史性的一刻!!!

    關鍵詞彙 (錄音檔: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1wi):

    1. hail the start of... 歡呼...的開始
    2. a momentous step 重大的一步驟
    3. an improbable courtship 一個不太可能的求愛
    4. open a new chapter 打開新的篇章
    5. a reclusive country 一個與世隔絕的國家

    President Trump shook hands with Kim Jong-un of North Korea on Tuesday and hailed the start of a “terrific relationship,” a momentous step in an improbable courtship that has opened a new chapter for the world’s largest nuclear power and the most reclusive one.


    6. carefully choreographed 精心編排的
    7. stride toward 邁向
    8. in an attempt to 試圖
    9. resolve the crisis 解決危機
    10. a sitting American president 一位現任美國總統

    In a carefully choreographed encounter, Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim strode toward each other, arms extended— the first time a sitting American president and North Korean leader have ever met. Posing before a wall of American and North Korean flags, Mr. Trump put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. Then the two, alone except for their interpreters, walked off to meet privately in an attempt to resolve the crisis over North Korea’s nuclear program.


    11. have no doubt 毫無疑問
    12. sober-sounding 聽起來清醒的; somber-sounding 聽起來嚴肅的
    13. fetters on our limbs 在我們的四肢上的束縛
    14. obstacles on our way forward 我們前進道路上的障礙

    “I feel really great,” Mr. Trump said. “It’s gonna be a great discussion and I think tremendous success. I think it’s gonna be really successful and I think we will have a terrific relationship, I have no doubt.” A more sober-sounding Mr. Kim said: “It was not easy to get here. The past worked as fetters on our limbs, and the old prejudices and practices worked as obstacles on our way forward. But we overcame all of them, and we are here today.”


    15. reconvene with… 跟...重新集合 (開會)
    16. nuclear impasse 核武的僵局

    Later, as the two leaders reconvened with top aides, Mr. Trump declared of the nuclear impasse, “Working together, we will get it taken care of.”Mr. Kim responded, “There will be challenges ahead, but we will work with Trump.”


    17. work out nicely 圓滿的解決
    18. confident tone 有自信的語氣
    19. last-minute negotiation 最後一刻 ,最後的談判
    20. bridge gaps 彌合差距
    21. surrender its nuclear arsenal 放棄其核武庫

    “I just think it’s going to work out very nicely,” Mr. Trump had said on Monday, with the confident tone he has used from the moment in March when he accepted Mr. Kim’s invitation to meet. Even as he spoke, American and North Korean diplomats were struggling in a last-minute negotiation to bridge gaps on some of the most basic issues dividing the two sides, including the terms and timing under which the North would surrender its nuclear arsenal.


    22. lock down 鎖定
    23. joint communique 聯合的公報
    24. serve as 作為
    25. a road map for future negotiations 未來談判的藍圖
    26. more than a mere photo opportunity 不僅是個接受媒體拍照的機會

    The goal of the negotiators was to lock down the language of a joint communiqué to be issued by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim at the end of their meeting. If robust and detailed, such a statement could serve as a road map for future negotiations between the sides — and proof that the meeting was more than a mere photo opportunity.


    川金簽署聲明: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/12/full-text-of-the-trump-kim-summit-agreement.html (英文); https://goo.gl/6eyAQc (中文)


    1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.


    2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.


    3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.


    4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.



    現場直播: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4akFLFq3b-g


    Full article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/11/world/asia/trump-kim-summitmeeting.html


    高峰會的信件分析: https://goo.gl/FVHzVK


    時事英文新聞 (Breaking News): https://goo.gl/9M1sGM

  • 聲明書英文declaration 在 Travela 莎朗 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-08-01 19:25:40
    有 24 人按讚


    提提大家:只要曾經擁有BNO, 就可以重新申請, 詳情參考這裡: 續領BNO 攻略:

    1. 曾經擁有BNO
    不論過期多久/ 遺失/ 損毀都可" 續領"
    1. +/-舊BNO
    2. 白底證件相2張 (9.有講)
    3. 身份證雙面彩色影印
    4. 有申請人姓名的住址證明 (最好用政府/銀行文件)
    5. 特區護照(如有)全本彩色影印, 或 整本寄過去 (放心佢檢查完會獨立DHL番俾你)
    6. 信用卡俾錢
    7. LOST : 搵個人 有BNO/BC/英聯邦國家護照... 專業人士COUNTERSIGN
    8. 大信封
    1. 上 https://passportapplication.service.gov.uk/ips-olc/
    2. 用簡單英文揀 RENEW / LOST ....
    3. 用信用卡俾錢 32頁 $102.86英磅
    4. 到最後一步, 個網站會見到 同 要你SAVE低呢2樣野
    B. Passport Application Declaration 的PDF 檔
    5. Declaration from 印佢出黎, 一版一版睇清楚佢要D 咩, 因為人人可能有少少唔同
    6. 第一二版, 佢會講要你寄咩俾佢, 同寄去邊
    7. 第三版簽名 寫日子 (唔好簽出界!!!!)
    8. 第三版會講LOST 的 COUNTER 人士名簽名, PASSPORT NUMBER, 同係係相後寫D咩
    9. 第四五版講相片規格
    10. 成份 Passport Application Declaration 連同第一版佢要GE野入信封寄去第一版果個地址
    11. 去郵局寄掛號空郵, 一星期左右到, 可以同幾個FRD一齊入同信封寄會省運費,但你要預係同一個信封入面GE PASSPORT會一齊做, 邊個有問題都會攪到大家DELAY
    13. 你會先DHL 收到舊BNO+/- 特區護照(如你成本寄), 之後先會收到新BNO
    APPLEDAILY :不少市民對「副署」(countersign)問題存有疑問,一般BNO申請人可獲豁免填寫副署人一欄,但7年以上無續期、面容有很大變化、BNO已遺失或被盜或損毀、續領有效期受限制的護照,或者續領者個人資料有重大改變等等,申請人有可能要副署人簽署。

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