
為什麼這篇老梗鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在老梗這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者tuhsiaofu (老虎桑)看板movie標題[討論] 好萊塢老梗大集合時間Sat Oct ...

Netflix 日前播出,由羅伯洛擔任主述的紀錄短片《好萊塢老梗大集合》
Attack of the Hollywood Cliches!,整理歸納了以下各種在電影中出現,

The ‘Meet Cute’ in a rom-com

The Maverick Cop

The ‘Dead Man Walking’ secondary character who’s doomed to die

The funeral with someone attending from far away

The city of Paris, always letting us know we’re there with a shot of the Eiffel

Unusual props, such as the bag of baguettes

The character showing cockiness by eating an apple

The one-man army who kills all opponents

The fist fight, on a moving train

Metaphoric imagery to suggest sex or orgasm

The Spit Take

The Jump Scare

The Wilhelm scream

The Smurfette principle: One lone woman among the men/boys

Making women run in high heels

The Manic Pixie Dream Girl

The Montage

The Car Chase

The White Savior

The Magical Negro

“You killed my father”

Animals with a sixth sense

Expendable LGBTQ+ characters

The Badly-Timed Tech Fail

The Angry Desk Sweep

The Bad Guy

The Final Girl

The Ticking Time Bomb (Airplane!?)

The Mad Dash to Declare Love

The Good Guy always wins

過度衍伸的 LGBTQ 角色和神奇的黑人。



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1633182561.A.0FB.html
QchchQ : 前面有聲音 我去看看10/02 21:50
szdxc17 : 看了一下這好像蠻有趣的耶10/02 21:53
szdxc17 : 第四個超有感10/02 21:54
protess : 我還以為會有" Cool guys never watch the explosio10/02 21:55
protess : n10/02 21:55
※ 編輯: tuhsiaofu ( 臺灣), 10/02/2021 21:58:26
darkbrigher : 星艦戰將動畫版 記得有個黑人感嘆"我竟然活到最後"10/02 21:58
※ 編輯: tuhsiaofu ( 臺灣), 10/02/2021 22:01:29
jefffong5464: 有趣 The final girl 在影集美國恐怖故事S9有提到XD 10/02 22:02
DavidLoogan : 感謝推薦 正在看 還蠻有趣的 10/02 22:07
philip2364 : 找不到了,今天10/2日 10/02 22:20
Vassili242 : 主角任務成功,總部大家拍手擁抱 10/02 22:41
RachelMcAdam: 我愛神奇黑人 10/02 22:42
Warnerting : 難看 沒重點又充滿一堆政治正確的comment 10/03 11:27
poshboy : 今天才剛看完,根本是重點整理,超好用的老梗XD 10/07 13:12

