淡粉紅色 — 多為氣血不足、脾腎陽虛或脾虛痰濕,伴隨月經質稀或量少,出現唇色淡白、手腳容易冰冷、容易氣短、頭暈。
- 每天喝米水,適量補氣血
- 忌吃生冷、油膩難消化食物
鮮紅色 — 多因為血熱,陰虛體質,月經周期通常會提前、伴隨血量多、質稠、出現目赤咽乾、手足心熱、或大便偏硬、易便秘。
- 適量滋陰清熱
- 避免熬夜、進食羊肉、韭菜等性熱以及煎炸油膩、重口味食物
暗紫深紅色 — 多因為氣滯血瘀體質,月經伴隨乳房脹痛、血塊、少腹脹痛、或有痛經,出現容易焦慮煩躁,面色偏暗啞。
- 可在經期三至七日前進食或飲用疏肝理氣食材如白蘿蔔、陳皮、佛手、玫瑰花茶等
- 尋找能令自己放鬆的方法
- 避免熬夜
- 避免吃生冷、辛辣食物
Get to know the colour of your menstruation and what it means
Many ladies are concerned with when their period would come but has anyone stopped to check the colour? The colour and texture of your menstruation are indicative of your health. Healthy women should have menstruation that is dark red, not too thick or thin, does not coagulate, and does not unusual smell. If you have any of below conditions, you may need to check on your body.
Light pink- usually due to insufficient qi and blood, deficient spleen and kidney or asthenic spleen with phlegm and dampness. It is usually accompanied by low volume or thin menstruation, pale lips, prone to cold limbs, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
- have rice water daily, appropriately replenish qi and blood
- avoid cold and raw foods, and oily things that are hard to digest
Bright red- due to heat in blood or yin deficient bod type. Usually accompanied by early menstruation, high volume and thick texture, and red eyes, dry throat, hot hand and feet palms or dry and hard stool, and prone to constipation.
- appropriately nourish yin and clear heat
- avoid late nights, and avoid heat natured food such as lamb, chives as well as fried and heavy flavoured foods
Dull purple dark red- usually due to qi stagnation and blood stasis body types. Usually accompanied by tender breasts, blood clots in menstruation, bloating and cramps during menstruation, prone to anxiety, and dull complexion.
- consume ingredients that regulate qi such as white radish, dried citrus peel, buddha’s hand citron, and rose 3-7 days before period
- find ways to relax
- avoid late nights
(con’t jn comment)
經血顏色粉紅 在 Cosmopolitan HK Facebook 的最讚貼文
但係要塞啲嘢落去真係好令人卻步,到底 #月經杯 有咩好?
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經血顏色粉紅 在 BeautyExchange.com.hk Facebook 的精選貼文
經血顏色粉紅 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
淡粉紅色 — 多為氣血不足、脾腎陽虛或脾虛痰濕,伴隨月經質稀或量少,出現唇色淡白、手腳容易冰冷、容易氣短、頭暈。
- 每天喝米水,適量補氣血
- 忌吃生冷、油膩難消化食物
鮮紅色 — 多因為血熱,陰虛體質,月經周期通常會提前、伴隨血量多、質稠、出現目赤咽乾、手足心熱、或大便偏硬、易便秘。
- 適量滋陰清熱
- 避免熬夜、進食羊肉、韭菜等性熱以及煎炸油膩、重口味食物
暗紫深紅色 — 多因為氣滯血瘀體質,月經伴隨乳房脹痛、血塊、少腹脹痛、或有痛經,出現容易焦慮煩躁,面色偏暗啞。
- 可在經期三至七日前進食或飲用疏肝理氣食材如白蘿蔔、陳皮、佛手、玫瑰花茶等
- 尋找能令自己放鬆的方法
- 避免熬夜
- 避免吃生冷、辛辣食物
Get to know the colour of your menstruation and what it means
Many ladies are concerned with when their period would come but has anyone stopped to check the colour? The colour and texture of your menstruation are indicative of your health. Healthy women should have menstruation that is dark red, not too thick or thin, does not coagulate, and does not unusual smell. If you have any of below conditions, you may need to check on your body.
Light pink- usually due to insufficient qi and blood, deficient spleen and kidney or asthenic spleen with phlegm and dampness. It is usually accompanied by low volume or thin menstruation, pale lips, prone to cold limbs, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
- have rice water daily, appropriately replenish qi and blood
- avoid cold and raw foods, and oily things that are hard to digest
Bright red- due to heat in blood or yin deficient bod type. Usually accompanied by early menstruation, high volume and thick texture, and red eyes, dry throat, hot hand and feet palms or dry and hard stool, and prone to constipation.
- appropriately nourish yin and clear heat
- avoid late nights, and avoid heat natured food such as lamb, chives as well as fried and heavy flavoured foods
Dull purple dark red- usually due to qi stagnation and blood stasis body types. Usually accompanied by tender breasts, blood clots in menstruation, bloating and cramps during menstruation, prone to anxiety, and dull complexion.
- consume ingredients that regulate qi such as white radish, dried citrus peel, buddha’s hand citron, and rose 3-7 days before period
- find ways to relax
- avoid late nights
- avoid cold and raw foods as well as spicy things
#女 #經期 #氣虛 #血虛 #陰虛 #氣滯 #血瘀 #我畏冷 #我有壓力 #我煩燥 #頭暈