

在 經典名畫惡搞產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,319的網紅小女子的大日子,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 玩玩拼貼分享! 這次用 #聖三一學院的告白指南 http://bit.ly/3jtAIZ0 打底,搭配一點惡搞貼紙的趣味名畫 https://bit.ly/37m97oB 用不倒翁還願的「禮」搭配了一下日本許願的氛圍 跟經典的女孩貼紙! https://bit.ly/3jewHXr 還有必備的基礎款...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅廖人帥,也在其Youtube影片中提到,**影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio) Any work invitations please mail us: [email protected] 故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Inst...

經典名畫惡搞 在 GirlStyle 女生日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-12 11:55:00

【@girlstyle.mag 】日本可動關節「摩艾石像」Figure!⠀ .⠀⠀ 位於復活節島上的摩艾石像(Moai)絕對是不少人心目中的人生必去 Bucket List 之一!充滿神秘古文化色彩的摩艾石像,由 1995 年起被聯合國納入世界文化遺產,同時也是世界七大奇景之一。至今仍然未被完全解開...

  • 經典名畫惡搞 在 小女子的大日子 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-18 10:42:54
    有 2 人按讚

    這次用 #聖三一學院的告白指南


    #小女子的大日子#文具#復古文具#文具手帳#風格文具#拼貼#拼貼素材#拼貼藝術#拼貼手作#手帳#手帳生活#手帳好朋友#手帳新生活#復古素材#日系素材#復古元素#vintage#日系素材包#日系元素#빈티지다꾸 #종꾸 #봉투꾸미기 #봉꾸 #문덕스타그램 #문덕맞팔환영

  • 經典名畫惡搞 在 CosMart Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-10 10:04:00
    有 91 人按讚

    【Sanrio 惡搞名畫成功?】
    油畫近期超hit,今次Sanrio聯同法國著名博物館、台灣藝術團隊大搞經典藝術展,一同進駐MOSTown新港城中心,Sanrio大熱角色例如Hello Kitty、 Little Twin Stars、蛋黃哥等等成功融入 19件博物館內的名畫之中!

    7款沖焗式養生茶食譜推介 >>> https://bit.ly/350LXCX
    🦄Follow us on 👉🏻
    #Cosmogirl #Cosmohotnews #Cosmolifestyle

  • 經典名畫惡搞 在 Girl Secret Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-28 20:30:02
    有 3 人按讚

    - 《TALL GIRL》: 「非標準」美女,185CM背後的戀愛煩惱 (https://wp.me/paFLUT-2pw)
    - 迪士尼經典《獅子王》教會我們的四件人生哲理 (https://wp.me/paFLUT-2yv)
    - 日本年輕人現在都買二手化妝品,原因是虛榮感? (https://wp.me/paFLUT-2uX)
    🎈IG: Girl_Secret
    🎈YouTube Channel (Girl Secret) >>https://goo.gl/brHzPT

  • 經典名畫惡搞 在 廖人帥 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-09-30 16:06:14

    **影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio)
    Any work invitations please mail us:

    故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Institute of Chicago)的倒楣OL,莫名闖入名畫的世界,展開一連串不可思議的奇幻冒險。





    深度解密!!! 翻玩名畫與藝術家一覽:
    *事發地點-芝加哥美術館( The Art Institute of Chicago )
    名畫1.愛德華•霍普-夜遊者(Edward Hopper – Nighthawks)
    名畫2.梵谷-自畫像(Vincent Willem Van Gogh Museum) VAN GOGH Van Gogh Museum La Oreja de Van Gogh - Oficial
    名畫3.米勒-拾穗( Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses)
    名畫4.楊•維梅爾-戴珍珠耳環的少女( Johannes Vermeer -Het meisje met de parel)
    名畫5.安德魯•魏斯-克莉絲蒂娜的世界 ( @Andrew Nowell Wyeth -Christina's World)
    名畫6.喬治•秀拉-大碗島的星期天下午 ( Georges -Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte)
    名畫7.孟克-吶喊(Edvard Munch -Skrik)
    *亂入彩蛋-MIB Men In Black
    名畫8.達利-聖安東尼的誘惑(Salvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio) Salvador Dalí
    名畫9.瑪格利特-馬奇的夏天( Magritte Rene-The marches of summer )
    名畫10.艾雪-上下階梯(Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending) 莫里茲·柯尼利斯·艾雪
    名畫11.艾雪-畫廊(Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery)
    名畫12.瑪格利特-人子(Magritte Rene-The Son of Man)
    *偉大藝術家-達利像(Salvador Dali)
    *關於隱藏的第13幅藝術品: 在MV的1:35秒處點描派的爆炸瞬間,也展示了日本知名藝術家-草間彌生擅長的表現方式與符號

    Singer Zhang Liangying, portrays the role of an office lady and was presented at the beginning of the story. This unlucky lady was blamed by her boss over the phone when she visited the Art Institute of Chicago. Suddenly, she enters a world of famous paintings, and was on her way to a fantastic adventure.

    In this MV, we try to connect 12 world-known paintings through interesting and smooth transitions. The original values of those paintings are re-defined. For example, Van Gogh’s ear is bitten by Mike Tyson; when the girl in the Gleaners looks up, she becomes the Girl with A Pearl Earring; the two men in black at the end of the bridge in the Scream by Edvard Munch are actually MIB, and they scream because they see the big monster in the painting of Dali; and the man in suit sitting with his back to us in the lonely café of the last painting Nighthawks, is Dali, and so on.

    The 3D effect of those famous paintings is the largest challenge in this MV. We invited excellent artists to contribute their ideas and skills on all the scenes, costumes, actors and the singer. The innovative shooting methods are extremely experimental, which seems crazy!

    Although the concept of the script is radical, weird and wild, the revival of paintings, the integration of the new and the old, the copy of painting lines and the texture presentation in the production process are all challenges. The traditional arts and aesthetics are supported by creativity, and innovative story line and the overwhelming CG are integrated. The MV was made possible through the efforts of experts in various fields. We hope you enjoy it!

    The list of paintings and artists used in the MV:
    1. Edward Hopper – Nighthawks
    2. Vincent Willem van Gogh
    3. Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses
    4. Johannes Vermeer-Het meisje met de parel
    5.Andrew Nowell Wyeth-Christina's World
    6.Georges-Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte
    7. Edvard Munch-Skrik
    8.alvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio
    9. The marches of summer
    10. Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending
    11. Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery
    12. Magritte Rene-The Son of Man
    13. Salvador Dali

    * As for the 13th painting, the explosion at 1:35 of the MV adopts the style of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama.

  • 經典名畫惡搞 在 廖人帥 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-11-24 19:24:26

    **影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio)
    Any work invitations please mail us:

    Singer Zhang Liangying, portrays the role of an office lady and was presented at the beginning of the story. This unlucky lady was blamed by her boss over the phone when she visited the Art Institute of Chicago. Suddenly, she enters a world of famous paintings, and was on her way to a fantastic adventure.

    In this MV, we try to connect 12 world-known paintings through interesting and smooth transitions. The original values of those paintings are re-defined. For example, Van Gogh’s ear is bitten by Mike Tyson; when the girl in the Gleaners looks up, she becomes the Girl with A Pearl Earring; the two men in black at the end of the bridge in the Scream by Edvard Munch are actually MIB, and they scream because they see the big monster in the painting of Dali; and the man in suit sitting with his back to us in the lonely café of the last painting Nighthawks, is Dali, and so on.

    The 3D effect of those famous paintings is the largest challenge in this MV. We invited excellent artists to contribute their ideas and skills on all the scenes, costumes, actors and the singer. The innovative shooting methods are extremely experimental, which seems crazy!

    Although the concept of the script is radical, weird and wild, the revival of paintings, the integration of the new and the old, the copy of painting lines and the texture presentation in the production process are all challenges. The traditional arts and aesthetics are supported by creativity, and innovative story line and the overwhelming CG are integrated. The MV was made possible through the efforts of experts in various fields. We hope you enjoy it!

    The list of paintings and artists used in the MV:
    1. Edward Hopper – Nighthawks
    2. Vincent Willem van Gogh
    3. Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses
    4. Johannes Vermeer-Het meisje met de parel
    5.Andrew Nowell Wyeth-Christina's World
    6.Georges-Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte
    7. Edvard Munch-Skrik
    8.alvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio
    9. The marches of summer
    10. Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending
    11. Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery
    12. Magritte Rene-The Son of Man
    13. Salvador Dali

    * As for the 13th painting, the explosion at 1:35 of the MV adopts the style of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama.

    故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Institute of Chicago)的倒楣OL,莫名闖入名畫的世界,展開一連串不可思議的奇幻冒險。





    深度解密!!! 翻玩名畫與藝術家一覽:
    *事發地點-芝加哥美術館( The Art Institute of Chicago )
    名畫1.愛德華•霍普-夜遊者(Edward Hopper – Nighthawks)
    名畫2.梵谷-自畫像(Vincent Willem Van Gogh Museum) VAN GOGH Van Gogh Museum La Oreja de Van Gogh - Oficial
    名畫3.米勒-拾穗( Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses)
    名畫4.楊•維梅爾-戴珍珠耳環的少女( Johannes Vermeer -Het meisje met de parel)
    名畫5.安德魯•魏斯-克莉絲蒂娜的世界 ( @Andrew Nowell Wyeth -Christina's World)
    名畫6.喬治•秀拉-大碗島的星期天下午 ( Georges -Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte)
    名畫7.孟克-吶喊(Edvard Munch -Skrik)
    *亂入彩蛋-MIB Men In Black
    名畫8.達利-聖安東尼的誘惑(Salvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio) Salvador Dalí
    名畫9.瑪格利特-馬奇的夏天( Magritte Rene-The marches of summer )
    名畫10.艾雪-上下階梯(Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending) 莫里茲·柯尼利斯·艾雪
    名畫11.艾雪-畫廊(Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery)
    名畫12.瑪格利特-人子(Magritte Rene-The Son of Man)
    *偉大藝術家-達利像(Salvador Dali)
    *關於隱藏的第13幅藝術品: 在MV的1:35秒處點描派的爆炸瞬間,也展示了日本知名藝術家-草間彌生擅長的表現方式與符號

  • 經典名畫惡搞 在 真電玩宅速配 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2014-11-11 21:00:20

    群英科技今日舉辦記者會,宣布旗下手機遊戲品牌與世界各國製作團隊合作推出四款強力產品,包含與中國、日本、韓國以及台灣本土團隊「望星者」共同開發。《武裝姬攻超三國》是集結台灣知名畫師與中國製作團隊推出的新作,遊戲中刻板印象裡的三國角色通通萌化,變身成機甲美少女,也首創50對50的多人對戰模式,在技能施放的組合與參數上的設定也是市面上少見地複雜。《Stardust Story》是由日本知名製作人上原一暢設計製作,本作採用橫向回合制戰鬥,玩家將化身聖騎士梅登討伐魔物,也可以透過網路和玩家們在遊戲中進行5對5的公會戰,進行陣營對抗。《Drift City Mobile》則是與韓國開發團隊共同製作,將賽車遊戲打造成漫畫風格,另外加入了RPG養成元素,還可以透過道具玩出各種惡搞跑法。日本超紅的小說《羅德斯島戰記》也將推出手機版,讓新舊玩家都能再次體驗經典的故事內容。群英科技將旗下所有遊戲全球同步推出,希望能將好作品讓更多玩家知道,後續的遊戲消息也請繼續鎖定我們電玩宅速配囉。

    (C) 群英科技
