

在 紅豆薏米陳皮產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【產後調理】你知道坐月該吃甚麼嗎? ⭐很多人誤以為要一直補 ⭐補過頭上火便秘又增磅 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 坐月常識Q&A - 飲食篇 Q:坐月食療目的是補身嗎? A:不是每天進食大量滋補湯水就叫坐好個月,中醫理論認為產婦於坐月期間需按個別體質情況調養,尤其補身前要先健脾胃,因為脾胃...

紅豆薏米陳皮 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-06-03 11:34:42

【產後調理】你知道坐月該吃甚麼嗎? ⭐很多人誤以為要一直補 ⭐補過頭上火便秘又增磅 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 坐月常識Q&A - 飲食篇 Q:坐月食療目的是補身嗎? A:不是每天進食大量滋補湯水就叫坐好個月,中醫理論認為產婦於坐月期間需按個別體質情況調養,尤其補身前要先健脾胃,因為脾胃...

紅豆薏米陳皮 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-14 01:06:54

【水腫人生】水腫不是胖是真的! ⭐按體質挑選去水腫飲品 ⭐記得勿忘多喝清水 #星期四食材 打破「上鏡肥十磅」宿命 去水腫飲品大比拼 有說「上鏡肥十磅」,每日都要面對鏡頭的女星,究竟有何去水腫心得?有人趁化妝時喝杯黑咖啡,亦有人自備薏米水、紅豆水盛載在暖水壺中,隨身攜帶隨時飲用,究竟哪一種比較...

  • 紅豆薏米陳皮 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-31 19:05:06
    有 74 人按讚



    坐月常識Q&A - 飲食篇



    A:喝米水是中醫的傳統智慧,以紅米、白米、薏米調配而成的米水能健脾胃,有助身體復原,而炒米水健脾胃之餘也能暖胃袪寒。產婦產後即可飲用炒米水,先不用添加紅棗、陳皮或其他藥材,以免太熱氣。如身體有偏熱症狀如有痔瘡、口瘡、盜汗、喉嚨痛等則宜飲屬性平和的米水 。哺乳媽媽尤其需要水分才會有足夠的母乳,所以每天宜多喝暖水及米水。



    ✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:炒米水

    ✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水


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    Confinement Month Q&A – F&B edition

    Q:Are confinement meals meant to nourish the body?
    A: An effective postnatal care is not just about nourishing the body. Chinese Medicine theories believe that women need to customize confinement plans based on their body conditions.

    Before nourishing the body, it is important to strengthen the spleen and stomach first. A good spleen and stomach can only absorb the nutrients from the confinement meals and help moms boost milk production and recuperate faster.

    Consuming nourishing ingredients without understanding their needs would only add on to the burden of the spleen and stomach. An over-nourished person would not only gain weight more easily but also cause heat to accumulate in the body, accompanying symptoms include constipation and dry mouth and tongue.

    Q:What should we eat during confinement?
    A: It is best to eat more meals. Five to six meals a day would be ideal. Eat light foods that are rich in nutrients, but do opt for ingredients that are mild in nature.

    The best ways to prepare each meal are steaming, cooking, stewing, and simmering, as the spleen and stomach can better absorb the nutrients from the ingredients.

    Avoid raw and cold foods as well as those that are cool in nature. According to the individual’s body constitution, add ingredients that can nourish qi and blood, such as dried citrus peel, glehnia root, polygonatum odoratum, codonopsis root, and pseudostellaria heterophylla root. Having soups that can strengthen the spleen and stomach is also good for mothers during confinement.

    Q:Why should mothers during confinement drink fried rice tea/fried rice water?
    A: The practice of drinking rice water comes from the wisdom of Chinese Medicine. Rice water made from red rice, white rice, and coix seed can strengthen the spleen and stomach and help the body recuperate faster.
    Likewise, fried rice water can also strengthen the spleen and stomach. It can even warm the stomach and dispel cold from the body. Women who have just given birth can drink fried rice water immediately.

    For those with heat-related symptoms such as hemorrhoid, canker sores, night sweats, and sore throat, it is best to drink rice water that is mild in nature. Mothers who breastfeed need to regularly hydrate the body to ensure constant milk production. Hence, it is best to drink more warm water and rice water daily.

    Q:Does drinking soup cause edema during confinement?
    A: Symptoms such as swelling on the ankles after delivering are due to excessive blood loss during childbirth. When the qi in the body is damaged and the spleen and stomach weaken, dampness can more easily stagnate in the body.

    Other related symptoms include yellowish complexion and the swelling of the face, eyes, and limbs. You can drink herbal teas that contain poria, dried orange peel, and hyacinth bean coat to get rid of water retention. Red bean rice water could also relieve the symptoms.

    Q:Besides giving ginger vinegar to friends and family members, can new mothers consume them?
    A: Ginger vinegar can dispel wind and cold from the body and at the same time, invigorate the blood and clear blood stasis in the body. Likewise, Chinese Medicine believes that a woman’s body experience deficiency and blood stasis after childbirth.

    Hence, new mothers who have gone through natural birth can start taking ginger vinegar after twelve days, whereas those opted for C-section can consume it after 20 to 30 days (or after the lochia discharge has ceased).

    Ginger vinegar is suitable for new mothers with a cold body constitution, so individuals with a heaty body should avoid consuming it excessively. It is fine to take a sip of the vinegar but avoid eating the ginger.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Fried Rice Water
    Ingredients: Fried White Rice
    Effects: Warm stomach and dispel cold. Warm limbs.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Reduces water retention. Relieves abdominal bloating. Improves yellowish complexion.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Edema
    Ingredients: Chinese yam , hyacinth bean coat, poria, dried citrus peel
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves bloatedness, lower-body bloating and eyelid swelling.

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

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    #女 #孕婦

  • 紅豆薏米陳皮 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-11 18:44:42
    有 237 人按讚




    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:水腫腫


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    Breaking the ‘looking ten pounds heavier on screen’ curse
    Battle of drinks to dispel dampness

    It is often said that people will look ten pounds heavier on screen. How do female celebrities, who have to be in front of the camera regularly, avoid water retention? While some will drink a cup of black coffee when they are doing their makeup, some will prepare their own coix seed water or red bean water in their thermos and bring it along wherever they go.

    Which of these drinks are more effective then? It all depends on your body constitution! From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, coffee is warm in nature and has diuretic properties. Some view it as the remedy to get rid of water retention, but individuals with a heat related body constitution need to be mindful of this fact. Excessive consumption of coffee can cause the accumulation of heat in the body and our skin will dehydrate more easily.

    Coix seed water, on the other hand, is cool in nature, and can dissipate heat and eliminate dampness from the body. Hence, it is suitable for individuals with the phlegm-dampness. However, people with a weak and cold spleen and stomach should not drink coix seed water excessively.

    Red bean can nourish the blood and stomach, but it is not as effective in eliminating dampness from the body. The so-called red beans actually refer to rice beans, which are mild in nature. It can strengthen the spleen and has diuretic properties. While any individuals with the water retention problem can have this and those with frequent urination issues should not consume too regularly.

    ✔CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Edema
    Ingredients: Chinese yam , hyacinth bean coat, poria, dried citrus peel
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves bloatedness, lower-body bloating and eyelid swelling.
    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我胖了 #痰濕 #濕熱

  • 紅豆薏米陳皮 在 果籽 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-01 09:00:33
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