1. 全部材料洗淨,紅莧菜切走過老的莖皮;蒜頭去皮拍扁;瘦肉切片,加入醃料醃至少15分鐘。
2. 在深鍋裡加油燒熱,加入薑片及肉片炒香,加入約1500毫升水,武火煮至水滾,加入紅莧菜及蒜頭,改用文火煮10分鐘,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Red amaranth garlic soup can clear heat and kill germs
Some people think red amaranth can nourish the blood. From a nutritional perspective, red amaranth contains higher iron and calcium as compared to the other amanranth. Hence, it can improve blood production and circulation. Red amaranth is also high in anthocyanin, which has antioxidant properties and is good for the eyes.
From the Chinese Medicine’s perspective, amaranth is cool in nature. It can clear heat, brighten the vision, and promote bowel movements and urination. Since red is generally good for the heart, red amaranth can nourish the blood too.
The taste of amaranth and garlic goes very well together. Besides frying, we can use them to make soup. This red amaranth garlic soup can clear the heat, brighten the eyes, and help prevent bacterial gastroenteritis especially during summer.
Red amaranth and garlic soup with pork
Effects: Clears heat and improves vision, alleviates constipation. Prevent diseases such as bacterial enteritis and dysentery.
Ingredients: 1/2 catty red amaranth, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 200g lean pork, 2 slices of ginger, salt to taste
Marinade: 1 teaspoon light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, sesame oil, white pepper powder and corn starch to taste
(To be contact in comment column)
紅莧菜湯功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 全部材料洗淨,紅莧菜切走過老的莖皮;蒜頭去皮拍扁;瘦肉切片,加入醃料醃至少15分鐘。
2. 在深鍋裡加油燒熱,加入薑片及肉片炒香,加入約1500毫升水,武火煮至水滾,加入紅莧菜及蒜頭,改用文火煮10分鐘,最後下鹽調味即可。
留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
Red amaranth garlic soup can clear heat and kill germs
Some people think red amaranth can nourish the blood. From a nutritional perspective, red amaranth contains higher iron and calcium as compared to the other amanranth. Hence, it can improve blood production and circulation. Red amaranth is also high in anthocyanin, which has antioxidant properties and is good for the eyes.
From the Chinese Medicine’s perspective, amaranth is cool in nature. It can clear heat, brighten the vision, and promote bowel movements and urination. Since red is generally good for the heart, red amaranth can nourish the blood too.
The taste of amaranth and garlic goes very well together. Besides frying, we can use them to make soup. This red amaranth garlic soup can clear the heat, brighten the eyes, and help prevent bacterial gastroenteritis especially during summer.
Red amaranth and garlic soup with pork
Effects: Clears heat and improves vision, alleviates constipation. Prevent diseases such as bacterial enteritis and dysentery.
Ingredients: 1/2 catty red amaranth, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 200g lean pork, 2 slices of ginger, salt to taste
Marinade: 1 teaspoon light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, sesame oil, white pepper powder and corn starch to taste
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Cut red amaranth through the old stem bark. Peel the garlic and pat flat with the back of a knife. Slice the pork and add the marinade and marinate for at least 15 minutes.
2. Heat oil in a deep pot, add ginger slices and pork slices and sauté until fragrant. Add about 1500 ml of water and cook until the water boils. Add red amaranth and garlic, simmer for 10 minutes. Add salt to taste.
Note: Amaranth is cool in nature, ginger and garlic can reduce its coolness.
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紅莧菜湯功效 在 Cici小廚房 Facebook 的最佳貼文
牛大力有助補虛潤肺,強筋活絡,治療腰肌勞損;土茯苓除濕解毒、通利關節,有效治療皮膚痕癢;粉葛有清熱下火、生津之效,再加入赤小豆 、扁豆等袪濕藥材。
野生粉葛 1斤半
土茯苓 1個
牛大力 1條
赤小豆 1両
白扁豆 1両
紅蘿蔔 1條
果皮 2塊
蜜棗 3粒
薑片 4片
豬展 半斤
清水 4公升
1. 牛大力、土伏苓,粉葛用清水清洗數次,備用。
2. 豬展洗淨,切成小塊,用「跑活水」汆水約30分鐘,沖洗乾淨,備用。
3. 白扁豆、赤小豆、蜜棗浸洗片刻,倒去水分,備用。果皮用水浸軟,刮去果囊。
4. 紅蘿蔔去皮洗淨滾刀切成大塊,備用。
5. 將所有材料放入鍋中,注入清水,煲沸後,用中火煲30分鐘後,轉小火煲3小時,加入少許鹽調味,即成。
🔹粉葛: 可解肌暑熱,去骨火,生津止渴
🔹牛大力: 有助補虛潤肺,強筋活絡,治療腰肌勞損
🔹土茯苓: 除濕解毒、通利關節,有效治療皮膚痕癢
🔹果皮: 可化痰濕, 健脾胃
🔹白扁豆: 有健脾和中,消暑袪濕的作用
🔹赤小豆: 偏涼,有利尿消腫,益胃健脾,清熱燥濕的作用
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紅莧菜湯功效 在 Cici小廚房 Facebook 的最佳解答
春回大地,天氣潮濕,啲老朋友又番嚟搵我 😫😫,令人很煩躁 😓😓 數年前,老朋友番嚟搵我,煲[莧菜頭紅蘿蔔薏米湯]👉🏻 http://bit.ly/2WkhFX2,都頗有功效。這次請教了中醫師,首個星期煲兩次袪濕解毒湯,跟著再煲健脾湯。
勒莧菜頭清熱解毒的功效十分出色,味道帶甘淡,對紓緩濕疹最為有效。再加入粉葛、赤小豆 、扁豆等袪濕藥材。由於這幾種食材都徧寒涼,所以必須加入薑片和果皮平衡。
野生粉葛 1斤半
勒莧菜頭 1斤
赤小豆 1両
白扁豆 1両
紅蘿蔔 1條
粟米 1條
果皮 2塊
蜜棗 3粒
薑片 4片
豬展 半斤
清水 4公升
1. 勒莧菜頭洗刷乾淨,用清水浸 1 小時,把泥土完全浸掉。
2. 豬展洗淨,切成小塊,用「跑活水」汆水約30分鐘,沖洗乾淨,備用。
3. 將粉葛去皮切件,洗淨。
4. 白扁豆、赤小豆、蜜棗浸洗片刻,倒去水分,備用。果皮用水浸軟,刮去果囊。
➡️勒莧菜頭可於山草藥店購買。 清洗時,必須帶上手套,用牙刷刷洗乾淨,因為勒莧菜頭帶刺。
➡️ 野生粉葛可於山草藥購買,功效更顯著。
🔹勒莧菜頭: 清熱解毒、消炎、祛水腫、清理腸臟濕熱
🔹粉葛: 可解肌暑熱,去骨火,生津止渴
🔹果皮: 可化痰濕, 健脾胃
🔹白扁豆: 有健脾和中,消暑袪濕的作用。
🔹赤小豆: 偏涼,有利尿消腫,益胃健脾,清熱燥濕的作用。
📌 Cici小廚房 mewe page:
📌 FB page: http://bit.ly/2YRzyhD
📌 IG: http://bit.ly/2NKvtWp
📌 mewe page:
📌 Blogger: http://www.cici-kitchen.com
📬 email: cici.kitchen@yahoo.com
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