

在 糖尿病手腳麻痺產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過48萬的網紅我是中壢人,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #高端後死亡個案 桃園56歲男子,施打當晚身體不適,有高血壓高血脂的慢性疾病,初步判定是心肌梗塞造成。 桃園44歲男子,施打隔天昏倒送醫不治,男子有糖尿病的病史且體重近130公斤,本身就是慢性病高危險群。 基隆41歲女子, 上午打完高端疫苗後,下午出現手腳麻痺、胸悶到台大急診,突然...

糖尿病手腳麻痺 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-04 03:06:27

【飲酒迷思】小酌怡情,多喝傷身 ⭐心情不佳不宜喝酒 ⭐酒入愁腸愁更愁 #星期六隻眼閉 你適合喝酒嗎? 不少男士都喜歡「飲返兩杯」,酒是減壓、交際應酬不可少的飲料,從中醫角度來看,酒也是一種中藥,無論是葡萄酒、啤酒、燒酒、白酒或是黃酒,都是屬性偏溫,有散寒氣、通血脈的功效,與所有食材一樣,適量及配...

糖尿病手腳麻痺 在 薯條安|營養生活|插畫 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 11:04:29

. 大家都知道我們慢性病三大巨頭(我自己取名) ✨糖尿病、高血壓、高血脂✨ 他們相互扶持、相互促進、相互影響~😎  今天就來簡單說說為什麼糖尿病人, 許多後來都#洗腎、#視力下降、#手腳麻痺⋯ ✔️糖尿病也就是血中糖太多沒辦法好好利用 血糖高久了會對血管產生病變、硬化😱  💁🏻‍♀...

糖尿病手腳麻痺 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 01:34:07

【改善體質】氣血兩虛容易染病  #氣血就好像一架車的引擎和燃料 #人虛弱病邪容易有機可乘 #星期四食材  溫補氣血四大食材 「氣為血之帥,血為氣之母」,中醫理論認為氣血關係密不可分,兩者均是維持生命活動的最基本要素,只要氣血循環好,身體自然健康。氣血虛弱的人會出現面色偏白、手腳冰冷甚至...

  • 糖尿病手腳麻痺 在 我是中壢人 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-25 14:50:07
    有 360 人按讚




    基隆41歲女子, 上午打完高端疫苗後,下午出現手腳麻痺、胸悶到台大急診,突然昏倒後,斷層掃描發現是頸動脈剝離。


  • 糖尿病手腳麻痺 在 中時新聞網 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-25 14:26:37
    有 296 人按讚

    再添一名打完高端後死亡! (#日青編)

    #高端 #基隆 #手腳 #麻痺

  • 糖尿病手腳麻痺 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-17 08:30:05
    有 113 人按讚




    - 手足冰冷等虛寒症狀
    - 手腳麻痺、關節疼痛等氣血不通的症狀
    - 淋雨或感受寒濕之邪
    - 外傷跌打後用作活血化瘀

    - 胃病
    - 肝病
    - 痛風
    - 高血壓
    - 心臟病
    - 糖尿病患者
    - 月經期間、孕婦及哺乳期婦女
    - 濕熱
    - 痰濕
    - 陰虛





    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Is alcohol good for you?
    Many men enjoy an alcoholic drink every now and then. Besides treating it as a stress reliever, alcohol is also an important beverage in social events. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, alcoholic drinks, be it red wine, beer, shoju, white wine, or millet wine, they are all warm in nature and can dispel cold in the body and improve blood circulation. Just like any ingredients, individuals should consume them in an appropriate amount based on their body constitutions to improve the circulation of qi and blood.

    Excessive drinking can cause dampness to accumulate in the body, induce phlegm production, and clear heat, affecting the functions of the liver and spleen. Besides, city folks tend to sleep late and are not mindful of their diets. It is easier for damp heat to accumulate in their body when they consume alcoholic beverages. Hence, it is crucial not to over-indulge in these drinks.

    You can have an appropriate amount of alcoholic beverages if you have these symptoms:
    - Symptoms such as cold limbs
    - Numbness on the limbs, joint pain and stagnation of qi and blood
    - After being invaded by the dampness and cold pathogenic factors or getting wet in the rain
    - Has external injuries (alcohol can invigorate the blood and clear stasis)

    You should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages if you have these symptoms:
    - Gastrointestinal problem
    - Liver problem
    - Gout
    - Hypertension
    - Heart diseases
    - Diabetic
    - Women during menstruation, pregnant women, and mothers who are breastfeeding
    - Damp heat
    - Phlegm-dampness
    - Yin deficiency

    If you unintentionally consumed alcoholic drinks excessively and have a hangover, try eating pomelo, pear, watermelon, banana, apple, or orange, as these fruits can help relieve the condition. You can also make yourself a cup of American ginseng and dried pear tea to reduce the discomfort of a hangover.

    American Ginseng tea with pear
    Effects: Helps to sober up. Relieves symptoms such as heavy headedness, nausea, lack of appetite after drinking.
    Ingredients: 1 tablespoon American Ginseng, 3-4 pieces dried pear
    Preparation: Place all ingredients into thermos. Rinse once with hot water, add in hot water and steep for 15 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens.

    ✔CheckCheckCin Rice Water Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Reduce water retention. Relieve abdominal bloating. Improve yellowish complexion.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

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