題外話: Loki 第一集在上週末看完! 第二集明晚要看 ! 最近在 Youtube 常看「 X 分鐘看完一季影集⠀」, Netflix 禁忌少女 (轉學來的女生) 第一季與第二季很有趣.
📍Vice Versa Part 1
題外話: Loki 第一集在上週末看完! 第二集明晚要看 ! 最近在 Youtube 常看「 X 分鐘看完一季影集⠀」, Netflix 禁忌少女 (轉學來的女生) 第一季與第二季很有趣.
📍Vice Versa Part 1
這家餐酒館的全名是 Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen, 白天賣咖啡甜點, 晚上則成為台北餐酒館, 這次也是六位饕友將近刷菜單, 沒點酒的原因是餐廳比較傾向客人點一整瓶酒, 他們的 House Wine 單杯酒並沒有引起我的興趣.
📍價格與全部內容請到 @globalfoodelicious 首頁網站文章
Part 1 前菜照片有
✅ 蛤蜊鍋
✅ 爐烤香餅
✅ 布拉塔起司
✅ 油封蘑菇
✅ 醃白鳳尾魚
✅ 鹽醃鮭魚
**這裡裝潢蠻美, Trendy For Sure.
Off Topic: I watched Loki first episode last weekend! Now the 2nd episode is out. Recently, I like watching “Finished Watching One Season in X Minutes” on youtube. Thai Drama “
Girl from Nowhere Season 1 & 2 are quite interesting.
📍Vice Versa Part 1
Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen is Taipei Bistro by night. It is also one of the restaurants near Guting MRT station. Foodie friends and I almost ordered every dish on the menu. The restaurant prefer the customers to order a whole bottle. I wasn’t interested in their house wine single glass.
📍There are more details and price at @globalfoodelicious website article.
Part 1 appetizer pic as following:
✅ Clam Pot
✅ Flat Bread
✅ Burrata Cheese
✅ Confit Mushrooms Garlic Balsamic
✅ Marinated White Anchovies
✅ Cured Salmon
** The restaurant has trendy decoration for sure.
💰 均價: NTD $700 ~ NTD $800/人
🔍 #娜姐中正區美食
🔍 #foodie_zhongzhengfood
🔍 #娜姐餐酒館
📣 Blog Website: @globalfoodelicious
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禁忌少女netflix 在 超強系列SuperAwesome Facebook 的最佳解答
How do you think about the new Thai series "Girl from Nowhere"?
#轉學來的女生 #girlfromnowhere #netflix
禁忌少女netflix 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
話說我昨天在 Netflix 看完火神接到了這部,馬上就被第一集徹底吸引無法自拔(該不會是因為我當了10年老師),後來才知道是我後知後覺100步,這部2018就在泰國上了!相見恨晚。還來得及現在 Netflix 有了,第二季也已經上了,看過的快跟我分享心得!