

在 祝福英文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅汗語字典,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 前陣子教了大家很多英文的量詞,這邊複習一下: A group of unicorns - blessing (祝福) A group of frogs - army (軍隊) A group of fishes - school or shoal (學校 / 淺灘) 再來教你們幾個超奇怪的: A g...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台,也在其Youtube影片中提到,For the year 2020, Dharma Drum Mountain has chosen “Nurture blessings, and you will be blessed” as its annual theme, inviting people to explore their ...

祝福英文 在 邵大倫 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 02:45:04

收到金鐘入圍證書了🙂 這週六就是頒獎典禮,廣播人的同溫層很厚很溫暖,邀請大家關注廣播產業,一起來取暖🎧 再貼一次入圍感言,讓大家更認識《音樂大輪轉》 感謝評審們的肯定,讓《音樂大輪轉》這個新節目有一個被祝福的開始,在無常變日常的這年,能繼續進行自己所熱愛的工作,還能用流行音樂來互相陪伴,我很珍惜...

祝福英文 在 抽獎中/越南·台北·三峽·住宿·景點 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 18:14:06

🔍特殊標籤:#ly18吃越南#ly18喝飲料#ly18吃甜點 📍 @thenotecoffee 「便利貼咖啡廳」 這家店的特色就是,可以在便利貼上寫下自己的願望後貼在你喜歡的各個角落💗 算是觀光客必訪景點之一,所以店員的英文都還不錯👍🏻 他們也會一一詢問客人需不需要幫忙拍照📷 如果客人同意,他...

  • 祝福英文 在 汗語字典 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-17 12:00:18
    有 309 人按讚

    A group of unicorns - blessing (祝福)
    A group of frogs - army (軍隊)
    A group of fishes - school or shoal (學校 / 淺灘)
    A group of owls - parliament (議會)
    A group of alligators - congregation (教徒)
    A group of bats - cauldron (釜)
    A group of bears - sloth (懶惰 or 樹懶)

    #汗語字典 | #自創語錄 | #搞笑語錄
    #負能量 | #繁體字 | #搞笑 | #台灣
    #中文 | #字典 | #笑話
    #厭世 | #惡搞 | #爆笑
    #拼音 | #生活 | #語錄
    #HanyuDict #chinese #dictionary
    #funnyposts #funnychinese
    #instacomedy #funny #taiwan

  • 祝福英文 在 洪欣熱血學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-30 11:01:53
    有 9 人按讚

    Let's celebrate Near Year's Eve! 🎇
    跨年、新年願望、祝福 英文怎麼說?❤️

    #洪欣老師 #countdown #newyear #resolution


  • 祝福英文 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-06-07 15:34:17
    有 35 人按讚

    想要祝新人白頭偕老嗎?你可以這樣說:May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together.
    #林志玲 #結婚 #akira #放浪兄弟 #白頭偕老 #may #祝福 #英文 #翻譯 #賓狗 #單字 #bingo #bilingual

  • 祝福英文 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-17 13:31:52

    For the year 2020, Dharma Drum Mountain has chosen “Nurture blessings, and you will be blessed” as its annual theme, inviting people to explore their inner treasure mountains and cultivate their merit-fields.

    DDM abbot president Ven. Guo Huei urges the public to develop a grateful mind that knows to be content, thereby bringing peace to self and others, as a way to nurture blessings for ourselves. At the same time we should make good wishes and happily practice the action of giving, to cultivate good relations with others, for the benefit of all.

    For the new year, let us all vow to change ourselves by starting with the mind, counting our blessings while acting for the benefit of others, thereby creating happiness and well-being for all people in the world. That way, we will truly be blessed.


  • 祝福英文 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-07-26 16:00:15


    For 2017, Dharma Drum Mountain has chosen “Bring blessings and wisdom home” as its annual theme. Ven. Guo Dong, abbot president of DDM, urges us to look after ourselves with wisdom and a mind of gratitude while applying compassion and practicing giving to care for our family and the surrounding environment. He also encourages people to practice the bodhisattva path by taking the thoughts and actions of all beings as the family, and then progress from smaller to bigger, from inside to outside, cultivating blessings and wisdom, transmitting the mind of wisdom to our future generations.

