
為什麼這篇研究所口試英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在研究所口試英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者fungihsu (Work hard/Play hard)看板Biotech標題Re: {請益...

研究所口試英文 在 ? ᴿᴱᴮᴱᶜᴬ小花ᵕ̈☽⋆? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-23 19:01:24

每個人都有上台的機會 但機會都藏在那些 別人看不到的日子裡日積月累 最常收到訊息問 小花你覺得學歷重要嗎 看看我現在自己創業 外加在學校當英文講師 好像只有講師身分需要學歷 比起去想學歷重不重要 我更思考 前進和待在現況 哪樣對我來說更有希望 我在一上大學就知道自己要考研究所 大三去問考研...

※ 引述《mmrock (像風一樣的男子N￾ ￾ )》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 translator 看板]
: 作者: mmrock (像風一樣的男子N￾ ￾ ) 看板: translator
: 標題: {請益}研究所口試英文自介
: 時間: Fri Mar 20 23:37:23 2009
: 最近考研究所要第二階段口試(台大毒理所)
: 不知道版上的高手可否幫幫忙
: 幫我看一下我的英文自介
: 用字遺詞,句子語氣上適不適用,或是文法有出錯等等
: 感激不盡
: 若有違反任何版規 我會自D的
: 原文大意:
: 各位教授好,學生王偉丞,出生於台南,畢業於國立台南一中,目前就讀於高雄師範大學
: 生物科技系。在大二的時候,加入系上陳建成老師細胞傳遞實驗室,參與B. cereus
: signal transduction相關研究,從中學習到了gene cloning、overexpression、
: 蛋白質純化與分析等技術. 在求學的過程,取得了全民英檢中級證書、多益800分
: 藍色證書、日文檢定三級證書,選擇報考貴所是因為,大學實驗相關課程引發了我的興趣,
: 而且,幾近年來,世界各地食品藥物中毒事件層出不窮,毒理學的研究對人類已越來越
: 重要,希望我有這個榮幸進入貴所參與研究,謝謝各位老師!!!
: 譯文(我照上面的大意自己又加了幾句來翻的,所以並沒有完全一樣)
: Good afternoon, everybody(professors?)
: My name is Weicheng Wang. I was born in Tainan city. I graduated from
: Tainan First Senior High School. At present, I am studying in Koushioung
I am studying in biotechnology department of Kaoshioung Normal University.
: Normal University, Biotechnologh department. In my sophomore year, I got
: a chance to join the professor of our department Cheng-Cheng-Cheng’s lab,
: whose research is concerned about B. cereus signal transduction. In the lab,
I joined professor Chien-cheng Chen's lab in my deparment, focusing on B.
cereus signal transduction.
: I was involved in the research and learned some useful biotechnologies,
I was involved in studying ..(what you worked on) and have learned a lot of
techniques, such as...
: such as gene cloning, overexpression, protein purification and analysis,etc.
: In order to learn many skills of foriegn language, I have passed some language
In order to sharpen my skills of foreign language, I have...
: proficiency tests to enrich myself: In GEPT,I achieved the Intermediate level
: , In TOEIC, I acheived 800 scores. In Japansese proficiency test, I got the
: certificate of third level. The reason why I choose Toxicology institute is
: because the related-course I took in college aroused my intrests, and
: in recent years, because the event of food and drug posioning
: have been emerging around the world, the reseach on this field has become
: more and more significant. I hope I have a chance to be part of Toxicology
: institue and I will do my best!!! Thanks for your listening.
The reson why I choose Toxicology insititue is because the related lab course
I took in college inspired my interests in toxicology. In addition, the
emerging events of food and drug poisoning in recent years prove the
significance of research in this field. I hope....

My two cents..

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
mmrock:謝謝你的校閱 誠心感謝 我會好好加油的~ 03/23 13:04
tk:Biotechnology Department at University 04/11 18:23

