

在 白米功效產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【一臉病容】每月總有幾日面無血色嚇親人 ⭐氣血虛弱經痛特別嚴重 ⭐記得月經完結後調理身體 #星期三CheckCheckMail 月經到就面青唇白? 黎小姐:「每次月經到我都面青唇白,有一次甚至把男友嚇倒,他以為我重病呢!」 CheckCheckCin:從中醫角度來看,面色青與寒凝氣滯、脈絡鬱阻...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,900的網紅Daddy Frank,也在其Youtube影片中提到,98 養陰潤肺寧心安神 百合粥 | 秋天・秋分 |【特別企劃.第四季】 養生食療、養生食譜 96 #百合 #白粥 #百合粥 #甜粥 #甜點 #美味い #scrumptious ------------------------------------------------------------...

白米功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 02:17:30

【食材百科】你平日吃哪一種米? #沒有哪一種米最好 #痛症患者要避免糯米 #星期四食材 米,你吃對了嗎? 米是香港人的主要糧食之一,隨著大家的健康意識提高,對米的要求亦越來越多,餐桌上除白飯,還會吃糙米、紅米甚至十五穀米,雖然都是米糧,但其實屬性和功效都大不同,每種米各有長短,配合自己體質就是最...

白米功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:22:09

各式各「米」🌾 #米主要都係健脾養胃 #食唔到飯都飲番杯米水 #CheckCheckCin ✧白米﹣又稱粳米、大米, 可補氣養脾胃、除煩渴、長肌肉及止腹瀉。 ✧紅米﹣是糙米的一種,由於留有較多未磨走的表殼,更有營養,和白米功效相約,適合有糖尿、貧血、肥胖和便秘的人。 ✧小米﹣益氣,可補虛損及健脾胃。...

  • 白米功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 11:51:05
    有 69 人按讚





    ✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:火龍果玫瑰茶

    ✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:山楂烏龍茶

    ✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:炒米水

    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:紅粉緋緋

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    Do you become pale during menstruation?
    “My lips and face always turn pale during menstruation. One time, my boyfriend was so shocked that he thought I was severely ill!”

    CheckCheckCin: From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, a person’s complexion becomes pale when there is a stagnation of qi and cold in the body and the disruption of the circulation in the Meridians, blood, and qi.

    (1) Women with a weak and cold body constitution can become pale easily. They would also experience soreness on the waist. Try pressing or placing something warm on the abdomen to relieve the pain during and after menstruation.

    Consuming raw and cold food regularly or catching a cold can cause cold and dampness pathogens to attack the body, hence, causing menstrual pain. It would be beneficial for individuals to consume cinnamon, ginger, longan, brown sugar, roasted rice water, and ‘Blushing (herbal tea)’.

    (2) Women with the qi-stagnation and blood-stasis body constitution might experience bloating and pain on the abdomen a day or two before the period. Other symptoms include breast swelling or menstrual clot.

    Poor circulation of the qi and blood, stagnation of the qi, the accumulation of blood in the uterus are causes of pain during period. The stagnation of the Meridians and blood would further cause the color to drain from the face. Hence, women should consume rose flower, motherwort, Panax Notoginseng, white radish, Chinese hawthorn, ‘Dragon Fruit Rose Tea
    (rice water)’, and ‘Chinese Hawthorn Tea(rice water)’.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Rice Water Recommendation : Dragon Fruit Rose Tea
    Ingredients: Dragon Fruit Juice, Rose, Oolong Tea
    Effects: Relieves stress, moistens the bowels to relieve constipation. Suitable for difficulty passing stool, stress, frequent sighs, and dull complexion.
    *Not suitable for pregnant women and women during menstruation

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Rice Water Recommendation: Chinese Hawthorn Tea
    Ingredients: Hawthorn, Oolong Tea
    Effects:Aids weight loss and improves fat-burn, regulates qi to enhance blood flow. Suitable for indigestion, dull complexion, skin discoloration and chubbiness.
    *Not suitable for pregnant women and women during menstruation

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Rice Water Recommendation: Fried Rice Water
    Ingredients: Fried White Rice
    Effects: Warms the stomach and dispels cold. Warms limbs.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Beauty Tea Recommendation: Blushing
    Ingredients: Red date, dried longan, wolfberry, chrysanthemum, sweet osmanthus, American ginseng, Maojian tea, rock sugar
    Effects: Nourishes blood and calms the mind. Relieves asthenic cold spleen and stomach, pale complexion and cold limbs.

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #女 #我畏冷 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #血瘀 #經期

  • 白米功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-12 09:22:35
    有 161 人按讚




    🤧 水果早餐

    🤧 飲食生冷

    🤧 過量運動

    🤧 懶換床單

    🤧 最愛毛公仔

    🤧 最愛風口位



    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Bad habits that trigger nasal allergies
    Nasal allergies are allergic rhinitis, and they are triggered by allergens. They might not result in severe health implications, but sneezing and having a stuffy, runny and itchy nose constantly can cause great inconvenience to our lives. Besides taking medicines and going through treatments, we also need to pay attention to our lifestyle and dietary habits, as they would increase the chances of us developing nasal allergies!

    🤧 Fruits for breakfast
    Consuming an appropriate amount of fruits is good for health, but eating fruits or drinking fruit juice in the morning all the time can weaken the spleen and stomach and may trigger nasal allergies. It is best to consume food that can warm the spleen and stomach for breakfast, such as porridge, steamed rice noodle rolls, macaroni, and sweet potato.

    🤧 Raw and cold food
    Salad, sashimi, sushi, ice cream, chilled beverages, shaved ice, and fruits taken out of the refrigerator are examples of raw and cold food. These foods can damage the yang energy and disrupt the functions of the spleen and stomach, triggering nasal allergies.

    🤧 Exercise too much
    Hiking and jogging are the two trendiest exercises, and many people would post their hiking and jogging photos on their IG. Over-exercising can exhaust the qi in the body, and excessive sweating can damage the yin. When our pores open, the cold-wind pathogenic factor can invade the body easily, causing us to develop nasal allergies. Hence, consistent moderate exercise is key.

    🤧 Not changing bedsheets regularly
    Dust mites are one of the most common allergens, and they tend to gather on bedsheets. If we do not change our bed sheets regularly, the dust mites can easily trigger an allergic reaction.

    🤧 Soft toys
    We like fluffy toys, but they are also dust mites magnets. Those who do not wish to get rid of their soft toys should wash them frequently.

    🤧 Standing near the air-conditioning vent
    Standing in front of the air-conditioning during the warm summer season is the best experience, but it would also trigger nasal allergies! Individuals with this problem should avoid standing in front of the vent. Do bring along a sweater or scarf wherever you go to avoid catching a cold.

    Combating nasal allergies is a long battle, so we must be persistent in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Drink a cup of rice water a day to strengthen the spleen and stomach as it can also help improve our general health.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Reduces water retention. Relieves abdominal bloating. Improves yellowish complexion.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK

  • 白米功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-08 18:49:29
    有 137 人按讚







    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Are you prone to nasal allergies?
    Are people born with nasal allergies? Not necessarily! According to Chinese Medicine theories, a nasal allergy is called ‘Bi Qiu’ in Mandarin, and it is caused by weakness of the qi in the lungs, weak immune system, or the cold pathogenic factor.

    The changes of the weather and environment can also further affect the functions of the organs. Individuals of these three body constitutions might develop nasal allergies more easily, so if you have the symptoms below, do seek the treatment accordingly.

    👃🏻Weakness of the qi in the lungs
    Symptoms: itchy nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, clear mucus, frequently getting colds, aversion to wind, excessive sweating, fatigue
    Health tip: warm and nourish the lungs; consume ingredients that can nourish the qi, such as Chinese yam, potato, ginseng, red date, and quail

    Tea to nourish lung and protect against wind
    Ingredients: 9g astragalus root, 6g root of fangfeng, 6g bighead atractylodes rhizome, 3g poria, honey to taste
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Combine all ingredients with 1000ml of water and cook on high heat for 30 minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos. Add honey after the tea has warmed. Tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink for 2-3 days a week for a treatment.

    👃🏻Weakness of the qi in the spleen
    Symptoms: itchy nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, runny mucus but white in color; the allergic reaction might be triggered easily during the morning or when the weather is humid; fatigue, appetite loss, and loose stools
    Health tip: nourish the spleen and the stomach; consume ingredients that can nourish the qi such as rice, potato, Chinese yam, lotus seed, coix seed, and white lentils

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Reduces water retention. Relieves abdominal bloating. Improves yellowish complexion.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    👃🏻Weakness of the qi in the kidneys
    Symptoms: itchy nose, sneezing, clear mucus; symptoms would become more severe during winter or the cold season; aversion to cold, soreness from lower back to knees, tinnitus, and nocturia (excessive urination at night)
    Health tip: nourish the qi in the kidneys; consume ingredients that can nourish the kidneys such as black sesame, black fungus, black beans, black-boned chicken, walnut and chestnut

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #我狀態OK #我畏冷 #氣虛 #痰濕 #感冒

  • 白米功效 在 Daddy Frank Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-17 20:00:13

    98 養陰潤肺寧心安神 百合粥 | 秋天・秋分 |【特別企劃.第四季】 養生食療、養生食譜 96 #百合 #白粥 #百合粥 #甜粥 #甜點 #美味い #scrumptious


    養陰潤肺寧心安神 百合粥 材料

    白米 一杯
    乾百合 20g
    (或 鮮百合 30g)
    枸杞 些許
    冰糖 適量


    【養生食療】影片將在每個月節氣前的週五晚上八點定期更新。(其他影片,不定期 額外更新)



    #法蘭爸 #艾琳媽

  • 白米功效 在 北马搞怪团 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-16 03:20:24



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    【联成水粉厂 Perniagaan Bedak Sejuk Lean Seng】
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    电话 :04-866 0622


  • 白米功效 在 Kitman Fan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-02 02:05:13

    IMVELY 獨有的乾淨透明的皮膚秘訣


    多重功效面膜: 去角質+緊緻縮毛孔+鎖水+提亮

    ☑️角質, 皮質, 各種毛孔中的廢棄物一次清理: 綿密的麻糬質感,完整包覆每個毛孔,能將皮膚表面的角質跟皮質廢物清除乾淨
    ☑️縮小毛孔的緊緻效果: 木瓜、香蜂花、甜橙花萃取物含收斂毛孔成份,能使毛孔緊實
    ☑️緊緊鎖住肌膚的鎖水效果: 濃稠的質感緊緊附著在皮膚上,能鎖住水份,增強皮膚彈力
    ☑️提亮膚色改善暗沉: 富含維生素C的紅色水果籽實成份 (雲梅、石榴、瓜拿納籽等萃取物),賦予肌膚生機活力,重煥光彩

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    FB MAKEUP PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/Kit-Makeup-146340272124273/

