

在 甲醇cas產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過16萬的網紅中央研究院 Academia Sinica,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #捷克 🇨🇿🇹🇼 捷克參訪團來臺第四天,捷克科學院副院長哈夫拉斯(Zdeněk Havlas)今(3)日與捷克學研機構代表參訪本院,討論能源永續、生醫研究、量子電腦、人工智慧、COVID-19等前瞻議題。 會中,廖俊智院長與哈夫拉斯談及甲醇可能是未來扭轉氣候變遷的關鍵因素,相談甚歡。廖院長透過...

  • 甲醇cas 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-03 21:11:37
    有 2,966 人按讚

    #捷克 🇨🇿🇹🇼

    捷克參訪團來臺第四天,捷克科學院副院長哈夫拉斯(Zdeněk Havlas)今(3)日與捷克學研機構代表參訪本院,討論能源永續、生醫研究、量子電腦、人工智慧、COVID-19等前瞻議題。


    即使來訪時間有限,討論仍相當熱烈。討論議題包括本院基因體研究中心COVID-19快篩的研究過程、本院物理所透過場效應電晶體(Field Effect Transistor)提供即時檢測及輔助判斷治療新冠病毒,以及本院資訊所利用人工智慧將複雜的音樂即時轉化成樂譜,甚至可以系統性地記錄及分析民族音樂的技術等。

    🇨🇿與會的捷克科學院理事會成員西荷洛娃(Hana Sychrova)會後表示,「這幾天連續聽了很多場政策演講後,今天來中研院聽研究很有趣,希望下次可以預留一整天時間來訪」。

    本院與捷克科學院長期保有密切的學術研究合作關係,並已於2017年簽訂學術合作備忘錄。豐沛的學術能量也吸引捷克學生來臺,正就讀於本院國際研究生學程(TIGP)化學生物與分子生物物理學學程的博士生Petra Sterbova今天也出席會議,同鄉一見如故,捷克訪團中的大學代表更當場「挖角」,希望她學成後返國貢獻。

    近5年雙方互動頻繁,2015年捷克科學院亞非中心於本院歷史語言研究所設置亞非研究所臺北中心,並派駐訪問研究人員,促進臺灣與中東歐地區的文化交流。2018年哈夫拉斯曾來臺參與本院九十週年院慶活動。今(2020)年3月廖院長更與捷克科學院院長札日曼洛娃(Eva Zažímalová)透過視訊會議談論COVID-19的防疫合作。

    #永續發展 #臺捷合作


    Vice President of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) Zdeněk Havlas and representatives from various Czech research institutions visited Academia Sinica on September 3, the fourth day of the Czech delegation’s visit to Taiwan. Several cutting-edge topics were discussed, including sustainable energy, biomedical research, quantum computers, artificial intelligence, and COVID-19.

    During the meeting, Academia Sinica President James Liao and Zdeněk Havlas had a lively discussion about methanol being a key factor in combatting climate change, based in part on President Liao’s recently-published Cell journal article, which explained the possibility of converting greenhouse gases into methanol in order to produce high-value chemicals. Both parties reached a consensus during the meeting, and are looking forward to collaborating on issues such as climate change and new energy applications in the future.

    During the past five years, Academia Sinica has interacted frequently with the Czech Academy of Sciences. Since the establishment of the CAS Oriental Institute’s Research Center at the Institute of History and Philology in 2015, visiting researchers have strengthened cultural exchanges between Taiwan, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe. In 2018, Zdeněk Havlas attended Academia Sinica’s 90th Anniversary celebrations, and this year President Liao held an online meeting in March with CAS President Eva Zažímalová to discuss joint efforts in COVID-19 prevention.

