Concept and Inspiration 概念
融合了Wonderland after Dark的核心概念,與台灣傳統文化:虎爺、八家將與廟會,為求生活安穩,百姓舉辦廟會來祈求神明賜福。
The inspiration behind this look stems from traditio...
Concept and Inspiration 概念
融合了Wonderland after Dark的核心概念,與台灣傳統文化:虎爺、八家將與廟會,為求生活安穩,百姓舉辦廟會來祈求神明賜福。
The inspiration behind this look stems from traditional Taiwanese temple fairs, specifically, Hu Yeh the Tiger god and the eight police officers of the underworld.
虎爺為土地公的坐騎,通常在夜裡出巡,守護人民的夢境與安全。威嚇孤魂野鬼,以及展現神明權威。化人們的噩夢與悲傷為曙光,並融合男性與女性陰與陽,創造出一個剛柔並濟的神祇──Tiger Guardian。
The Tiger god, who tours at night protecting the people’s dreams and safety. Scare off ghosts and show authority, turning nightmares and sorrows into dawn. Combining the masculine principle of temple fairs and the feminine, represented through the eyes and fashion, the circulation of yin and yang, form an androgynous deity. The Tiger Guardian.
The eyes represent the mystery of femininity, seducing evil spirts, luring them out. The patterns around the mouth and neck come from traditional temple parade face paints of the eight police officers of the underworld. And the eyes on the neck serve as the eyes that see the evil and unjust.
此外,身為一個drag queen,台灣廟會對於女性是有許多忌諱(神明顯靈時女性不能在場、女生月經來潮時也不准拜拜),做這個扮相也是想要破除男女不平等的觀念。早期臺灣社會男女界線分明,男性的工作女性絕不能越雷池一步,且因為女性有生理期,往往被視為不潔、不淨的象徵,碰觸神明更被視為禁忌,因此不僅不能靠近家將,更遑論擔任家將。
Also, as a drag queen, it is my job to push the boundaries of gender, interpreting tradition and culture in a way that considers femininity and gender ambiguity. Traditional Taiwanese temple fairs and parades hold a lot of taboos towards women, such as the forbidding of worship and burning incense sticks while in their period.
And the people that act as the deities during temple parades will never be a woman, so by combining feminine makeup with the traits of traditional deity face paint patterns, it challenges the ideology of tradition and gender inequality.
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