

在 環境工程學系學校產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大學對你而言,是什麼模樣? 大學生活,真的如你想得這麼一般嗎? 橫跨成功大學十大學院四十六個科系的營隊 「大學生活體驗營」開始報名了! 還在對自己未來的志向感到迷惘嗎? 大學生活體驗營有上百位成大在學生 陪你們一起剝開迷霧,走出迷途! 這個暑假,跟我們一起「拾起」未來的自己吧👍🏼 感謝成大的侯學...

環境工程學系學校 在 ?杜汶澤喱騷 Chapman To’s Late Show Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-07 04:46:48

有理工大學土木及環境工程學系學生向傳媒投訴,指學系唔單止要求本地學生必須喺5月中旬返學校進行筆試,更容許非本地生可以喺8月上旬先考試,變相非本地生有多近2個幾月溫習。理大土木系本地生不滿考務安排,認為安排對本地學極度不公,醞釀集體Late Drop以示不滿。 非本地生講到尾咪又係以中國學生為主!由...

  • 環境工程學系學校 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-16 22:29:35
    有 51 人按讚



    🏫 俐媽英文教室—大學科系篇:
    ❤️ 文學院 College of Liberal Arts
    Department of Chinese Literature
    Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
    •歷史系(歷史學系)Department of History
    Department of Taiwanese Literature

    🧡 理學院 College of Science
    Department of Mathematics
    Department of Chemistry
    Department of Physics
    Department of Earth Sciences
    Department of Photonics

    💛 管理學院 College of Management
    Department of Accountancy
    Department of Statistics
    Department of Business Administration
    Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science
    Department of Industrial and Information Management

    💚 工學院College of Engineering
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Department of Chemical Engineering
    Department of Civil Engineering
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering
    Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
    Department of Engineering Science
    Department of System and Naval Mechatronic Engineering
    Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Department of Resources Engineering
    Department of Environmental Engineering
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Department of Geomatics
    International Bachelor Degree Program on Energy

    💙 電機資訊學院College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Department of Electrical Engineering
    Department of Computer Science and Information Science

    💜 社會科學院 College of Social Science
    Department of Political Science
    Department of Economics
    Department of Law
    Department of Psychology

    🖤 規劃與設計學院 College of Planning and Design
    Department of Architecture
    Department of Urban Planning
    Department of Industrial Design

    🤍 生物科學與科技學院College of Bioscience and Biotechnology
    Department of Life Sciences
    Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences

    🤎 醫學院College of Medicine
    Department of Pharmacy
    Department of Nursing
    Department of Dentistry
    Department of Physical Therapy
    Department of Occupation Therapy
    Department of Medicine

    💟 第十學院 CollegeX
    Cross College Elite Program

  • 環境工程學系學校 在 杜汶澤 喱騷 Chapman To’s late show Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-01 13:18:22
    有 5,149 人按讚

    有理工大學土木及環境工程學系學生向傳媒投訴,指學系唔單止要求本地學生必須喺5月中旬返學校進行筆試,更容許非本地生可以喺8月上旬先考試,變相非本地生有多近2個幾月溫習。理大土木系本地生不滿考務安排,認為安排對本地學極度不公,醞釀集體Late Drop以示不滿。


    #杜汶澤喱騷 #YellopenRice #為何深夜總是餓 #LateShow #全民做兵 #我要做蝴蝶 #小杜燒熄 #教育電視 #CEO盤問室 #CEO會客室 #chapmantolateshow
    30/3-西班牙蛋餅( https://bit.ly/2UxfLCe)
    4/10 -第五回(http://bit.ly/33NLy3D)
    3/1 -第九回(http://bit.ly/2tsnExH)
    29/7 - 黑警打人(https://bit.ly/2YANnlc)
    23/8 - 搓乳無限Touch 第二回(http://bit.ly/2U1Ofeg)
    🎥杜汶澤喱騷Chapman To’s Late Show YouTube Channel:

  • 環境工程學系學校 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-11-15 13:26:31
    有 973 人按讚

    NTU 91st Anniversary Celebration: Happy Birthday to NTU!
    在校慶期間,本校各單位另舉辦多元豐富的國際交流、學生活動、藝文展演及導覽活動,如:國際處於11月6日至11日首度辦理「臺大姊妹校國際週」(NTU Family Meeting),邀請本校國際重要夥伴學校進行國際合作交流,以積極推動未來跨領域創新研究合作,並關切跨國界高教議題;擴大舉辦「海外教育展」讓學生全方面了解,各國姊妹校特色及本校提供之各項彈性多元的海外教育計畫;學生會「創校91校慶系列活動」,於椰林大道及振興草皮舉辦找市集、彩繪臺大、校慶音樂會、夜宿臺大、臺大夜未眠、蚊子電影院等活動;藝文中心舉辦「十年展」系列活動;圖書館舉辦「2019全國科普漫畫大展」系列講座;出版中心舉行「台灣史論叢系列講座」;臺大博物館群及校史館合辦「智慧的原鄉」特展以及訪客中心與校史館安排許多場次的導覽,歡迎各地校友、校內師生及貴賓蒞臨;此外,臺大各學院系所、教職員工亦推出多項慶祝活動,內容包含畢業校友回娘家、學術講座及研討會等。誠摯地邀請您一同湊熱鬧,祝福臺大生日快樂!

    #NTU #生日快樂 #創校91年校慶 #臺大 #傑出校友


    NTU celebrated its 91st anniversary with a ceremony on Nov. 15 and a series of festivities and events throughout the month. The ceremony was presided over by President Chung-Ming Kuan and attended by NTU’s former presidents, administrative executives, as well as alumni and guests at home and abroad. The ceremony recognized the 8 Distinguished Alumni of the year, Outstanding Youths, and recipients of the 2019 Social Devotion Special Award, Outstanding Student Scholarship, and Fu Bell Scholarship.
    List of the 2019 NTU Distinguished Alumni:
    *Academics: Academician Bede Liu (electrical engineering), Academician Yuen-Ron Shen (electrical engineering), Academician Ho-Kwang Mao (geosciences), and Academician Michael M.C. Lai (medicine)
    *Public Service: Mr. Mau-Nan Chu (pharmacy) and Mr. Yu-Hsin Lin (EMBA)
    *Miscellaneous: Dr. Fang-Yu Lin (clinical medicine) and Dr. Laung-Terng Wang (electrical engineering)
    Besides public recognition at the ceremony, the Distinguished Alumni will be invited to talk about their expertise developments and career pursuits in the NTU Lectures on the Intellectual and Spiritual Pilgrimage.
    Among the various student awards presented this year were the Social Devotion Special Award, Outstanding Youths, Outstanding Student Scholarship, and Fu Bell Scholarship. The Social Devotion Special Award went to the Social Service Division of the Student Association at the Department of Social Work (group), NTU World Volunteer Society (group), and Yu-Hsiang Yang of the Department of Geography (individual). The Fu Bell Scholarship was established this year to attract elite high school students to study at NTU.
    During the anniversary celebration season, the campus is thriving with a variety of activities, including international exchange sessions, student activities, art and music performances, and exhibitions. Find more info at http://event.ntu.edu.tw/festival2019/en/english/.

