

在 現場直播live產品中有221篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🎬直播預告🎬 ⏰9/5 下午兩點🕑 ⏰9/5 下午兩點🕑 ⏰9/5 下午兩點🕑 👉日本甩尾方程式現場直播 👉甩尾職人 豬腸帝王 馮仁稚的Drift 日記 現場講評 喜愛甩尾賽車的朋友有福了! 「甩尾職人 馮仁稚、旅日車手 WandereR 小湯」 將一同於本周日(9/5)14:00 現身 Z Ch...

 同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,320的網紅Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【現場直播|Live】 二零二一年度第四次評議會緊急會議|The 4th Ordinary Ordinary Council Meeting, Session 2021 Date: 1st June 2021 (Tuesday) Time: 19:00 – Venue: Union Counci...

現場直播live 在 型男機長詹姆士 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 14:57:22

為什麼參加錄影的特別來賓這麼多...偏偏要在我的劇本上註明『請勿講任何中英文髒話』 其實大佬的粉絲都知道...我不常上Live直播的節目,早期大佬常上TVBS的國民大會,自從節目改成live播出後大佬也比較少上了。每每只要上直播節目...製作人一定會緊張到千叮嚀萬交代「千萬不能開黃腔」「千萬不要...

  • 現場直播live 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-05 14:00:12
    有 289 人按讚

    ⏰9/5 下午兩點🕑
    ⏰9/5 下午兩點🕑
    ⏰9/5 下午兩點🕑
    👉甩尾職人 豬腸帝王 馮仁稚的Drift 日記 現場講評
    「甩尾職人 馮仁稚、旅日車手 WandereR 小湯」
    現身 Z Challenger 賽車模擬體驗館現場
    播報「日本甩尾方程式-第 4 站賽事」
    🔜現場專業 駕駛模擬器 體驗真實比賽
    【現場直播LIVE日本甩尾方程式-第 4 站中文講評】
    中文講評:旅日車手 小湯、甩尾職人 馮仁稚
    時間:9/5(日)14:00 開始
    甩尾體驗賽道:OKUIBUKI MOTORPARK, SHIGA(奥伊吹モーターパーク)
    地點:【Z Challenger 賽車模擬體驗館】
    247新北市蘆洲區三民路279-1號(捷運蘆洲站步行 3 分鐘)
    #豬腸帝王 #馮仁稚 #Drift #WandereR #小湯 #ZChallenger #模擬賽車 #FDJ #直播

  • 現場直播live 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-02 16:04:53
    有 855 人按讚


    「甩尾職人 馮仁稚、旅日車手 WandereR 小湯」
    現身 Z Challenger 賽車模擬體驗館現場
    播報「日本甩尾方程式-第 4 站賽事」

    【現場直播LIVE日本甩尾方程式-第 4 站中文講評】
    中文講評:旅日車手 小湯、甩尾職人 馮仁稚
    時間:9/5(日)14:00 開始
    甩尾體驗賽道:OKUIBUKI MOTORPARK, SHIGA(奥伊吹モーターパーク)
    地點:【Z Challenger 賽車模擬體驗館】
    247新北市蘆洲區三民路279-1號(捷運蘆洲站步行 3 分鐘)
    *現場備有觀賞座位 VIP 會員可優先入席!

  • 現場直播live 在 日本去哪兒情報中心 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-02 15:49:58
    有 47 人按讚

    【取消實體觀眾入場】- 日本旅行講座【鳥取市同樂會】
    艾瑞克&潔西姊姊 Talking SHOW!09/12(日)台北live場

    9/15三 FB現場直播LIVE可線上觀看
    參加FB直播貼文轉分享禮 抽限定禮物5份,詳見臉書公告。
    鳥取市.鳥趣事 https://www.facebook.com/tottorisi

    主辦方仍需負擔部分金流成本:每張票價 5% 之退票手續費以及 NT$15 / 筆之銀行匯費。
    ACCUPASS 針對一般取消活動收費規則為;單場工本費:NT$3,000、一般情況的退票手續費:每張票價*10%
    由 ACCUPASS 代為退款
    `※ 目前因活動取消委託退款量較多,處理時程將調整為『收到主辦方回簽報價單後 30 天始退款給購票人』,不便之處敬請見諒。`

    退款期間,如購票人欲查詢退款進度,可請購票人登入 ACCUPASS APP 至「我的票券」查詢。
    ● 活動時間|2021.09.12 (日)  14:30~16:30 (13:30開始報到)

  • 現場直播live 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-02 00:54:35

    【現場直播|Live】 二零二一年度第四次評議會緊急會議|The 4th Ordinary Ordinary Council Meeting, Session 2021

    Date: 1st June 2021 (Tuesday)

    Time: 19:00 –
    Venue: Union Council Chamber UG201, Union Building

    Section A
    1. To read out the correspondences
    2. To receive maiden speeches of new Council members
    3. To report the motions carried by circulation
    4. To receive and adopt the agenda
    5. To receive and adopt the minutes of previous Meetings

    Section B
    1. To receive the Union President’s Address
    2. Questions put to the Union Executives, other Councillors, other Official Observers,
    Council Committees, or Union sub-organisations
    3. To appoint chairpersons Council Committees, HKUSU Council, Session 2021
    4. To appoint members of Council Committees, HKUSU Council, Session 2021
    5. To appoint Acting Union Executives, Session 2021
    6. To discuss disciplinary matter of the Union Council, Session 2020
    7. To receive annual reports of Council Standing Committees, Session 2020
    a. Current Affairs Committee, HKUSU Council, Session 2020
    b. Union Finance Committee, HKUSU Council, Session 2020
    c. Union Election Committee, HKUSU Council, Session 2020
    8. To receive annual reports of Union Executives, Session 2020
    a. President
    b. Vice-President (External)
    c. Financial Secretary
    d. Student Welfare Secretary
    e. Administrative Secretary
    f. President of Cultural Association
    g. President of Independent Clubs Association
    h. President of Sports Association
    9. To receive the annual reports of Popularly Elected Union Councillor, Session 2020
    a. Popularly Elected Union Councillor I
    10. To receive the annual reports of Campus Media, Session 2020
    a. Campus TV, HKUSU
    11. To receive the report of Council Committees ad hoc
    a. Orientation Affairs Committee, HKUSU Council, Session 2020
    b. Tendering Committee of Notebook Ownership Program 2020, HKUSU Council,
    Session 2020
    c. Tendering Committee of Union Building Shop, HKUSU Council, Session 2020
    d. Annual Election Commission 2021, HKUSU Council, Session 2020
    12. To discuss recommendations from the Council Business Committee
    13. To discuss the affiliation status of Science Society, HKUSU
    14. To endorse statements issued by Council Committees
    15. Any Other Business

  • 現場直播live 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-03 00:07:18

    【現場直播|Live】 二零二一年度第二次評議會緊急會議|The 2nd Emergency Council Meeting, Session 2021

    Date: 2nd May 2021 (Sunday)

    Time: 19:00 –
    Venue: Union Council Chamber UG201, Union Building

    0. Meeting call to order and sing the Union Song
    Section A
    1. To read out the correspondences
    2. To receive maiden speeches of new Council members
    3. To receive and adopt the agenda
    4. To receive and adopt the minutes of previous Meetings

    Section B
    1. To discuss matters arising from the statement recently released by the University
    2. To discuss matters pertaining to Union By-Election 2021

  • 現場直播live 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-29 01:36:20

    【現場直播|Live】 二零二一年度第二次評議會常務會議|The 2nd Ordinary Council Meeting, Session 2021

    Date: 28th March 2021 (Sunday)
    Time: 14:00 –
    Venue: Union Council Chamber UG201, Union Building

    0. Meeting call to order and sing the Union Song
    Section A
    1. To read out the correspondences
    2. To receive maiden speeches of new Council members
    3. To report the motions carried by circulation
    4. To receive and adopt the agenda
    5. To receive and adopt the minutes of previous Meetings
    Section B
    1. To receive the Council Chairperson’s Address
    2. Questions put to the Union Executives, other Councillors, other Official Observers,
    Council Committees, or Union sub-organisations
    3. To nominate and appoint student members for University Committees
    4. To appoint members of Council Committees, HKUSU Council, Session 2021
    5. To appoint acting Union Executives of Session 2021
    6. To receive annual reports of Union Executives, Session 2020
    a. President
    b. Vice-President (Internal)
    c. Vice-President (External)
    d. Financial Secretary
    e. University Affairs Secretaries I
    f. Student Welfare Secretary
    g. Administrative Secretary
    7. To receive the annual reports of Popularly Elected Union Councillors, Session 2020
    a. Popularly Elected Union Councillor I
    8. To receive the annual reports of Campus Media, Session 2020
    a. Undergrad, HKUSU
    b. Campus TV, HKUSU
    9. To endorse statements issued by Council Committees
    10. Any Other Business