

在 現代主義平面設計師產品中有28篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅Being Hong Kong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 談建築,也不一定走到百年遺跡。有些傳奇就在城市之間,也許外表奇特,成為留影地標;也許平平無奇,默默成為步行路線的導航,但若然打開它們的立面,探究裡面材質,沉默的一扇窗或一根柱,也在訴說城市的故事。 現代主義建築,又名「摩登建築」,為上世紀三十年代南來建築師的講法。現代主義建築,多使用工業化物料如鋼...

現代主義平面設計師 在 beinghongkong Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-26 16:38:03

談建築,也不一定走到百年遺跡。有些傳奇就在城市之間,也許外表奇特,成為留影地標;也許平平無奇,默默成為步行路線的導航,但若然打開它們的立面,探究裡面材質,沉默的一扇窗或一根柱,也在訴說城市的故事。 現代主義建築,又名「摩登建築」,為上世紀三十年代南來建築師的講法。現代主義建築,多使用工業化物料如鋼...

現代主義平面設計師 在 葉忠宜 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-02 07:06:24

work²⁰²¹ → 藝術設計書系 zeitgeist⁰⁶《瑞士字體排印風格三十年》當代平面設計的原點,傳奇設計刊物《TM》改變世界美學的黃金年代 → TM RSI SGM 1960–90 ──────────────────── ⨀ 這本繁中版作爲我設計選書書系zeitgeist的系列6,煞費我和...

現代主義平面設計師 在 VOP 攝影之聲 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-28 18:42:01

新刊出版 New issue out now!!🙌🤡✨🥳🤘🐭  Voices of Photography 攝影之聲 Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題  Histories and Writings Issue  自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態,隨著2019...

  • 現代主義平面設計師 在 Being Hong Kong Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-12 11:59:32
    有 110 人按讚



    這些早期以功能主導且變化多樣的現代主義建築,無不流露設計者大膽創新的思維。以紅磡體育館為例,大家立時聯想到的,也許是心儀歌手的連場live show;但難以想像其時政府願意向難度挑戰,建一座頭大身細的「倒金字塔」—於1983年落成的紅館,坐落在紅磡火車站之上,由當時的政府工務局建築部設計,而回顧1968年的最初設計圖時,可以見到巨大的看台向四面延伸,平面呈一個十字形狀,與柬埔寨「現代建築之父」之稱的旺莫利萬(Vann Molyvann),在首都金邊的國家運動場設計有異曲同功之妙,兩者皆帶強烈結構表現特色。但看似簡單的外形,建造起來也甚具挑戰-先在地面建屋頂,然後整個由吊重機吊起,暫時安放在鋼架,檯底下的四個斜面興建完成後,才將屋頂結構下降到斜面之上,最後封頂……對比如今保守的公共建築,加上價低者得的投標方式及外判文化,實在難以再現當時大膽、進取的態度。

    建築歷史博士同時也是英國建築師的黎雋維 @charlescwlai 笑言:「好的建築可以留芳百世,壞的同是。因此我們都需要更重視建築設計。」如書中引言所述,建築本身是當時社會、經濟、甚至是政治氣氛的物質化縮影。聆聽25幢現代主義建築的故事,可會讓我們看到不一樣的城景?

    黎雋維、陳彥蓓、袁偉然 合著

    #現代主義建築 #摩登建築 #香港建築 #建築歷史 #紅磡體育館 #灣仔友邦大廈 #九龍麵粉廠 #清水灣邵氏大樓

  • 現代主義平面設計師 在 BIOS monthly Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-14 21:29:06
    有 59 人按讚

    ▋專訪 OH DEAR Studio:從美菊麵店到自己的家,用空間回應一個人

    OH DEAR Studio 主理人之一的維剛說起命名由來,「英文裡說『Oh dear!』就是有種驚艷的感覺。」陳維剛、陳維揚、黃渝珊三人的工作室,從平面設計、傢俱到空間建構,所有人都是設計師,也都要能獨立操作案件。

    三人從美菊麵包店開始與鄭宇勝合作,一開始,是希望做出極簡的麵包店,不想要多餘的裝飾和層架,因而誕生了一穩重大長桌,直接用水泥灌注在店的中間,彷彿桌與屋的融匯。當大家都覺得美菊就是清水混凝土,老闆在美菊麵店 2.0 又躍躍欲試,希望設計能再次挑戰大家的印象。



    🔍️ 專訪全文請見:https://bit.ly/3nhkROP

    美菊裡有許多會讓傢俱迷怦然心動的經典椅款,像是 Panton Chair 也是維揚最想購入的設計單品之一,「那是對我而言,第一次接觸到設計單椅的震撼。它的曲線超乎那時候可以理解的一般傳統椅子的四隻腳結構,完全打破當時我們對於椅子的想法。」

    店主宇勝對傢俱有所偏愛,也很認真研究,每當有想法就拍照給設計師們看。列下許願清單後,維揚說,接下來就是要把這些個性殊異、各自精彩的椅子放在對的位置。後來決定,紅色磚牆附近以七八〇年代現代主義時期為主,可以看到經典的「鬱金香椅」Knoll Tulip Chair、線條簡練的 Kartell Classic 4875 Chair。到綠色區塊,則以更為當代的丹麥品牌 HAY 來做陳設,走一趟美菊,竟也像一趟精彩的傢俱設計編年史。



    另一個案子「留飯店」以水一般的流動感為想像,業主偏愛歐式古典風格。為了中和、突破歐風容易變得刻板的仿擬感,他們配置了第一代的 Charlie Ghost Dining Chair,透明的光澤打亮了氛圍。渝珊形容,「傢俱的選擇,有點像一件衣服上的小鈕扣。你看到時會覺得,哇,在細節被驚艷到的巧思。」

    不難發現 OH DEAR Studio 的案件風格迥異,有些低調洗鍊,也可以歡快有趣。維剛說,「每個案子裡,我們在設計上都有企圖心,可是案子裡會回應到業主的個性和需求。」許多案子裡,他們一再聊天、理解對方是怎樣的人。他們常用的字是「回應」,回應個性、回應狀態、回應想法⋯⋯,因此才有依運一個「人」而生的空間。

  • 現代主義平面設計師 在 VOP Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-05 20:38:15
    有 81 人按讚


    Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
    Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題
    Histories and Writings Issue






    ▍購買本期 BUY | http://bit.ly/vop-27

    Since its inception, Voices of Photography has always focused on the aspects of image writing, history and cultural forms. In 2019, we held a series of workshops on photography history narratives and a forum on history of post-war East Asian photography, at the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab in Taipei, Taiwan. We invited researchers in this field to join us, creating the opportunity to advance discussions on photography history research and awareness of imagery history. This issue features the manuscripts of our speakers at the event, which will serve as a reflection and reference for the photography and historical discourse in the eyes of our counterparts in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

    Among them, Kaneko Ryuchi has redefined the position of independent photography galleries in the development of Japanese photography in the 1970s, revealing the creative pulses that transcended the mainstream and why it became an important chapter in the history of Japanese photography, waiting to be filled. Chen Chia-Chi takes a look at the trend of Taiwanese amateur photographers participating in photography contests in Japan in the 1960s, and the possible influence that Japanese photography magazines had on the culture of photo competition, thereby shedding light on an alternative platform through which folk exchanges happened between the Taiwanese and Japanese photography fields. Park Pyungjong details the controversy between realism and modernism in Korean photography following the end of colonial rule by the Japanese, and evaluates the dialectics and reflections surrounding Korea’s understanding of photography after the war. Toda Masako analyzes Japanese photography in the 1950s, the era of Japanese photographic aesthetics that was influenced by the trend of “subjectivism” in the international arena as the oppression of war gradually faded in time. Through archives and political consciousness buried deep in the core of the Taiwanese society since the Cold War era, Chang Shih-Lun examines the manipulation and governance mechanism of images, and issues with the construction and interpretation of the nationality in photography history.

    When analyzed in combination with other disciplines such as optics, chemistry, political sociology, cultural studies, and even semiotics and psychoanalysis, the space for exploration of the ontology of photography is constantly stretched, moved, and reconstructed. Hsieh Pei-Chun analyzes the photographic writing process and the cross-domain visual theory since the last century while outlining the development of photography theories. This issue is the first in a series of discussions. Gu Zheng shares his own experience as a visiting professor on photography history at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, where he put forward a critical reflection on the boundaries of research in the field of photography history. Edwin K. Lai's analysis of the series of historical inferences from when photography first came to Hong Kong comes to an end, presenting historical evidence of the rise of the “wet-plate method” in Hong Kong in the 1850s.

    In addition, we have a special interview with Cheng Tsun-Shing, featuring never-before-published photographs and negatives that he had taken in the late 1970s. We explore the imagery metaphors that are born when silver salt and light meet, and the issue of the essence of photography that he constantly philosophizes. At the same time, we feature Kao Chung-Li’s new works of sound and projection installations, analyzing the ready-made audio-visual equipment and the technical philosophy behind the unique one-take "projector movie", that is also the longest ever such film in history. The "Photobook Making Case Study" series also enters the "Design" chapter. In this issue, we interview Japanese designer Mori Daishiro and he shares his experiences in the area of graphic design.

    Although the journey of publication is difficult, we have been striving to continue with the basics of data exploration, collation, and interviews with limited resources, as we slowly expand the photography culture and historical discourses of Taiwan and Asia and showcase them to the world. We would like t✨o thank all our dear readers and friends for your utmost support. Let us continue to explore the unknown universe of images in the new year.

    Voices of Photography 攝影之聲

