✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:疏肝
✔️CheckCheckCin 紙包茶療推介:火龍果玫瑰茶
✅ 適合有大便不暢、有壓力、經常嘆氣、暗啞肌膚的人士。
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Does stress affect your liver health?
Manage your stress correctly
This global pandemic has not only threatened our health but also disrupted our daily routine and social life. This has inevitably affected our emotions and triggered anxiety. In order to relieve stress, we should also soothe the liver. But how does stress affect the health of our liver?
According to Chinese Medicine, the liver governs our emotions, and any negative emotions would hurt the liver. The liver ensures the circulation of the Meridians, and if the organ is disrupted, we will experience emotional distress, headache, stomachache, insomnia, difficulty passing stools, flatulence, and constant burping and sigh.
Basically, ‘soothing the liver’ in Cantonese describes methods that can help us de-stress and improve our emotional well-being. By doing so, our liver can perform its functions more efficiently.
When we are stressed, we will experience the stagnation of the qi. This has to do with the changes in our emotions as well. Besides learning to manage our emotions and relieve stress, we can also consume ingredients that can improve the circulation of the qi. (To be cont in comment column)
玫瑰花茶放屁 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
出走他國展開新生活, 需要適應生活文化差異及處理經濟狀況等問題 ,移民代表要面對前所未有的壓力,中醫理論認為任何不良情緒都會傷肝,壓力大以致肝功能失調就會出現頭痛、多嘆氣、打嗝或放屁、胃痛、大便不調、失眠等症狀,所以記得留意自己和家人的心理健康,適時進行「疏肝」的事情減減壓,亦可按體質沖泡花茶飲用,花茶一般有疏肝解鬱、寧心安神的作用,還可以按個別需要挑選合適花茶紓緩症狀不適,餐廳常有供應的伯爵茶(Earl grey tea),是在紅茶內添加了佛手柑油,亦屬減壓之選。
玫瑰花 (Rose) — 性溫,疏肝解鬱、行氣活血。因為有活血功效,月經期間不宜飲用。
茉莉花 (Jasmine) — 性溫,理氣解鬱,紓緩胸悶不適。
桂花 (Osmanthus) — 性溫,溫肺散寒、暖胃止痛。
佛手 (Bergamot) — 性溫,疏肝理氣、養胃止痛。
菊花 (Chrysanthemum) — 性涼,清肝退火、明目、保健眼睛。
薰衣草 (Lavender)-性涼,清熱解毒、散風止癢、幫助入眠。
洋甘菊 (Chamomile) — 性寒,有安神功效,對風熱感冒及風濕疼痛有紓緩作用。
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Stay healthy in another country
Consume floral tea to soothe the liver and relieve stress
We have to get accustomed to a new environment, the cultural differences, and the financial situation when we migrate to another country. This also means we are bound to face a lot of pressure.
Chinese Medicine theories believe that negative emotions can hurt the liver, hence, diminishing the organ’s performance. Individuals would sigh frequently, burp or fart, and stomach ache and experience bowel problems and insomnia.
To keep us mentally healthy, we should soothe the liver regularly by drinking floral tea according to our body constitution. Generally, floral tea can soothe the liver, relieve stress, and calm our mind. There are also specific types with special properties. Earl Grey tea, which we can easily find in restaurants, is black tea infused with bergamot oil. We can consume it to relieve stress.
Rose - warm in nature, reduces stress, promotes qi and activates blood. As it can activate blood, it is not suitable for menstruating women.
Jasmine - warm in nature, regulates qi and reduces stress, relieves chest discomfort.
Sweet osmanthus - warm in nature, warms the lungs and dispels cold, warms the stomach and relieves pain.
Fingered citron - warm in nature, relieves stagnated liver and regulates qi, nourishes the stomach and relieves pain.
Chrysanthemum - cool in nature, clears the livers and heat, improves vision.
Lavender - cool in nature, clears heat and detoxifies, dispels wind and relieves itchy skin, helps to improve sleep.
Chamomile - cold in nature, calms the mind. It can relieve heat wind flu and rheumatoid arthritis.
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#男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #頭痛 #失眠
玫瑰花茶放屁 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
近排少郁咗冇乜運動,啲腸都唔願郁!從K師奶口中得知呢柸嚟自泰國嘅🌋💥💥山洪暴發玫瑰花茶! 識逢今日全日好得閒,可以乖乖捕住個塔🚽
玫瑰花茶放屁 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:疏肝
✔️CheckCheckCin 紙包茶療推介:火龍果玫瑰茶
✅ 適合有大便不暢、有壓力、經常嘆氣、暗啞肌膚的人士。
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Does stress affect your liver health?
Manage your stress correctly
This global pandemic has not only threatened our health but also disrupted our daily routine and social life. This has inevitably affected our emotions and triggered anxiety. In order to relieve stress, we should also soothe the liver. But how does stress affect the health of our liver?
According to Chinese Medicine, the liver governs our emotions, and any negative emotions would hurt the liver. The liver ensures the circulation of the Meridians, and if the organ is disrupted, we will experience emotional distress, headache, stomachache, insomnia, difficulty passing stools, flatulence, and constant burping and sigh.
Basically, ‘soothing the liver’ in Cantonese describes methods that can help us de-stress and improve our emotional well-being. By doing so, our liver can perform its functions more efficiently.
When we are stressed, we will experience the stagnation of the qi. This has to do with the changes in our emotions as well. Besides learning to manage our emotions and relieve stress, we can also consume ingredients that can improve the circulation of the qi. These ingredients are white radish, dried citrus peel, five-finger fig root and kumquat. We can also opt for floral tea such as rose, jasmine, bergamot and chamomile, as they can help improve the circulation of the qi and blood as well as clear the stagnation in the liver.
When we are reaching our breaking point, try massaging the He Gu and Tai Chong acupoints, as it can help improve the circulation of the qi and blood, regulate our emotions, and relieve stress symptoms like headache, dizziness, red eyes, and pain in the eyes.
4 acupoints to counter negative energy:
Hegu Point
Effects: alleviates symptoms caused by stress such as headache.
Location: between the thumb and index finger, right next to the second metacarpal bone
Method: apply pressure with your thumb softly for 1 minute
Note: pregnant women should not press this acupoint as it has labour inducing qualities
Taichong Point
Effects: relieves stress and symptoms caused by liver fire such as acne
Location: next to back of foot, on your foot about two finger widths above the place where the skin of your big toe and the next toe join.
Method: apply pressure with your thumb pulp softly for 1 minute with circular motion
✔️CheckCheckCin Beauty Tea Recommendation : Stress
Ingredients: Rose, Sweet Osmanthus, Fingered Citron, Fingered Citron Flower
Effects: Promotes qi circulation and relieves stagnation. Relieves busy lifestyle, frequent sighing, stressfulness, menstrual discomfort.
✔️CheckCheckCin Paper Pack Drink Recommendation : Dragon fruit rose tea
Ingredients: water, dragon fruit juice, rock sugar, honey, rose, lemon juice concentrate, oolong tea
Effects: Loosens bowel to relieve constipation, relieves stress, aids digestion and burns fat. Suitable for those with difficult passing stool, stress, frequent sigh and dull complexion.
Note: Not suitable for menstruating women, but can have this tea before period. Not suitable for pregnant women.
Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com
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