

在 王薇君背景產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 📰 Taiwan ‘corpse repairers’ recount heartbreaking moments after fatal train crash 🀄 台灣“遺體修復師”講述致命火車墜毀後令人心碎的時刻 TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A group of volun...

  • 王薇君背景 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-05 21:29:53
    有 483 人按讚

    📰 Taiwan ‘corpse repairers’ recount heartbreaking moments after fatal train crash
    🀄 台灣“遺體修復師”講述致命火車墜毀後令人心碎的時刻

    TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A group of volunteer mortuary cosmetologists is working around the clock to bring dignity to those who lost their lives in the deadly derailment that killed 50 in eastern Taiwan on Friday (April 2).

    📌 台北(台灣新聞)—一群自願的太平間美容師全天候工作,以尊敬那些在周五(4月2日)在台灣東部造成50人死亡的致命出軌中喪生的人。

    More than 100 members of the “76 Monks” have mobilized to reconstruct corpses in the aftermath of Taiwan's worst rail disaster in decades. Founded after the deadly plane crash in Penghu in 2014, the non-profit organization, which comprises morticians and people with related backgrounds, is dedicated to restoring the bodies of those killed in major accidents.

    📌 在數十年來台灣最嚴重的鐵路災難之後,「76行者團隊」的100多名成員動員起來重建遺體。該非營利組織成立於2014年,是澎湖致命的飛機失事之後的組織。該組織由殯葬人員和具有相關背景的人員組成,致力於恢復在重大事故中喪生的人的屍體。

    Friday’s train collision near Taroko Gorge in Hualien presents a challenge for these “repairers,” as many bodies retrieved from the mangled train carriages are badly damaged, some beyond recognition. “It's unbearable at the scene, families of the victims were crying so hard they fainted,” said Chen Hsiu-chiang (陳修將), one of those involved in the task.

    📌 週五,花蓮太魯閣附近發生的火車相撞事件,對這些“修復師”是極大的挑戰,因為從損壞的火車車廂中取回的許多屍體都受到了嚴重損壞,有些甚至無法識別。參與其中之一的陳修將說:“現場實在難以忍受,受害者的家屬哭得如此慘烈,以致昏了過去。”

    The work is heart-wrenching, even for the most experienced mortuary cosmetologists, when they have to handle the corpses of victims as young as four years old. “Some volunteers broke down in mourning for those who perished at such a young age and paused to have a good cry before they could resume work,” Newtalk quoted 76 Monks spokesperson Angela Wang (王薇君) as saying.

    📌 即使對於最有經驗的太平間美容師來說,當他們不得不處理四歲的受害者的屍體時,這項工作也是令人心痛的。紐塔克引述76行者團隊發言人王薇君(Angela Wang)的話說:“有些志願者為那些年紀輕輕就喪命的人而哀悼,他們停下來哭了起來,然後才恢復工作。”

    Reconstructing deformed bodies requires great skill and materials such as cosmetics, prostheses, plaster, and artificial skin. As of Saturday (April 3), 10 bodies had been repaired, with the rest expected to be completed within a week, reported UDN.

    📌 重建變形的身體需要大量的技巧和材料,例如化妝品,義肢,石膏和人造皮膚。據UDN報導,至周六(4月3日),已經修復了10具屍體,其餘的有望在一周內完成。

    The good Samaritans are asking nothing in return as donations pour in to support their charitable deeds. The proceeds will be used to purchase equipment needed for future missions, the organization said in a Facebook post.

    📌 這些樂善好施者並沒有要求任何回報,因為捐款大量湧入,以支持他們的慈善行為。該組織在Facebook貼文中說,所得款項將用於購買未來任務所需的設備。

    Each member of the 76 Monks has their own way of dealing with the stress from the job. Chen said he spends two to three hours in a car to calm himself and find peace of mind.

    📌 「76行者團隊」的每位成員都有自己的方式來應對工作壓力。陳說,他花了兩到三個小時在車裡才使自己平靜下來,讓自己安心。

    🙏 Life is full of uncertainty. May the departed souls rest in peace;
    May the living be safe. It is time for solidarity as the nation grieves.

    資料來源: https://reurl.cc/jqYVEp

  • 王薇君背景 在 尤美女立委 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-03-02 10:48:15
    有 284 人按讚



    我對歐盟訂定的一系列被害人權利指令(EU Directive,詳細規定可參考歐盟網站的相關介紹)特別有興趣,這些指令明文規定了犯罪被害人的權利(諸如知情權、獲得協助服務的權利、進行個別評估是否需要特殊保護的權利,以及參與權)。



    另外會議中也討論到死刑的替代方案——終身監禁不得假釋——的合憲性,關於這個議題,我想直接引用今天講座中所提到的歐洲人權法院判決意見書(Vinter v UK案(2013)Power-Forde法官的意見書)與各位朋友一同思考:


    再次感謝歐洲經貿辦事處、英國在台辦事處、法國在臺協會、德國在臺協會、臺北律師公會、廢死聯盟,以及人權公約監督聯盟的協助,讓工作坊能夠順利舉辦。歐洲學者專家們今日不斷提到的人性尊嚴(human dignity), 一直是我從事立法工作以來念茲在茲的守則,今天參與會議得到許多寶貴經驗,我也希望可以作為未來推動修法的重要參考。

