

在 物料領用英文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 3X3秒搞懂振興「三倍券」! Triple the effect, triple the power?! Just watch the video. ★★★★★★★★★★★★ Premier Su Tseng-chang and his Cabinet officials c...

  • 物料領用英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-11 21:27:36
    有 268 人按讚

    [時事英文] 3X3秒搞懂振興「三倍券」!

    Triple the effect, triple the power?!

    Just watch the video.


    Premier Su Tseng-chang and his Cabinet officials called a press conference Tuesday to announce a “triple stimulus” voucher program that allows people to purchase NT$3,000 (US$100) worth of vouchers for just NT$1,000. By encouraging spending and stimulating the economy, the program will help Taiwan to turn crisis into opportunity and safely weather the coronavirus pandemic, the premier said.

    1. Cabinet officials 部會首長
    2. call(v.) a press conference 召開記者會
    3. triple stimulus voucher 振興三倍券
    4. stimulate(v.) the economy 刺激經濟
    5. turn a crisis into an opportunity 化危機為轉機
    6. weather (v.) 平安渡過(困境);經受住



    The voucher program comes as part of a barrage of government measures to stimulate and revive the economy, Premier Su said. Consumers can spend NT$1,000 to purchase vouchers worth NT$3,000, with the government making up the NT$2,000 difference. The program will therefore provide triple the stimulus effect of consumer spending alone.

    7. a barrage of sth 接二連三的 ; 連珠發炮的(投訴、批評或質問)
    8. revive the economy 使經濟復甦
    9. make up the difference 補償差額

    *barrage: https://bit.ly/30rgoQW
    *make up https://bit.ly/2MGliRU



    The vouchers will be available to all 23 million Taiwanese nationals—from newborns to senior citizens—and approximately 150,000 foreign spouses with residency permits. They can be purchased through post offices, convenience stores, credit cards, stored value cards and mobile payment apps, and may be used for dining, travel, leisure or shopping expenses. With businesses now offering generous rewards and bonuses to compete for customers, NT$3,000 will go a long way toward achieving the government's stimulus goals, Premier Su said.

    10. newborns 新生兒
    11. foreign spouses 外籍配偶
    12. residency permits 居留許可
    13. convenience stores 便利商店
    14. mobile payment apps 電子支付
    15. offer rewards and bonuses 提供好康與紅利
    16. go a long way toward(s) doing sth 對…很有幫助



    Consumers will be able to use the stimulus vouchers from July 15 through the end of the year. Street vendors and small businesses receiving the vouchers as payment can then cash them at banks one week after receipt. Vendors will have until the end of March 2021 to complete all exchanges. The vouchers may be used to purchase many types of goods, including raw materials for business purposes.

    17. street vendors 攤販
    18. cash (v.) 兌現
    19. raw materials 原物料



    The consumer stimulus vouchers are aimed at addressing the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the premier emphasized. The initiative will hopefully alleviate people's difficulties while solidifying Taiwan's international reputation as a coronavirus success story and an oasis amid the chaos of the global pandemic.

    20. address (v.) problem/issue 應對、處理問題/議題
    21. aftermath (不愉快事件)結束後的一個時期;(不愉快事件的)後果
    22. initiative倡議;新措施
    23. alleviate difficulties 緩和困境
    24. solidify reputation 鞏固聲譽
    25. an oasis 綠洲(這裡指福地)




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