

在 熊貓wiki產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 👌💚🐼 大挑逗家 The Great Tantalizer Tanya Bonakdar Gallery , New York 9/9 - 10/23 In the process of building the golf course, the workers accidentally fou...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅咕雞酋長,也在其Youtube影片中提到,哈氏異康吉鰻,俗稱花園鰻,為輻鰭魚綱鰻鱺目糯鰻亞目糯鰻科的其中一個種。 取自wiki -- 來追蹤我們的IG吧~ https://www.instagram.com/mochihatepenguin/ -- ★訂閱我們:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCetMWEI...

熊貓wiki 在 Wong Ping Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 10:49:08

👌🏻💚🐼 大挑逗家 The Great Tantalizer @tanyabonakdargallery New York 9/9 - 10/23 In the process of building the golf course, the workers accidentally fou...

  • 熊貓wiki 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-09 22:47:23
    有 17 人按讚

    The Great Tantalizer

    Tanya Bonakdar Gallery ,
    New York
    9/9 - 10/23

    In the process of building the golf course, the workers accidentally found an abandoned building. After breaking in, they discovered that it was a mysterious panda lab established by someone named the Great Tantalizer.

    One night, curator Wong Ping saw this story on a content farm website when he was scrolling on his phone half-asleep. He lamented the fact that such a low-key but legendary figure once lived, but was so little known that he didn’t even have his own wikipedia page. After an in-depth investigation, the history of the Great Tantalizer and his lab was gradually pieced together.

    Numerous collectors have made generous loans of their collections for the exhibition, offering us a unique opportunity to experience the beauty that we once had.




  • 熊貓wiki 在 鬼島康介 X 單眼看世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-03 08:22:39
    有 33 人按讚



    成都大熊貓繁育研究基地於1983年建立,位於四川省成都市北郊斧頭山側的淺丘上,是中國乃至世界著名的集大熊貓科研繁殖、公眾教育和教育旅遊為一體的研究機構和旅遊目的地,也是一個專門從事瀕危野生動物研究、繁育、保護教育和教育旅遊的非營利性機構。基地目前總占地1530畝,成都熊貓基地以建立初期從野外搶救的89隻大熊貓為基礎,截至2018年年底已成功地使大熊貓圈養種群數量增加到14隻,成為全球最大的圈養大熊貓人工繁殖種群。另外基地也有小熊貓、金絲猴及其它瀕危野生動物。[1] from wiki


    #鬼島康介#熊貓 @ 成都大熊貓基地

  • 熊貓wiki 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-02-14 19:57:31
    有 112 人按讚

    今天是 York 第一次看到熊貓🐼 雖然我們居住的澳洲 Adelaide 動物園擁有南半球唯一的熊貓, 但門票要澳幣$35(NT$800)!! 台北才NT$60 簡直是佛心來的😍 而且裡面內容表示清楚,仔細閱讀的話能夠學到許多關於動物的有趣資訊🦁

    先前看了一個紀錄片講「中國的熊貓外交」,講訴中國利用熊貓來建立國際的友好關係。如果關係不好的話,有可能把熊貓取回。而且不只「租金」昂貴,生育出來的小熊貓也還是屬於中國的🐼 有興趣的人可以查「panda diplomacy」或是「熊貓外交」閱讀相關資訊😁 https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/熊猫外交 ⬅️

    Today is York's first time seeing pandas in real life 🐼 Despite the fact Adelaide house the only pandas in Southern hemisphere 🌏 The adult price is AUD$35, where Taipei zoo is less than AUD$3pp 🎫 Recently we watched a documentary on "panda diplomacy"🐼 Where China use pandas as peace makers 😜 If the relationship isn't good, they may threaten to get the panda back😂 Read more @ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panda_diplomacy if interested 😉