
為什麼這篇灰狼隊老闆鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在灰狼隊老闆這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)看板NBA標題[外絮] 灰狼第二大股東對球隊售予Lore 及A-...

灰狼隊老闆 在 HBK Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-10 02:16:00

⚠️首先先感謝昨天鼓勵我的大家⚠️ . . 真的能帶給我正面能量讓我不放棄‼️ . . 真的感謝你們。 . . 🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶 有一種感覺,KG也可能會宣告退役了..... . . 最近灰狼老闆Glen Taylor表示他自己現在也無法確定Kevin Garnett新球季是否還會批上灰狼隊的戰袍...

標題:Pending sale of Minnesota Timberwolves has no limitations to moving
franchise to a new city


作者:Adrian Wojnarowski
輔助:Brian Windhorst


Meyer Orbach, the second-largest shareholder in the Minnesota Timberwolves,
filed a complaint in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis on Wednesday alleging
that owner Glen Taylor's pending sale of the franchise to Marc Lore and Alex
Rodriguez is in violation of the franchise's partnership agreement, according
to a copy of the complaint obtained by ESPN.

根據 ESPN 取得的法庭文件顯示,灰狼隊第二大股東 Meyer Orbach 已經在星期三(美國
時間)向明尼亞波利斯地方法院提起訴訟,指控原老闆 Glen Taylor 準備將球隊出售給
Marc Lore 及 A-Rod 的計劃已經違反了特許夥伴協議。

The complaint cites Taylor's failure to honor the "tag-along rights" for
minority investors in the franchise, which allows them to sell their
interests in the teams before Taylor sells his own.

該訴狀提到, Taylor 並未尊重該特許權協議中,允許少數投資者先行售出本身在球隊中

A vote of the NBA's board of governors is still required to give final
approval of the sale to Lore and Rodriguez.

在售出球隊給 Lore 跟 A-Rod 之前,還需要 NBA 聯盟的最終批准。

The complaint filed by Orbach, a New Jersey real estate mogul who owns more
than 17% of the Timberwolves and WNBA Lynx, also includes a significant
revelation: Despite Taylor's public statements to the contrary, he has
included no provision in the $1.5 billion sales agreement with Lore and
Rodriguez that requires the new ownership group to keep the franchise in
Minnesota upon taking control of the team, according to an exhibit in the

根據在 Orbach 入稟的訴狀中,附上的證據所提:

「一位擁有超過百分之十七灰狼隊及 WNBA 山貓隊股權的紐澤西地產大亨,這是主要重點
所在:儘管 Taylor 的聲明與所提的相反,他在與 Lore 及A-Rod 簽署的總值十五億美

In fact, new details of Taylor's sale agreement with Lore and Rodriguez --
expected to be completed by July 1 -- include a clause under "Governance
Matters" that lists several actions that would require new ownership to
"present to the Advisory Board for discussion" -- including any plan to
"relocate the team outside of the Twin Cities market."


According to an exhibit in the complaint, the agreement between Taylor and
the Lore-Rodriguez group acknowledges that the "Advisory Board is advisory
only ... and no action ... requires the approval, in any form, by the
Advisory Board to be effective."


Essentially, there are no contractual limitations to keep Lore and Rodriguez
from moving the Timberwolves and Lynx to a new city.

總的來講,在協議中沒有禁止 Lore 及 A-Rod 將灰狼及山貓搬移到新城市。

The language of the sales agreement between Taylor and prospective owners
Rodriguez and Lore is in contrast to Taylor's numerous public comments that
the sales agreement would include a provision requiring the new group to keep
the Timberwolves in Minnesota. "They will keep the team here, yes," Taylor
told the (Minneapolis) Star Tribune on April 11 about the Lore and Rodriguez
ownership group. "We will put it in the agreement. At this point, we have a
letter of intent, but when we make up the contract, we'll put that in there.
That's no problem. That won't be a problem."

Taylor 與准業主 Lore 及 A-Rod 之間的協議中的措辭與 Taylor 的多次公開發言形成對

Several days later, Taylor reiterated to WCCO radio in Minneapolis: "We have
it in the contract. They have signed the contract to do that ..."

數天之後,Taylor 向當地 WCCO 電台再度強調:「我們在協議中有這項規定。他們也已

Taylor then said this: "But let's just say somehow they were able to break
that agreement. The real agreement is with the NBA. The NBA will make the
decision if somebody's going to move or not move. The NBA will not approve
the Timberwolves moving from here to Seattle. It's in the NBA's interest that
in Seattle a new team is formed.

接著 Taylor 說:


"It's an economic decision that's in the interest of all the owners because
if they start a new team out there, that team is going to have to pay maybe
$2 billion to get started there. They pay that to the other owners. The
present owners are not going to pay a billion and a half to leave it in
Minnesota and another $2 billion to move it out of there. That's the
assurance I have that they aren't going to move it out of there."


Lore and Rodriguez are expected to buy the team in installments, first
becoming limited partners and then growing their percentage until they assume
a controlling stake for the 2023-24 season. The sequencing is expected to
include a purchase of 20% of the team in 2021, sources said.

預計 Lore 及 A-Rod 將以分期付款的形式收購球隊,起初以有限夥伴的形式擁有球隊,
之後逐漸增加持股百分比,直到 2023-24 賽季取得控股權優勢。消息來源表示,這順序

Essentially, Orbach's complaint says that the tag-along provision is supposed
to be exercised immediately upon the finalizing of Lore and Rodriguez's
agreement to buy the team.

基本上,Orbach 的訴狀表示,在他們敲定了最終協議草本後,就理應立即行使跟隨權。

According to the complaint, "When Orbit [Orbach's company] attempted to
exercise its tag-along rights, Taylor not only ignored Orbit but also
privately stated -- contrary to his public statements -- that he's not
proposing to enter into a "control sale" with Rodriguez and Lore at this
time. Instead, Taylor is claiming that any "control sale" will be years in
the future, and therefore Orbit currently does not have any tag-along rights."

訴狀內容略以:「當 Orbit 公司準備行使跟隨權時,Taylor 不僅拒絕理會該公司,且更
私下聲稱(非公開語調),他在這個時候並未打算與 Lore 及A-Rod 達成『控制權出售』
的計劃。相反的,Taylor 表示,任何『控制權出售』將在未來數年內執行,因此 Orbit

The complaint continues: "Taylor is wrong. Although the deal with Rodriguez
and Lore was structured in a clumsy attempt to circumvent Orbit's tag-along
rights, it does not deprive Orbit of its tag-along rights. ... The tag-along
rights are triggered regardless of whether control is transferred 'in a
single transaction or a series of related transactions,'" according to the
Timberwolves partnership agreement.

該訴狀繼續表示,「Taylor 已經錯了。儘管跟Lore 及A-Rod 達成的協議有避開Orbit 行

Taylor, 80, had entered an exclusive 30-day negotiating window April 10 that
expired without an agreement, though the sides continued to negotiate in good
faith. Taylor previously said a deal was contingent on Lore and Rodriguez
keeping the team in Minnesota. The Timberwolves have a lease at the Target
Center through 2035, although the buyout is $50 million -- roughly 1.3% of
the $1.5 billion purchase price.

現年80歲的 Taylor 曾在04月10日進入一個為期 30 天的獨家談判期,儘管雙方仍以真誠
的態度繼續談判,在限期屆滿的那一刻沒有達成協議。 Taylor 此前表示,交易的條件是
Lore 和 A-Rod 將球隊留在明尼蘇達。灰狼隊在標靶中心球場的租約於2035年到期,而買

It is believed that Lore and Rodriguez need that time to gather up the
financing to complete the purchase of majority ownership, sources told ESPN.
The first payment is due when the deal closes, which is expected to be around
July 1.

消息來源告知ESPN,據信 Lore 和 A-Rod 需要這段時間來集資,以完成收購多數股權。

The Timberwolves have been traditionally one of the league's underperforming
teams in generating revenue.


From when Kevin Garnett was traded out of Minnesota in the 2007-08 season to
2018-19 -- the final full season prior to the pandemic --- the Timberwolves
ranked second worst in total attendance, ahead of only the Sacramento Kings,
according to ESPN Stats & Information.

從2007-08 賽季 Kevin Garnett 被交易開始,直到到2018-19 賽季疫情大流行之前

Taylor had long sought this type of arrangement. Other owners such as the
late Washington Wizards owner Abe Pollin did when selling to current owner
Ted Leonsis and, more recently, when Mikhail Prokhorov sold Joseph Tsai the
Brooklyn Nets in two transactions one year apart.

Taylor 長期以來在尋求這類協議。其他老闆,如已故的巫師隊老闆 Abe Pollin 在轉售
給現任老闆 Ted Leonsis 時,也是如此,而相隔一年後,Mikhail Prokhorov 在兩筆交

Taylor bought the Timberwolves in 1994 for $88 million, which prevented a
franchise move to New Orleans. Taylor has said he will continue to run the
club for two more seasons until a hand-over in 2023.

Taylor 在1994 年以八千八百萬美元收購灰狼隊,避免了將特許權轉移到紐奧良。Taylor

The sale also includes the G League's Iowa Wolves and T-Wolves Gaming.


Lore and Rodriguez met with Timberwolves personnel and toured team facilities
in Minneapolis last month.

於上個月,Lore 和 A-Rod 曾在灰狼隊工作人員的陪同下,巡視了球隊的設施。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1622090426.A.2B7.html
matsuwu : 這種真麻煩 05/27 12:46
smithjr : 避免西雅圖慘案再度發生吧 05/27 12:51
skyoo00 : 箇 05/27 12:53
vgil : 搬到西雅圖應該很歡迎吧 05/27 12:55
Kidd0502 : 像西雅圖球隊直接被搶走 十幾年都沒自己的球隊了 05/27 12:58
kevin46833 : 這支球隊買了也是虧錢吧 05/27 12:59
openbestbook: 箇啦 05/27 12:59
※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 05/27/2021 13:01:40
laptic : 對不起,已修正 05/27 13:01
magamanzero : 意思是..。可以搬走? 05/27 13:08
laptic : 其實是假如真的要搬走,協議沒辦法阻止 = = 05/27 13:08
tomoti : 可以搬走,但二股東不同意? 05/27 13:09
magamanzero : 那好像也接近了..XD 05/27 13:10
uuss : 就是要搬走吧~誰要留在明尼蘇達,都招不到球星 05/27 13:10
laptic : 不能說不同意,但問題在於禁止行使跟隨權的問題 05/27 13:11
kosha : 翻譯辛苦了,但翻得不怎麼樣。sorry 05/27 13:11
superwhite : 這就是跟KG鬧僵的那位嗎? 05/27 16:48
laptic : 算是吧 05/27 17:35
IBIZA : A-Rod的話應該是真的有想搬到西雅圖吧... 05/27 19:25
vking223 : 搬家?哪泥? 05/28 06:01

