在 濕熱體質水果產品中有51篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過120萬的網紅早安健康,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 芒果引起紅疹皮膚癢?中醫師:問題出在芒果皮!3種人小心吃 黃帝內經有一句話說🗣️:「甘者令人中滿」,甘就是甜的意思,甜的東西質地黏膩,容易與體內的濕氣相合,加上夏季濕熱🔥,體內易有排不出去的濕氣,若再多食甜膩的水果,便會導致濕邪留滯,造成濕熱的體質💦,引發一系列失衡的問題,如皮膚過敏、水腫、糖尿病....
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,大暑,屬於節氣之一。古書《二十四氣節解》說:「大暑,乃炎熱之極也。」指大暑為全年最高氣溫的一日,大地上的熱氣蒸騰,酷熱難耐;雷雨和颱風會變得頻繁,容易積聚濕氣。而註冊中醫師梁尹倩建議可飲用「雙瓜消暑湯」,有助解脾胃,清熱利濕。 以消暑、清熱、利濕為主的「雙瓜消暑湯」,最適合濕熱體質、經常戶外工作的...
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2021-09-15 23:06:16
【時令靚湯】青木瓜和熟木瓜各有益處 ⭐青木瓜糖份較少纖維較多 ⭐熟木瓜維他命AC都較高 #星期五湯水 木瓜煲湯生熟皆宜 木瓜既是水果,又是下廚的食材,更可藥用,從中醫角度來看,木瓜有健脾胃、幫助消化、消暑解渴的功效,未成熟的青木瓜酸甜爽脆,適合用來做涼拌菜或煲湯;煲湯尤其適合產婦飲用,因為青木瓜...
濕熱體質水果 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-08-17 03:58:55
【當造水果】芒果是屬於夏天的味道 ⭐以為青芒果未熟? ⭐青黃芒果是兩個不同品種 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 青芒果 vs 黃芒果 夏天到處都見到芒果的蹤影,金黃色澤、軟綿多汁的口感有誰不愛?且慢!有時看到青皮芒果是未熟透嗎?青芒果及黃芒果是兩個品種,青芒果外青內黃,果肉口感較爽脆,味道帶微...
濕熱體質水果 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-05-04 03:06:27
【飲酒迷思】小酌怡情,多喝傷身 ⭐心情不佳不宜喝酒 ⭐酒入愁腸愁更愁 #星期六隻眼閉 你適合喝酒嗎? 不少男士都喜歡「飲返兩杯」,酒是減壓、交際應酬不可少的飲料,從中醫角度來看,酒也是一種中藥,無論是葡萄酒、啤酒、燒酒、白酒或是黃酒,都是屬性偏溫,有散寒氣、通血脈的功效,與所有食材一樣,適量及配...
濕熱體質水果 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳解答
2020-07-24 16:30:12大暑,屬於節氣之一。古書《二十四氣節解》說:「大暑,乃炎熱之極也。」指大暑為全年最高氣溫的一日,大地上的熱氣蒸騰,酷熱難耐;雷雨和颱風會變得頻繁,容易積聚濕氣。而註冊中醫師梁尹倩建議可飲用「雙瓜消暑湯」,有助解脾胃,清熱利濕。
果籽 : https://hk.appledaily.com/realtime/lifestyle/
【告別街舖】有人鬧$100紅豆沙搵笨 有人排足個半鐘 車仔麵店老闆娘:「終於輪到我揀客!」(果籽)(https://youtu.be/ZRxuvymM7j4)
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#果籽 #大暑 #聚濕氣 #雙瓜消暑湯 #西瓜 #冬瓜 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家 -
濕熱體質水果 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳解答
2019-04-16 21:13:42香港氣候本已濕熱,春日更是濕上加濕,加上長時間嘆冷氣、凍飲,更可能積聚濕氣於體內。尤其是濕熱體質的人,特別容易睏倦無力、做事提不起勁、胃口差、關節肌肉痠痛……此時,就要祛濕!
《春日超強祛濕大全》匯集6位湯水專家,包括註冊中醫師、食療專欄作家及星級大廚之食譜 ,為大家推介 15 款超強祛濕食療。由1人前私家祛濕甜品,到4-5人份量全家祛濕湯應有盡有。簡單、美味、祛濕!一次過滿足!免費珍藏!點擊即睇!
《春日超強祛濕大全》電子書: https://hk.adai.ly/C4iOSF7EOV
果籽 :https://hk.adai.ly/appleseed
【住在工廈】工廈豪宅3000呎連客飯廳、睡房 設計師現身:只係家居feel嘅「工作室」 (果籽 Appledaily) (https://youtu.be/raFZXWKYEEo)
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#果籽 #電子書 #祛濕 #食療 #湯水 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家 -
濕熱體質水果 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳貼文
2017-07-30 00:53:06雖然多吃水果對身體有益,但性質寒涼的水果如蜜瓜,就不是所有體質的人都適合吃。蜜瓜性質寒涼,中氣不足的人吃後中氣會更虛弱,有機會導致咳嗽。蜜瓜消暑解渴,那究竟甚麼人適合吃呢?若你體質是實熱而不是濕熱,比如說常生飛滋但又沒出現濕的症狀,又需要經常在戶外工作,暑熱天時吃蜜瓜,便可清暑熱和利小便。
《果籽》 栽種品味,一籽了然。 https://hk.appledaily.com/realtime/lifestyle/
濕熱體質水果 在 早安健康 Facebook 的最佳貼文
📌資料來源:台南市立醫院中醫部 楊茲甯 醫師
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濕熱體質水果 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
木瓜 — 性平,能健脾胃,幫助消化,消暑解渴。適合脾胃虛弱、容易胃脹不適人士服用,能紓緩食慾下降、消化不良、胃部不適、產婦乳汁不多等症狀。注意孕婦不宜食用。
1. 所有材料洗淨,木瓜去皮去籽切塊;粟米去衣留鬚切段備用。
2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Benefits of using ripe and unripe papayas to make soup
Papaya is not only a type of fruit but also an ingredient used in cooking and has medicinal properties. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, papaya can strengthen the stomach and spleen, aid digestion, clear summer-heat, and quench thirst.
Unripe green papayas are crunchy and are both sour and sweet in taste. They are suitable for cold dishes and can be used to make soup. Soup made from unripe papayas is suitable for postpartum women as the green fruit contains more proteases than the ripe ones, and these enzymes can induce lactation.
Ripe papayas, on the other hand, are sweet and juicy, and can be served as fresh fruit or mashed into puree and be used to marinate meat. This is because the enzymes in the papayas can break down protein, tenderizing the texture of the meat. By using ripe papayas to make soup, it becomes sweeter.
Papaya – mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, improve digestion and quench one’s thirst; is suitable for individuals with a weak spleen and stomach, and those who experience bloating. It can stimulate appetite, relieve indigestion and promote lactation. Pregnant women should avoid eating papaya.
Tips on ingredient:
Soy beans are mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. Alleviates symptoms related to weak spleen such as bloating and lack of appetite. They are suitable for all body types. Note over consumption can lead to abdominal bloating and those suffering from gout should avoid.
Papaya and corn soup with soya bean
Effects: regulates qi and stomach, clears heat and dispels dampness, relieves stress related symptoms such as abdominal bloating and constipation.
Ingredients: 1 ripe papaya, 2 ears of corn, 20g corn silk, 20g black-eyed pea, 30g soya bean, 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel and core the papaya and cut into pieces. Remove husks from corn and cut into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.
Note: Since papaya can cause uterine contractions, it is not suitable for pregnant women.
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濕熱體質水果 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
青芒果 vs 黃芒果
芒果 — 性熱,具益胃、止嘔、止暈、解渴、利尿作用。多種原因造成的頭暈皆可食用芒果紓緩症狀;適合慢性氣管炎咳嗽、氣喘患者食用;皮膚敏感及過敏體質患者須謹慎食用。糖尿病患者不宜進食。
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Green mango vs Yellow mango
It is not difficult to find shops selling mangoes during summer, and it is an absolute delight to indulge in the sweet and juicy fruit. We often think a green mango is an unripe mango, but that is not always the case.
Green mangoes and yellow mangoes are actually two different varieties. Green mangoes have green skin but yellow flesh. Its flesh is crunchier and more sour in taste, and they are suitable to be used in salad and cold dishes. Yellow mangoes, on the other hand, are softer and sweeter, and they are often used in desserts or consumed directly.
Many people believe mangoes are ‘damp and hot’ in nature, but the term ‘damp heat’ is in fact used to describe the body constitution and the cause of illness. Since mangoes are warm in nature and are sweet and sticky, they can easily cause dampness to accumulate in the body and cause phlegm. Hence, individuals with a heat related body may experience damp heat symptoms.
Nonetheless, mangoes are good for the stomach, can relieve nausea and dizziness, quench thirst, and induce urination. We should be able to enjoy mangoes by consuming an appropriate amount of the fruit based on our body constitution.
Mango - Hot in nature. It can nourish stomach, relieve vomiting and dizziness, relieve thirst and promote diuresis. Dizziness caused by various reasons could be relieved by eating mango. It is suitable for those with chronic bronchitis cough or asthma. Those with skin allergy and sensitive body type should eat less. It is not suitable for diabetic patients.
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