[爆卦]溪頭long stay是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇溪頭long stay鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在溪頭long stay這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 溪頭long產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 5年前的今天!今晚住PICA秩父,有點像溪頭小木屋,晚餐是BBQ,在這可以坐F1賽車、還有森林探索,像泰山一樣掛著鍊子盪來盪去等,這兒就是個渡假村還有熊帳、露營地,孩子愛上這裡了,好自然,好涼快😘 ...

  • 溪頭long 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-18 11:24:08
    有 42 人按讚


  • 溪頭long 在 Gary Love Share & Gary's English Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-05-25 14:22:38
    有 51 人按讚

    Can you believe I am reading my old notebook and brushing up on my English in a tourist attraction? Well, it is so cool and the air is awesome. Maybe this can enhance my memory. So, why not? But let's see how long I can insist this time. Haha.

    你能相信我來溪頭還帶著以前的英文筆記來複習嗎?沒辦法,隨著年紀越大, 單字越忘越多,看看溪頭涼爽的天氣是否能讓我讀書更有效率,記憶力提升! 希望這次能堅持超過10分鐘! XD

  • 溪頭long 在 林柏妤 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-03-21 21:08:48
    有 483 人按讚



    Don’t think I am in Japan, here is the Xitou

    2016-2017 Episode 25 Xitou Route 溪頭探險趣

    The shuttle’s Xitou Route leaves from Taichung and takes about an hour and a half to arrive in Xitou.

    Located in Nantou County’s Lugu Township, Xitou is a rugged district, its lowest point around 500 meters above sea level and it’s mountains rising to more than 2000 meters.

    Welcome to Sitou nature education area,and we provide variety of trials for visitors to come here to wander around, as soon as you come in here, you'll feel the fresh air here and you'll enjoy it, just like forest bathing

    Unlike Taiwan’s forest recreation areas, Xitou is actually a “nature education area” managed by National Taiwan University.

    Because of the National Taiwan University this pond is called University Pond. You can’t say you been here unless you taken a photo here.

    Under its mission as a nature education area, Xitou forest authorities built a 180-meter-long Skywalk to let visitors observe nature from a different angle.

    Im at the highest point of the skywalk. It is 23 meters from the ground. Tell you the truth it is kind scary if you look down.

    Mist curls among these fragrant pines, just some of the many rare plants growing inside the park. Just deeply breathing in all the wonderful forest smells here is an experience like no other.

    Keep your eyes wide open and don't think I just travelled though space. See does here look like Japan?

    It feels like somewhere in Japan, but this place is actually the famous Monster Village. Thanks to a highly successful marketing campaign, visitors to the market street often feel like they’re stepping into a whole other world.

    You must be careful walking around here,because monsters will come and scare you at any time!

    Monster Village is full of surprises and novelties.

    哇~! WA!跟大家介紹一下,這是枯麻,另外一位叫八豆!
    Let me introduce you,this is Kumar,and this is Badou!

    Hi,How are you?

    The food, drinks, and entertainment here are all eye-opening, while pop-up performances keep visitors hanging on every moment.

    I just drew a number ball to ask the gods for advice.

    I asked for… It’s a secret. If it is favorable the gods will knock the gong,but If it’s not he will knock the Temple block. So looking forward to it!

    是吉籤,我就知道。Yes! I knew it!

    The allure of Monster Village is only enhanced come nighttime, when old-style lanterns cast a beguiling glow on its buildings. It’s a totally different feeling when you’re winding your way in and out of the shadows, discovering a new and different inspiration around every corner.

    Xitou is fun place, when you get the chance you must come and experience what it has to offer.I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! Chow~see You next time.

