

在 清算申報查詢產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅黃浩銘 Raphael Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 小麗團隊就政府禠奪選舉資格回應,今晚集會見! 【小麗團隊就政府禠奪選舉資格回應】 一、今天小麗團隊收到選舉主任郭偉勳通知,劉小麗 11.25 立法會九龍西補選提名無效,我們強烈譴責! 二、今次補選,是由於政府利用人大釋法,禠奪包括小麗在內 6 名立法會議員資格而出現。小麗今次參與補選要取...

清算申報查詢 在 HK Foodies?and Always More❣窮遊 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-28 01:25:13

11月30日新聞概要📃 ——————————————————— 【央視記者孔琳琳襲擊罪成 判12月有條件假釋】 去年9月中國中央電視台駐倫敦記者孔琳琳在英國保守黨的研討會上,掌摑一名工作人員,英國法院裁定襲擊罪名成立,判處 12個月有條件假釋,並須賠償受害人2115英鎊,孔琳琳律師表示會提出上訴。 ...

  • 清算申報查詢 在 黃浩銘 Raphael Wong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-10-13 13:05:01
    有 68 人按讚



    一、今天小麗團隊收到選舉主任郭偉勳通知,劉小麗 11.25 立法會九龍西補選提名無效,我們強烈譴責!

    二、今次補選,是由於政府利用人大釋法,禠奪包括小麗在內 6 名立法會議員資格而出現。小麗今次參與補選要取回的,不單是她自己的議席,也代表著民主陣營對政府粗暴改變選舉結果,踐踏民主選舉強烈的不滿。

    三、10 月 2 日,小麗在超過 2,000 名市民提名支持下報名參選。十日以來,選舉主任從未向我們作出任何查詢、或補交任何文件,以確認小麗的政見。選舉主任自行判斷小麗的政治立場,甚至不給予小麗申辯的機會。小麗成為被禠奪議席的 6 人之中,再次參選被拒的第一人,二度 DQ,形同剝奪政治權利終身!

    四、過去兩年,香港出現前所未見的「政治紅線」,所謂國家安全與尊嚴凌駕政治、言論、結社、新聞自由。這條「紅線」不斷隨當權者喜好移動,在選舉層面更是將 DQ 常態化,公然違反《基本法》第 26 條「香港特別行政區永久性居民依法享有選舉權和被選舉權」。政府肆意踐踏香港人,尤其是要對傘運以來所催生的新興政治力量,作出全面清算及封殺。

    五、香港民主進程停滯不前,但我們更不希望香港再倒退下去,讓一國兩制、高度自治壽終正寢。今次 11.25 九龍西補選,保皇陣營期望再勝一仗,結構性地改變地區直選的形勢,更欲阻止民主派透過這一議席重奪分組點票否決權,讓保皇黨得以再次修改議事規則;如此將進一步閹割立法會監察政府的能力,讓 23 條立法、萬億人工島等政治任務更加暢通無阻。因此,今次補選對香港未來影響深遠,是對抗謊言治港的關鍵一仗。

    六、過去幾個月,承蒙各方戰友支持,小麗團隊與各黨派、地區團體建立深厚合作,不間斷落區接觸市民,冀望民主陣營能以最充足的準備、最團結的姿態迎戰 11.25 補選。今日政府禠奪小麗參選資格,只會讓我們更有決心,打贏這場時代之戰。

    七、我們在此呼籲所有香港人團結一致、力拼到底,11.25 九龍西補選為民主扳回一城,拒絕謊言,守護香港。我們無權放棄,這場仗我們一定要贏。香港人,贏返次!

    2018 年 10 月 12 日


    【Siu La's Team Statement in Response to Election Disqualification】

    1. Siu Lai’s team received a notice from Franco Kwok Wai-fan, the returning officer today, stating that Lau Siu Lai’s nomination of the Kowloon West by-election of Legislative Council is invalid. We strongly condemn this decision!

    2. The by-election is resulted from the NPC’s interpretation of laws called by the government, which deprived the election qualifications of six Legislative Councilors, including Lau Siu Lai. Siu Lai joined the by-election, not just to regain her seat, but also to represent the democratic camp’s grievance against the government’s brutal change of the election results and the trample on democratic election.

    3. Siu Lai signed up for the by-election with the nomination of more than 2,000 citizens on October 2. The returning officer had never made enquiries or requested for supplementary documents, to confirm Siu Lai’s political standpoints in the past ten days. The returning officer judged Siu Lai’s political views subjectively and never gave Siu Lai opportunity to defend herself. She became the first one among six to be deprived of her political right twice. It is almost lifetime deprivation of political rights!

    4. In the past two years, an unprecedented “political red line” occurred. The so-called national security and dignity override freedom of politic, speech, press, assembly and association. The “red line” continues to adjust with the preferences of those in power. Disqualification became common at election level, which violates the Article 26 of Basic Law that states “Permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have the right to vote and the right to stand for election in accordance with law.” The government wantonly tramples on Hong Kong people. It fully clears and bans the new born political camps uprisen from the Umbrella Movement.

    5. The democratization in Hong Kong remains stagnant. We refuse to watch Hong Kong retrogress, with the dying of One Country, Two System and a High degree of Autonomy. In the Kowloon West by-election, the royalists are trying to win another battle, so they can change the situation of direct election structurally. They wish to prevent the democratic camp from regaining the veto power in group vote, so that the royalists could amend the Rules of Procedure again. It would further emasculate the monitoring power of Legislative Council. Political tasks like legislation of Article 23 and HKD 1 trillion artificial island will be carried out without much resistance. Therefore, this by-election has profound significance for Hong Kong’s future. It is a crucial battle to fight against the lies-flooded ruling.

    6. In the past months, with the support of all the comrades, Siu Lai’s team has established solid cooperation with different parties and communal organizations, and has frequently visited citizens. We were hoping that the democratic camp can face the 11.25 by-election with the most adequate preparation and unity. The government’s unreasonable disapproval of Siu Lai’s candidacy will only make us more determined to win the battle of an era.

    7. We hereby appeal to all Hong Kong People, let’s unite together and fight till the end. We shall bring victory to democracy in the 11.25 Kowloon West by-election. Say no to lies, defend our Hong Kong. We have no way out but to win. Hong Kong people, we shall win!

    Siu Lai’s team
    October 12, 2018


    【#緊急集會呼籲 反對無理 DQ 小麗!】

    日期|10 月 13 日(星期六)
    時間|8 PM

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