

在 淡水植物產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,989的網紅紐西蘭代購,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【澳洲 Swisse Chlorophyll+ 葉綠素 100錠】#超特價$ #優質小球藻一種微小的淡水植物 =葉綠素 #綠色的超級食品 會員超優惠,請大家加入社團: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kiwishop8888/...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過110萬的網紅少康戰情室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,‪‎今日議題‬: ◆南海判決太平島是"礁" 蔡英文被美國騙了?賣了?蔡政府不強調U型線 不唱和大陸,美吃軟柿子?蔡總統怒不接受南海判決 太平島主權進退失據? ◆馬英九登太平島親證淡水充裕 蔡英文敢跟進登島?府:暫時沒規劃,未來不排除 登太平島等到何時?昔馬登太平島酸製造困擾 綠委改口尊重藏私心? ◆...

淡水植物 在 ?????⁺◟ ⤾· Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-23 11:07:46

海牛太療癒了♡ Today is Manatee Appreciation Day! [今天是一年一度的感謝海牛日,讓我們一起認識憨厚可愛的海牛吧!] (See below for English) 你知道海牛長甚麼樣嗎? 你了解海牛的個性嗎? 你意識到在不久的將來我們必須面對永遠失去海牛的事實嗎...

  • 淡水植物 在 紐西蘭代購 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-02 20:00:16
    有 0 人按讚

    【澳洲 Swisse Chlorophyll+ 葉綠素 100錠】#超特價$

    #優質小球藻一種微小的淡水植物 =葉綠素


  • 淡水植物 在 宇 宙 旅 行 / voyage de cosmos Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-03-05 18:14:17
    有 23 人按讚

    (See below for English)





    參考資料:Defenders of wildlife、National geographic
    圖片來源:National geographic


    Today is Manatee Appreciation Day!
    Do you know what manatees look like? What kind of personalities they have?
    Did you know that there is a real possibility these adorable sea cows will become extinct in the near future?
    Let’s get to know the manatee!

    LENGTH: 2.4 to 4m
    WEIGHT: 200 to 600 kg
    LIFE SPAN: 50 to 60 years in the wild

    Manatees are large marine mammals that inhabit our oceans. They are brownish grey, have thick wrinkled skin and mostly eat water grasses and freshwater plants. Manatees use their front flippers while swimming to help them change directions or even crawl through shallow water. Their strong tail helps propel them forward.

    Manatees are gentle, slow-moving, curious creatures. They spend most of their time relaxing and eating. Manatees make high-pitched sounds as a way of communicating with companions or out of fear, stress, or excitement.

    Even though manatees don’t have any natural predators, they are endangered because people sell their skins, oil, and bones. Presently, the number of manatees in the wild has greatly decreased because of the profits that can be made from their skins and bi-products. Another reason why manatees are threatened with extinction is because they are often caught in fishing nets or killed by boats. Ironically, the principal factor that has caused them to become endangered is their curiosity and friendly demeanor.

    Today, on Manatee Appreciation Day, please open your heart to these kind creatures of the sea and share this post to raise awareness about these endangered animals. Also, by refraining from using manatee skins, oils or bones, you be doing your part to help prevent them from becoming extinct.

    Reference: Defenders of wildlife, National geographic
    Source: National geographic

  • 淡水植物 在 potatogiraffe Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-03-25 14:25:42
    有 28 人按讚


    (See below for English)





    參考資料:Defenders of wildlife、National geographic
    圖片來源:National geographic


    Today is Manatee Appreciation Day!
    Do you know what manatees look like? What kind of personalities they have?
    Did you know that there is a real possibility these adorable sea cows will become extinct in the near future?
    Let’s get to know the manatee!

    LENGTH: 2.4 to 4m
    WEIGHT: 200 to 600 kg
    LIFE SPAN: 50 to 60 years in the wild

    Manatees are large marine mammals that inhabit our oceans. They are brownish grey, have thick wrinkled skin and mostly eat water grasses and freshwater plants. Manatees use their front flippers while swimming to help them change directions or even crawl through shallow water. Their strong tail helps propel them forward.

    Manatees are gentle, slow-moving, curious creatures. They spend most of their time relaxing and eating. Manatees make high-pitched sounds as a way of communicating with companions or out of fear, stress, or excitement.

    Even though manatees don’t have any natural predators, they are endangered because people sell their skins, oil, and bones. Presently, the number of manatees in the wild has greatly decreased because of the profits that can be made from their skins and bi-products. Another reason why manatees are threatened with extinction is because they are often caught in fishing nets or killed by boats. Ironically, the principal factor that has caused them to become endangered is their curiosity and friendly demeanor.

    Today, on Manatee Appreciation Day, please open your heart to these kind creatures of the sea and share this post to raise awareness about these endangered animals. Also, by refraining from using manatee skins, oils or bones, you be doing your part to help prevent them from becoming extinct.

    Reference: Defenders of wildlife, National geographic
    Source: National geographic

  • 淡水植物 在 少康戰情室 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-07-14 10:27:51

    ◆南海判決太平島是"礁" 蔡英文被美國騙了?賣了?蔡政府不強調U型線 不唱和大陸,美吃軟柿子?蔡總統怒不接受南海判決 太平島主權進退失據?
    ◆馬英九登太平島親證淡水充裕 蔡英文敢跟進登島?府:暫時沒規劃,未來不排除 登太平島等到何時?昔馬登太平島酸製造困擾 綠委改口尊重藏私心?
    ◆藍籲太平島陸戰隊重回駐軍 有實力才有談判籌碼?太平島海巡署駐守 防衛不足如狼群中一塊鮮肉?淡水、植物、醫院、設籍 敢說太平島不宜人居?
    ◆南海仲裁照妖鏡 蔡政府進退失據徹底現形?大陸籲兩岸共同捍衛南海 吃豆腐?破僵局?南海仲裁暗藏中美角力 台灣意外變成犧牲者?

    民進黨副秘書長 李俊毅
    民進黨發言人 阮昭雄
    政大國關中心研究員 嚴震生
    立法委員(國) 費鴻泰
    資深媒體人 董智森


    每週一至週五21:00至22:00 TVBS 56台首播

