英文Study Tips
Paper 2
Content: Logic Flow🆙
- Always think about why and how (呢2年尼,我都成日幫人改文,發現最大個問題係普遍學生好少具體化佢地的想法)例如佢地有寫harbour land use,反對起高樓大廈
英文Study Tips
Paper 2
Content: Logic Flow🆙
- Always think about why and how (呢2年尼,我都成日幫人改文,發現最大個問題係普遍學生好少具體化佢地的想法)例如佢地有寫harbour land use,反對起高樓大廈
- 寫左個points係起高樓大廈會令污染環境,好多人會就咁講完,就再explain環境污染左會有咩影響。
- 但佢地就好少講到中間個logic係點
- 積係起高樓大廈點樣污染環境,❗️你可以作吓佢地需要填海,❗️填海會影響水質,❗️再影響到環境,❗️之後先再explain 污染的影響,let’s say a threat to the marine life。❗️
- 一個完整的logic flow對於 content攞5️⃣ or above好重要
- 你每寫完一句,你都應該諗吓why? How? What?✅
- Why it matters? Why so? ⚠️
- 例如你寫完威脅海洋生物之後,最好講到點解對我地咁重要?
- How will this relate to that?⚠️
- 積係岩岩咁講,個logic flow (高樓大廈點樣污染環境?填海又點樣污染環境?其實同寫中文綜合差唔多,要環環相扣)
- What does this sentence or term specifically mean?⚠️
- 例如你話老人院果題話整個workshop。你要講呢個係咩workshop?做乜架?由邊個做架?點做架?在邊做?為邊個做?積係要give details 令你講的野具體化
- 你成日都咁諗,你個elaboration就會充份好多,寫得好易上7️⃣
Content: examples🆙
- examples有分長有分短
- 一篇作文最好有齊長短
- 例如我地今次舉的例子係overseas studies
- 短的例子可能在introduction: The USA, the UK, Australia - these are some of the popular countries where students pursue their education.
- 或者係當你舉出個points 係外國有多d 科讀: there are more options for students to choose in other countries, such as astronomy, agriculture, natural science and so on.
- 短的例子係純粹攞黎補充1 d background information/或者係潤飾吓篇文/或者令篇文具體d,著重廣度
- 長的例子可能係針對一個points 而找個貼切的例子去illustrate,令個points更具說服力,著重深度
- 例如你話some disciplines are more better in other countries than in Hong Kong: STEM related subjects in Germany, such as Engineering or biotechnology, offer the best resources in the world; Subjects related to literature in the UK are backed up by more professional scholars.
- 一篇文配合唔同的例子可以令篇名生色不少