

在 法式檸檬甜點產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅呂昇達老師的烘焙市集 Professional Bread/Pastry Making,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ✴️法式檸檬甜點專修❤️ 同學你們真的很討厭😂😂 課程都已經上完了才來詢問老師 什麼時候還要開檸檬甜點的專修班 香港這個是最後一堂課了... 老師開甜點課程比較喜歡跟著季節走 冬季已經不是檸檬的季節😘😘😘 喜歡這個課程的同學...只好等明年囉💯💯💯 #等等就要來準備白神小玉酵母的專修課程...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make lemon bars with buttery crust and smooth citrus  filling. They are so good. Lemon is t...

法式檸檬甜點 在 Eateatforfun Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-10 07:28:09

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ *🍄M .E.ll 新北美食-大坪林站 *🔸地區:#yen吃大坪林站#yen吃新店區#yen吃新北 *🔸類型:#yen吃甜點#yen吃下午茶#yen吃咖啡廳 個人評價:4.4分(滿分5分)  同一間店我來吃第二次!也願意發兩篇文章介紹!上次來享受下午茶,吃鬆餅和司康,而這次來吃早...

  • 法式檸檬甜點 在 呂昇達老師的烘焙市集 Professional Bread/Pastry Making Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-11-02 08:53:36
    有 855 人按讚




  • 法式檸檬甜點 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-21 20:15:01

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make lemon bars with buttery crust and smooth citrus  filling. They are so good.

    Lemon is the most popular fruit in the world. It can make everything better. Lemon wedges and slices are often served with seafood and as a garnish for a drink. Lemon juice can be used raw in drinks, dishes, and desserts in recipes, like lemon bar.

    This recipe is pretty simple, the flavor of crust and lemon filling is so yummy and so balanced. In this video we’re showing you step by step. If you are a fan of lemon, this lemon bar recipe is a MUST-TRY! So take some fresh lemons, yellow or green are both OK. Just bake it. :)

    📍 Please follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/  
    📍 Welcome to follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio/  
    How to make lemon bars

    ☞ Baking pan size:18x18x5 cm

    ✎ Ingredients
    📍 crust
    all-purpose flour 120g
    powdered sugar 40g
    frozen unsalted butter 90g, cut into small cubes
    salt 1g

    📍 lemon filling
    medium size egg 2
    granulated sugar 160g
    fresh lemon juice 80g
    all-purpose flour 50g

    ✎ Instructions
    1. Butter the pan, and line the bottom and sides with parchment paper.
    2. Sieve the flour and powdered sugar, then add them and cold butter and salt to the food processor. Pulse the mixture until you have a crumb like mixture.
    3. Place crumb dough in a baking pan and use fingers or any tools to flatten into the prepared pan.
    4. Preheat the oven to 170°C, bake for 20 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.
    5. While baking, In another mixing bowl, beat together  2 eggs and granulated sugar until combined.
    6. Sieve the flour into the bowl until mixed well.
    7. Pour the fresh lemon juice and whisk until all combined.
    8. Once the crust is done. Pour lemon filling mixture into the prepared crust directly out of the oven. Return to the oven and bake for 10 minutes. (170°C), then cover the pan with foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
    9. Once baked, Let cool completely on a wire rack. Then fridge for at least one hour.
    10. Before serving, cut the outer edge off of each side, dust with powdered sugar and cut into bar shape or square shape as you like.
    00:00 opening
    00:30 Ingredients
    01:16 set up baking pan
    02:27 how to make pastry crust
    05:07 how to make lemon filling
    09:27 cutting and deco

  • 法式檸檬甜點 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-14 20:15:02

    嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』要跟大家分享一款美𠰌程度與顏值成正比的小甜點:檸檬BAR (Lemon bars)。

    檸檬BAR, 也有人稱它為檸檬方塊,它的外型非常賞心悅目,橙黃的色澤讓人看了心情好,它是一款味道與顏值都很有親和力,也很受人喜歡的甜點。
    檸檬是這款小糕點的主角,口感像凝乳般,味道是很柔和的酸甜滋味,搭配烤得酥鬆爽口的酥皮底,吃起來真的很討人喜歡,讓人聯想到法式檸檬塔,但做法相較起來又簡單許多,酸酸甜甜,酥香軟滑,像極了愛情 ❤️


    📍 我們的IG: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/  
    📍 我們的FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio/  

    這支影片還有無人聲的 #ASMR​​​​​​ 版本:
    檸檬 BAR 怎麼作呢?
    下面是 檸檬 BAR 的做法與食譜:

    ☞ 烤模尺寸:18x18x5 cm

    ✎ 材料 Ingredients
    📍 餅皮
    中筋麵粉 120g
    糖粉 40g
    鹽 1g
    無鹽奶油 90g, 切小塊冷凍

    📍 檸檬餡
    中型雞蛋 2顆 (含殼重約122g)
    細砂糖 160g
    現榨黃檸檬汁 80g
    中筋麵粉 50g

    ✎ 做法 Instructions
    1. 烤模抹上薄油,舖上烘焙紙
    2. 將中粉與糖粉過篩,用食物料理機把中粉、鹽、糖粉跟冰凍的奶油丁打成細緻的砂礫狀
    3. 將砂礫麵團平舖在烤盤底部,稍微輕壓整平即可,不用壓的過實
    4. 烤箱預熱170°C, 烘烤 20~22 分鐘或烤到邊緣金黃,中間稍微上色,時間請依照自家烤箱的特性來調整
    5. 趁著烘烤餅皮時來做檸檬內餡,盆裡打入兩顆雞蛋跟糖,攪打均勻
    6. 篩入麵粉,攪勻到看不見乾粉即可
    7. 加入檸檬汁混均,靜置備用(等餅皮出爐),想要更細緻的人可以過篩一次,另外在使用前可以用廚房紙巾或保鮮膜除去內餡表面的泡沫
    8. 餅皮烤好後,從烤箱取出,把內餡倒入,繼續以170°c烘烤10分鐘,10分鐘後,打開箱門在烤模上蓋上鋁箔紙,再繼續烤10分鐘 (總共烤20分鐘)
    9. 出爐放涼,脫模,切除四邊,灑上糖粉,切成長方塊狀或正方型享用
    影片章節 :
    00:00 開場
    00:30 食材介紹
    01:16 處理烤模(上油,鋪烘焙紙和準備錫箔紙)
    02:27 製作餅皮與烘烤設定
    05:07 製作檸檬凝乳內餡
    07:34 餅皮出爐加入檸檬內餡,內餡第一階段烘烤設定
    08:49 內餡第二階段烘烤
    09:27 裝飾、裁切與試吃檸檬Bars
    11:32 製作美式檸檬Bars技巧分享與注意事項
    更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:


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