

在 求婚準備產品中有68篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過180萬的網紅中時新聞網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 職場、情場兩得意,恭喜!!(#吐司編) 文姿云wen,tzu-yun #空手道 #東京オリンピック #2020Olympics #Tokyo2020...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅FABIO GRANGEON 法比歐,也在其Youtube影片中提到,INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/fabiograngeon FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/fabiograngeonofficiel TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@fabi...

  • 求婚準備 在 中時新聞網 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-06 08:10:11
    有 193 人按讚


    文姿云wen,tzu-yun #空手道 #東京オリンピック #2020Olympics #Tokyo2020

  • 求婚準備 在 I-Primo Taiwan 日本最大規模鑽石婚戒珠寶專門品牌 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-01 11:32:03
    有 26 人按讚

    【Summer Valentine's Day ✧ 信義A8店 浪漫仲夏祭典】

    即享 #玫瑰香氛悠遊卡 & #星巴克飲品券 乙份

    立約鑽戒或結婚對戒,即享 #心諾彩鑽 乙顆。
    套戒即享💎 #粉色心諾彩鑽,滿額再贈水晶對杯乙份
    購買70分以上美鑽,即升等 #絕美氣炸鍋 乙台💕

    消費滿額即贈 #幸福求婚花束💐 or #永生花戒盒 🎁甜蜜好禮二選一



  • 求婚準備 在 大紀元 epochtimes.com Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-30 18:25:06
    有 20 人按讚


  • 求婚準備 在 FABIO GRANGEON 法比歐 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-05 21:00:10

    INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/fabiograngeon
    FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/fabiograngeonofficiel
    TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@fabiograngeon

    Please subscribe to support my channel !
    請大家訂閱為了支持我的頻道 !


    * 中文:
    哈囉 大家好!
    重要的驚喜準備你們已經參與我一路從準備到製作,這裡是最後一集製作影片了! 那個最重要的時刻,我要求婚了,將跟所有的好朋友們一起分享這充滿著幸福跟快樂的時刻,一起等待她的出現~ 最美最永生難忘的神奇時刻. 感動你們的一路參與.
    要特別感謝 我們好朋友 @Henry & Donny   幫我一起完成現場佈置
    感謝 Claire 的現場伴奏 讓現場增加了浪漫的神奇魔力
    感謝Nicophotography, Rex, Xiao 捕捉每一個美麗的畫面
    感謝 Joc, Emily, Her, Bernie 現場的音樂氣氛獨一無二
    感謝 RnD 讓現場的貴賓可以享受到特製的調酒
    感謝 Gisele, Michelle, Tiger, Kimmy 的全力支持
    最後要感謝 我可愛的朋友們,很感激你們來參與我人生最重要的時刻,見證我們的愛與幸福. 因為有你們的祝福,讓這個時刻更完美.
    請大家來支持我的頻道, 別忘記按讚,訂閱 與 分享! 謝謝你們🙏

    * English:
    Hi everyone!
    You already followed me step by step through the whole preparation trying to organize the most magical surprise for her. And here comes the last video! The final moments, the proposal, the reactions, the love shared with our close ones. It was magical and unforgettable. Thank you for being part of it.
    A special thank you to my friends  @Henry & Donny   for helping me decorating,
    Thank you to Claire for making this surprise even more beautiful,
    Thank you to Nicophotography, Rex, Xiao, for capturing such beautiful shots,
    Thank you to Joc, Emily, Her, Bernie for making this party special,
    Thank you to RND for the best drinks,
    Thank you to The Top for your great service,
    Thank you to Gisele, Michelle, tiger, kimmy for your help,
    Thank you to my family and friends for their support and love.

    Don't forget to give a LIKE or COMMENT to help with the algorithm and SUBSCRIBE to support me !
    Lots of love to you all :)
    Thanks for being here on my journey.

    Production: AZURE

    #fabiograngeon #fabio #法比歐

  • 求婚準備 在 FABIO GRANGEON 法比歐 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-23 21:00:25

    INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/fabiograngeon
    FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/fabiograngeonofficiel
    TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@fabiograngeon

    Please subscribe to support my channel !
    請大家訂閱為了支持我的頻道 !


    * 中文:
    哈囉 大家好!



    請大家來支持我的頻道, 別忘記按讚,訂閱 與 分享! 謝謝你們🙏

    * English:
    Hi everyone!
    Here is surely the biggest decision I ever took. It is also the biggest surprise I ever prepared and I really think that it magical!
    Far from my family I decided to record everything, step by step to let them and you aswell, be somehow part of it.
    Here is the first episode sharing with you guy about my decision and how I planned to surprise her. Enjoy!

    Don't forget to give a LIKE or COMMENT to help with the algorithm and SUBSCRIBE to support me !
    Lots of love to you all :)
    Thanks for being here on my journey.

    #fabiograngeon #fabio #法比歐

  • 求婚準備 在 Catherine愛美麗生活 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-05 17:02:37