

在 水泥攪拌機修理產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【澳洲生活】其實當我們在中美洲旅行時,York 其中一棟投資房的水管被樹根破壞掉😨 現代的水管都是塑膠,但五十幾年的老房子都是陶瓷水管,因此有縫隙讓樹根有機可趁😖 由於房子整個散發出惡臭,必須趕緊處理! 但沒想到水管工挖到以廢棄的化糞池,必須移除,因此明明才三十萬澳幣的房子卻花了AUD$8000+...

  • 水泥攪拌機修理 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-06-14 20:39:26
    有 293 人按讚

    【澳洲生活】其實當我們在中美洲旅行時,York 其中一棟投資房的水管被樹根破壞掉😨 現代的水管都是塑膠,但五十幾年的老房子都是陶瓷水管,因此有縫隙讓樹根有機可趁😖 由於房子整個散發出惡臭,必須趕緊處理! 但沒想到水管工挖到以廢棄的化糞池,必須移除,因此明明才三十萬澳幣的房子卻花了AUD$8000+ 澳幣修復水管... 這個投資房目前完全是虧錢...😥

    由於修復水管破壞了磁磚,如果重新舖磁磚的話要 AUD$6000,而水泥則是AUD$1900😱 於是 York 決定回去澳洲時自己弄。 因此在旅行最後一個禮拜,他根本心不在焉,每天都在看如果弄水泥的影片,那裡買材料,多少錢等💰 記得剛認識 York 時他是一個什麼都付錢叫人修理的少爺,看到他現在會自己 DIY 真的覺得我的男人長大了😭

    所以一回到澳洲,York 就一個人去買 300KG 的水泥,訂了 2000KG 的砂石,租台水泥攪拌器👀 當天還因為怕我會笨手笨腳的所以叫我待在家😅 從早上八點離開,一個人奮鬥到下午三點,直到他朋友下班後過來幫他攪水泥😆

    而且房客整天不在家,天黑以後根本沒有燈可以照明😖 兩個男生只能用手機的手電筒直到工作結束為止🔦 我隔天去的時候真的很驚訝做的還不錯! 等到下次要找房客的時候再把水泥跟磚漆成同個顏色,應該會比較好租😆 不過 York 身體整個攤掉,說這錢真的不好賺啊 😂 #澳洲投資房 #DIY #澳洲藍領很好賺

    So while we were away on our trip, roots got into the old ceramic pipes in one of our investment properties 🙄 Everything had to be re-done and it was unfortunate that the plumber ran into a septic tank as well😑

    Overall the job costed York AUD$8K to fix it... AUD$1.9K was then quoted to re-concrete the paving, tiling was quoted AUD$6K😱

    So during the last week of our trip, York was just reading up on how to do concreting 😅 YouTube, articles, forums, everything he could get his hands on🙌

    As soon as we got back to Adelaide, he bought 2000KG of sands and 300KG of cement, as well as hiring a concrete mixer👀 Luckily Reece was able to come in the afternoon to help him out with mixing, I just stayed at home cz York said I would be useless 😅

    The boys only finished after 7pm and the tenants weren't home, so they had to use their phones as flashlights to complete the work🔦 I went the next day to help York scrub some concretes off the tiles as well as removing the plastics he used to cover the pipes😌 Very proud of his work, if we were to get new tenants, we prob will just paint the tiles as well as concretes 😂 #DIY #builderinmaking #concrete

