

在 樹齡年輪產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,330的網紅Day Tripper,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #kapital 日本代購 / KAPITAL 🇯🇵 日本人超愛的天竺棉材質 圖案是樹樁年輪印上KAPITAL 獨特風格設計的笑臉,背面的數字是樹齡 尺寸:1號~4號 約XXS~L 顏色:黑色、白色 日本製 - 私訊我詢問拿尺寸表喔...

樹齡年輪 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-30 07:21:42

【拒絕顯老】頸紋是曝露真實年齡的破綻 ⭐不想靠樽領衫遮頸紋 ⭐趁年輕時勤力保養 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 預防顯老頸紋 頸部皮膚薄,皮脂腺相對少所以保水力較弱,加上終日低頭看電話,缺乏保養下頸紋就出現了!頸紋分橫紋和直紋,橫紋被稱為「年輪」,看樹的年輪可以看出樹齡,而頸的「年輪」就因...

  • 樹齡年輪 在 Day Tripper Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-08 17:30:41
    有 1 人按讚


    日本代購 / KAPITAL 🇯🇵

    圖案是樹樁年輪印上KAPITAL 獨特風格設計的笑臉,背面的數字是樹齡

    尺寸:1號~4號 約XXS~L


  • 樹齡年輪 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-29 15:30:44
    有 122 人按讚




    1. 防曬

    2. 護膚

    3. 穴位按摩
    塗抹護膚品時順道給頸部來個按摩,從天突穴(胸骨上窩中央)開始往上推至廉泉穴(頸前正中線喉結正上方),由下向上輕推,旁邊由鎖骨向上推至耳背, 促進 氣血運行有助預防皺紋出現。

    4. 換姿勢
    如果固定一個姿勢太久便容易產生皺紋,例如低頭玩電話、習慣 傾向一側睡 ,最好不時轉換姿勢。

    5. 臟腑調理

    ✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Prevent neck wrinkles
    The skin on our neck is quite thin, and it has fewer skin appendages like sebaceous glands. Hence, it could not effectively retain moisture in the neck region. Besides, the habit of tilting down our heads to look at our phones could also lead to neck wrinkles if we do not take care of it!

    There are horizontal and vertical neck creases. Horizontal neck creases are also known as the ‘growth ring’, which is a reference to the scientific method of dating tree rings to the exact year they are formed. The causes are mainly aging, obesity, tilting the head downwards, and bad sitting posture.

    Vertical creases are also referred to the ‘turkey neck’, which is caused by sagging skin. It is very difficult to get rid of these wrinkles once they are formed, hence, it is better to prevent it in advance. Here are some tips for you to take care of your neck.

    1. Apply sunscreen
    Do not underestimate the power of UV ray as it can cause the skin to age faster. Do not forget to apply sunscreen on your neck.

    2. Take care of the skin
    The skin will age fast if it lacks moisture, so apply some facial cream on your neck too!

    3. Massage the acupoints
    After applying skincare products on your neck, give it a massage. Start by massaging the ‘Tian Tu’ acupoint (the middle of the suprasternal fossa) and move up to ‘Lian Quan’ acupoint (the centre of the neck and above the Adam’s apple). Gently massage upwards. Then, massage from the collarbone all the way up to the back of the ears as this can improve the circulation of the qi and the blood to prevent wrinkles from forming.

    4. Adjust posture regularly
    It is easy for wrinkles to develop if we remain in the same posture for a long period, for instance, tilting our heads downwards when playing with our phones and sleeping on one side. It is best for us to adjust our posture regularly.

    5. Take care of the internal organs
    Chinese Medicine believes that our skin would dehydrate if the internal organs failed to perform optimally, hence contributing to the formation of wrinkles. We need to take care of the health of our internal organs, and drink a cup of rice water a day to strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.

    ✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
    Effects: Reduce water retention, relieve abdominal bloating, improve yellowish complexion
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    Welcome to order through our website:

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女

  • 樹齡年輪 在 StoryTeller 說故事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-16 18:00:19
    有 9 人按讚






    本次展覽Teamlab跳出場館,以位於日本九州、承載多年歷史的御船山樂園作為場地,將科技融入戶外大自然之中,營造虛實交錯的效果。 占地面積達50萬平方米的御船山樂園,於1845年建成。在御船山樂園的邊界,屹立一棵樹齡超過3000年的武雄神社大楠樹神木,在旁則是樹齡約為300年的大楠樹群。巨木見證過歷史洪流、時代交替與文明的興衰,以及人類的貪嗔癡。無數次毀滅與重生,其實不過如同月的盈虛,變幻原是永恆。






    Video and photos by teamlab
    Text by Storyteller Team

    〖teamLab: A Forest where Gods Live〗
    時間:2020.7.22(Wed) - 11.08(Sun)



    「Storyteller 說故事」是一個說故事的平台,也是一個獨立創作單位,集合一群風格獨特的影像及文字創作人,創作各類插畫故事。我們相信故事的力量。歡迎任何合作/品牌推廣,請電郵至info@story-teller.com.hk​
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