

在 概念圖word產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 如何選擇英文單字書? Many students struggle to find suitable learning materials. Here are six tips to help you find the perfect vocabulary book. 1.了解學習英語的目的!...


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  • 概念圖word 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-02-06 11:46:36
    有 129 人按讚


    Many students struggle to find suitable learning materials. Here are six tips to help you find the perfect vocabulary book.

    1.了解學習英語的目的! Focus!


    Understand your goals for learning English.

    Are you learning vocabulary words for daily conversations or preparing for standardized assessments like the SAT, TOEFL, or IELTS? If you are studying for work-related purpose and need technical, domain-specific vocabulary words, you should pick a book that helps you meet these needs.


    2.選擇一本以各種方式呈現單詞的書。Employ diverse learning strategies!


    Pick a book that presents words in diverse ways.

    Good vocabulary books often have definitions, syllabification, collocations, illustrations, word webs, concept maps, and audio recordings to help you understand new words and phrases. Everyone learns differently, and it is best if you find a book that can help you commit these words to memory. The book should also include expected errors (e.g. specie is not the singular form of species) so you can avoid making them.




    Does the book have exercises?

    One of the most effective exercises for learning new words is a cloze exercise. Does the book have cloze, multiple choice, matching, and other exercises that help you remember the words? Are there speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities that help you retain and even use the words in context?


    4. 這本書有提供資源幫助你複習嗎? Always review!


    Does the book have resources to help you review?

    Without drilling and continuous review, it is difficult to commit new information to memory. Does the book include flashcards or apps like Quizlet that help you review the words months after you learned it?


    5.是否有定期和最終的評量?Assessments and evaluations!

    您的單字書是否在幾個學習單元之後有附上單字測驗幫助您評估目前的學習程度和進步的狀況? 好的單字書應該是結構化的,包括單字測驗,以幫助您了解您的進展。

    Does the book have periodic assessments and a final evaluation?

    Assessments are needed to know your current level and your progress. Exercises serve as a good way to measure your understanding of the words, but are there quizzes and tests every few chapters in your book? The book should be structured and include assessments and a final evaluation to help you know your progress.


    6. 這本書能引起你的興趣嗎?Learning should be fun~


    Does the book keep you interested?

    Sometimes, we purchase vocabulary books for test-taking purposes but that does not mean it can’t be interesting. Find a book that includes practical tidbits of knowledge to help make learning interesting and keep you motivated!



    Video Discussions

    1. 為何英文能力無法提升? (影片)

    2. 如何牢記和應用剛學到的英文單詞? (影片)

    3. 來測試一下你的英文詞彙層次! Tier 1, 2, 3? (影片)

    4. 7個教/學英文詞彙的關鍵步驟 (影片)

    5. 如何有效率的認知和應用學科單字 (影片): https://www.cctalk.com/v/15178710492881

    6. 免費線上高頻率學術單詞課:


    Image source: NPR.org

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