

在 棟meaning產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,173的網紅全聯建築技術機構 -許偉揚.瓦建設計,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 921大地震 (集集大地震),在1999年9月21日 凌晨1點47分15.9秒發生在臺灣中部山區的逆斷層型地震,總共持續大約102秒。 這場地震造成2,415人罹難,29人失蹤,11,305人受傷,51,711棟房屋全倒,53,768棟房屋半倒。 今年的 #中秋節,恰逢 #921大地震22周年, 回...

棟meaning 在 HxxA Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-03 18:49:02

🦾 有一種茫然是—你以為你很想要,但其實你並不願意為之肝腦塗地,而你沒有足夠的能力去認知。 我常常告訴身邊的人,我們最該害怕的一直都不該是失敗,而是到了35歲人人都覺得我們很成功、社經地位很崇高,但我們卻不知道自己在為什麼而努力。 在這之前,重點都不是成不成功、賺多少錢、去過哪些國家、有沒有令人...

  • 棟meaning 在 全聯建築技術機構 -許偉揚.瓦建設計 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-21 21:06:12
    有 21 人按讚

    921大地震 (集集大地震),在1999年9月21日 凌晨1點47分15.9秒發生在臺灣中部山區的逆斷層型地震,總共持續大約102秒。
    今年的 #中秋節,恰逢 #921大地震22周年, 回首山河變色那一夜,我們更珍惜與家人團圓聚首的這一天 !

    九二一紀念型式 / 2002遠東國際數位建築競圖獎

    Therefore before the memorial form does not yet model,What does – our attempt that I ask first is memorial?
    Then artificial corpus city of civilization that construct or purchase, how many thousand years since then, always tell to say with the story that the nature match. But at win the nature at the same time, but neglect the unknowable power of great universe.
    Usually in the nature of breakage of at the same time, crisis is hatching. This legal case, primarily and just attempt by the innate character that the formation of the memorial hall study the affairs to celebrate why? How the memory of the affairs of disaster is through concrete of emersion of building space.

    The choice of the position of base also not is to in advance plan to like of, but is through the imagine of the concept of design and filter but find out to most have to symbolize the base of the meaning. In fact ,921 the first step of memorial hall of earthquakeses plan, and then hope the memorial place is an occurrence on aly purely of the earthquake break the layer to take, rather than the death and harm of earthquake is miserably heavy location. With one kind of more detached attitude, afresh come considering the relation of mankind and nature.

    Whole celebrates the scope of amenity, from the dam of the deformation, along seismicly break the layer to take to extend to the big bridge that dilapidated. Artificial with not artificial coexistence is on the earth crust of this deformation. Install the project: dam is with the memorial entrance of amenity of big each conduct and actions of bridge, whole celebrate the space to have no any word of text and record of like diagram, and only come illustrating all facts with the glossary of space.

    04-Space 斷&續
    Break- parable deformation and despair Continuously- the parable continues and eternity Interesting is, the break and continuously is a logic to exist together. Thering is break then can describe the continuously, thering is continuously then can describe the break
    on the text word performance, horary indetermination, convert the memorial describing spatially, become to space epidermis infinite imagine. -Concerning inside and outsides of the building skin layer -As for earth crust skin layer move and motionless.

  • 棟meaning 在 Monster Taipei Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-19 20:00:16
    有 201 人按讚

    Monster Taipei x A Lei x Yesart Gallery - Agogo & Amigo

    Monster Taipei在2016年邀請台灣藝術家-阿咧 (A-Lei) 與日本藝術家中村萌 (Moe Nakamura) 於當年的台北國際玩具創作大展「展中展」聯合展出一場華麗的「土木進行曲」,當時的首度合作受到熱烈迴響,現今兩位藝術家在國際藝術舞台上持續大放異彩,時間回到今年,阿咧受椿畫廊邀請,即將與中村萌及其他七位日本藝術家共同於東京椿畫廊聯合展出,展覽資訊:SPES(拉丁文:希望之意)-9 Artists Group Exhibition- 19 June- 10 July, 2021

    這次 Monster Taipei 與友好單位 Yesart Gallery 意識畫廊繼阿咧首件搪膠作品大象多多後,再次攜手合作推出-”Agogo & Amigo”,並由香港 How2work 團隊製作操刀下,趣味感十足的 Agogo 和小夥伴 Amigo 搪膠作品就此誕生!

    實體呈現的造型與細節近似還原了阿咧每件陶塑原作中極具療癒姿態的手感,作品包裝上特別開版手工製作,讓每對狗狗們配有獨棟景觀豪宅,包裝俏皮的粉色外牆皆有印刷阿咧童趣的插畫,絕對值得珍藏!雙犬去年 TTF 搶先曝光隨即引發高度詢問,現在正式超萌吸睛登場!


    抽選販售商品:Agogo & Amigo
    藝術家: 阿咧 A-Lei
    材質: Vinyl Toy
    Limited Edition of 250
    Monster Taipei x Yesart Gallery 共同出品
    售價: NT.5980/set
    尺寸: Agogo: 11cm (H) , Amigo: 7.5cm (H)
    *每件作品皆為手工上色 ,顏色呈現略有不同,請以實品為準。

    2021/06/19(六) 20:00 ~ 2021/06/22(二) 20:00


    1.此商品採線上抽選方式販售,欲參加抽選的朋友請填寫 Google 表單,需登入 Google 帳號,一人一個帳號限填寫一次,如有重複填寫資料者或資料填寫不齊全者將直接取消抽選資格。


    3.抽選將會使用電腦亂數程式隨機抽選,抽選結果將於 2021/06/24(四) 當天 21:00 前以簡訊及 e-mail 通知中選者,未中選者不另行通知。

    4.中選者需於收到中選通知後三日內 2021/06/27(日)

    (1) 台灣地區中選者 : 提供上海商銀帳戶匯款郵寄。 (運費$80)
    (2) 海外地區中選者 : 僅提供 PayPal 付款 (需另加 5% PayPal 手續費),依所在地區的不同,運費金額將會另行估算,隨中選信通知附上運費金額。


    7.申請抽選將視為皆已同意以上規則,Monster Taipei 保有最終販售及修改之權利。

    Monster Taipei 台北怪獸國際有限公司

    In 2016, Monster Taipei invited Taiwanese artist A-Lei and Japanese artist Moe Nakamura to co-exhibition during the Taipei Toy Festival. The two artists continue to shine on the international art scene.
    This year, A-Lei is invited by Tsubaki Gallery to exhibit with Moe Nakamura and seven other Japanese artists at Tsubaki Gallery in Tokyo.
    Exhibition information: SPES (Latin: Meaning of Hope)
    9 Artists Group Exhibition- 19 June - 10 July, 2021

    After A-Lei’ s first Designer vinyl work "大象多多 DoDo", Monster Taipei and Yesart Gallery have co-work again recently, producing by Hong Kong How2work team, and the interesting vinyl work “Agogo and Amigo” was born!

    The appearance and details approximately re-appears the touch of A-Lei's original pottery sculpture and the healing feeling.
    The packaging work is specially hand-made, so that each pair of dogs come with a family landscape mansion. The playful pink walls are all printed with illustrations of A-Lei’s childishness, which are definitely worth collecting! The first TTF exposure of "Agogo & Amigo" last year immediately triggered high levels of asking, and now it is officially released!

    "Agogo & Amigo" will be sold by global online lottery delivery, please continue to check the following information.

    Lottery merchandise : Agogo & Amigo
    Artist : A-Lei
    Material : Vinyl Toy
    Limited Edition : 250 sets
    Presented : Monster Taipei x Yesart Gallery
    Price : NT.5980/set
    Size : Agogo: 11cm(H), Amigo: 7.5cm(H)
    *Each work is hand-painted, and the color is slightly different, please refer to the actual product.

    lottery form filling time:
    2021/06/19(SAT.) 20:00 ~ 2021/06/22(TUE.) 20:00

    Sales rules:
    1. This art work is sold by global online lottery. Friends who want to participate in the lottery, please fill out the Google form by your Google account. Each account is limited to one time only. If you fill in the information repeatedly or fill in the information incompletely, you will be directly disqualified from the lottery. .

    2. Please fill in the form within the opening hours, overtime filing will not be accepted.

    3. The lottery will be randomly selected using a computer random number program. The results of the lottery will be notified on 2021/06/24(THU) by SMS and e-mail before 21:00. Those who lost the chance will not be notified.

    4. Winners of the lottery need to complete the payment within three days 2021/06/27(SUN) after receiving the notification. If they didn't complete the payment within the time limit, the purchase qualification will be directly cancelled and be included in the permanent blacklist. Please confirm whether able to pay within the specified time before participating in the lottery.

    5. Way of purchase
    (1) Winners in Taiwan : Provide Shanghai Commercial Bank Account to remit.( NT$80 for shipping)
    (2) Winners from Overseas : Only PayPal payment is available (additional 5% PayPal handling fee is required). Depending on the region, the shipping amount will be estimated separately, and the shipping amount will be attached to the notification.

    6. The recipient and address on the lottery form cannot be changed, and those who wish to change will be regard as giving up the qualification.

    7. Application for lottery will be deemed to have agreed to the above rules, Monster Taipei reserves the right to final sales and modification.


  • 棟meaning 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-05 15:58:29
    有 535 人按讚

    [時事英文] 為何台灣僅42例新冠病毒確診*

    Why Taiwan Has Just 42 Coronavirus Cases

    Taiwan sits near Japan, China and South Korea, three countries with some of the world’s worst outbreaks of the deadly coronavirus, but the island itself has just 42 isolated cases.

    1. sit near 位於…附近、鄰近
    2. outbreaks of the deadly coronavirus 致命新冠病毒的爆發
    3. isolated cases 個別案件


    *Coronavirus Update (Live): https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


    Chalk it up to extra early, effective preparedness, analysts and policymakers say – so effective that people’s approval of the government unexpectedly soared last month.

    4. chalk something up to something …歸因於…
    5. effective preparedness有效的預備狀態
    6. approval of the government soared 對政府的認可驟升



    Taiwanese health officials saw the virus taking shape in the central Chinese Wuhan in December and began checking passengers who flew in from there. They also cut off flights from much of China, the outbreak origin, before a lot of peers around Asia did.

    7. take shape 成形
    8. cut off flights 中斷航班
    9. the outbreak origin 疫情的起源
    10. epicenter of the outbreak 疫情的起源點



    Now almost every public building in Taipei offers hand sanitizer and a lot of them, such as schools, require that anyone entering submit to a fever check. Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control announces any new cases every day. In February it began rationing facemask purchases to head off panic buying.

    11. hand sanitizer 洗手抗菌劑,消毒劑
    12. a fever check 發燒檢查
    13. announce new cases 發布新的確診案例
    14. ration (v.) facemask purchases 口罩配給購買
    15. head off 防止
    16. panic buying 恐慌性搶購



    “With the hit from Wuhan pneumonia, most people originally figured Taiwan was going to be miserable this time because of [sic]* ties with mainland China are so close, and that it couldn’t be avoided,” said You Ying-lung, chairman of the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation polling agency, using a local term for the disease officially dubbed COVID-19.

    17. figure (v.) 認為
    18. ties with與…連結
    19. could not be avoided 無法避免

    *because, please check the comments



    “But as the things became clear, it turned out Taiwan wasn’t so miserable and in fact compared to other countries in the world, it’s got the best performance,” he said.

    20. become clear 變得清楚
    21. turn out …地發生(或發展);結果是(尤指出乎意料的結果)
    22. the best performance最好的表現



    The government first took notice of the virus in December as people in China began talking about it informally. In response, the Centers for Disease Control started onboard quarantine of all direct flights from Wuhan on December 31. The centers said on its website that by January 9 it had “inspected” 14 flights with 1,317 passengers and attendants.

    23. take notice of 注意
    24. in response 作為因應

    隨著中國人民開始非正式地談論該病毒,台灣政府於12月關注到此事。作為因應,疾管署於12月31日開始對武漢所有直航進行機上隔離檢疫。疾管署於其網站上表示,截至1月9日,已經檢驗了14班航班,共 1,317名乘客與空服員。


    The disease caught the attention of other countries in late January. Although numbers of new cases are dropping in China, Japan and South Korea are grappling with recent outbreaks.

    25. catch the attention of... 引起...的注意
    26. grapple with... 與…搏鬥



    Taiwanese citizens, Lo said, consider transparency “very important.” The government hopes to release information that keeps people on guard without inciting any panic, analysts believe.

    27. consider transparency to be important認為透明度很重要
    28. release information 發布資訊
    29. keep people on guard 保持警惕
    30. incite panic 煽動恐慌



    Officials are looking for ways now to minimize economic impacts of the virus.

    Parliament approved a $1.96 billion stimulus package last month for companies shaken by the outbreak. After the virus subsides, Lo said, the government will come out with discount vouchers to encourage spending. More might be in the pipeline.

    31. minimize economic impact 減少經濟影響
    32. a stimulus package 振興方案
    33. be shaken by the outbreak 受疫情爆發所震盪、削弱
    34. discount voucher 優惠券
    35. encourage spending 鼓勵消費
    36. in the pipeline 在籌劃中;在進行中




    “We need to do something to help the small and medium-sized enterprises to pass through this kind of difficult period,” Lo said. “The government for example needs to lower the interest rates and to help the people or the companies, or factories, to borrow new loans from the bank, so this is the first stage.”

    37. pass through this difficult period 渡過這個艱難的時期
    38. lower interest rate 降低利率

    「我們需要做些事情來幫助中小企業渡過這種困難時期。」 盧還表示:「“例如,政府需要降低利率,並幫助人民、公司或工廠從銀行借貸,這是第一步。」


    Action against the coronavirus to date has boosted President Tsai Ing-wen’s approval rating to 68.5% in February up from 56.7% in January and on par with what she polled right after taking office in 2016, a Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation poll showed February 24. Local television network TVBS gave the government an 82% approval rating for its handling of the outbreak.

    “The meaning is the Tsai government is doing pretty well,” You said.

    39. boost approval rating 提高支持率
    40. on par with… 與...相當
    41. its handling of the outbreak 它對疫情的處理
    42. do well 做得好




    完整報導: Why Taiwan Has Just 42 Coronavirus Cases while Neighbors Report Hundreds or Thousands


    Image source: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3883510


    保健心智圖: https://goo.gl/seqt5k

    保健相關單字: https://wp.me/p44l9b-Tt (+mp3)

    時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8

