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#P/IP Pitches thrown per inning         平均每局用球數  

#P/GS Pitches thrown per start 平均先發用球數

#Pit Pitches thrown               投球數 

2B Doubles allowed              被二壘安打      

3B Triples allowed              被三壘安打      

AGS Average Game Score. See Game Score, below 平均投手評比

Avg Batting average allowed 被打擊率

BB Bases on balls 四壞球

BB/9 Walks Per 9innings 平均九局保送數

BIPA Balls In Play Average. Batting Average 被打擊進場機率
Against, not including home runs or

Bk Balks                   投手犯規       

BlSv Blown saves. See SvOp, below, for     救援失敗
definition of a save situation

CG Complete games 完投

CS Runners caught stealing 盜壘刺

CW Cheap Wins. Wins in games started that are非合格先發勝投
not Quality Starts.

Dec Decision (Win, loss) 勝敗相關場次

DIPS ERA A pitcher's ERA, independent of the 扣除守備幫忙的防禦率
defense behind him. This formula, based on
essays by Voros McCracken, assumes that
all pitchers have consistent BIPA (See
Above), and adjusts accordingly. The DIPS
ratios on ESPN use the DIPS 2.0 formula,
are not park-adjusted, and do not adjust
for knuckleball pitchers.

ER Earned runs 自責分

ERA Earned-run average 防禦率
(ER times 9) divided by IP

ERC Component ERA. A pitcher's ERA based on 理論失分
the hits and walks he allowed, rather than
actual runs.

ERC% Ratio of Component ERA to actual ERA 理論失分率

FB Fly balls hit against 飛球

G/F Ground ball/fly ball ratio against 滾地飛球比
GB divided by FB

GB Ground balls hit against 滾地球

GIDP Grounded into double plays against 被雙殺打

GF Games finished 最後投手

GR Games in relief 後援

GS Games started 先發

GSc Game Score. Start with 50 points. Add 1 單場投手評比
point for each out recorded, (3 points per
inning). Add 2 points for each inning
completed after the 4th. Add 1 point for
each strikeout. Subtract 2 points for each
hit allowed. Subtract 4 points for each
earned run allowed. Subtract 2 points for
each unearned run allowed. Subtract 1
point for each walk.

H Hits against 被安打

H/9 Hits Per 9innings 平均九局被安打數

Hld Holds. Earned when a relief pitcher 中繼點
enters a game in a save situation (see
SvOp, below, for definition), records at
least one out, and leaves the game without
having given up the lead

HR Home runs allowed 被全壘打

IBB Intentional bases on balls 故意四壞

IP Innings pitched 投球局數

IR Inherited runners. Runners on base when a 壘上跑者數
relief pitcher enters a game

K/9 Strikeouts Per Nine Innings 平均九局奪三振數

L Losses 敗投

OBP On-base percentage allowed. See OBP in 被上壘率
Batting Statistics, above, for definition
of OBP

ORuns Opponents' runs scored (average, per nine 失分率
innings pitched) while the pitcher of

PFR Power/Finesse Ratio Strikeouts Plus Walks 投手特性評比
Divided By Innings Pitched

PK Pick-offs 牽制出局

Qualified In order to qualify for pitching titles in投手排行門檻
year-to- averaged categories (ERA, WPct, #P/IP, RS,
date ORuns, Slg, OBP, Avg, CS%, G/F), a player
must average at least one inning pitched
for every game his team has played.
Sorting by qualified year-to-date excludes
all players not currently on pace to reach
that minimum

QS Quality starts 合格先發
A starting pitcher is credited with a
quality start if he pitches at least six innings
and allows three or fewer earned runs.

R Runs 失分

RBI Runs batted in allowed 被打點

Rel Relief decision (Save, blown save, hold) 中繼結果

RS Run support. Team's runs scored (average, 隊伍支援分數
per 9 innings pitched) while the pitcher
of record

SB Stolen bases allowed 被盜壘

SF Sacrifice flies allowed 犧牲飛球

SH Sacrifice hits allowed 犧牲打

ShO Shutouts 完封

Slg Slugging percentage allowed. See Slg in 被長打率
Batting Statistics, above, for definition

SO Strikeouts 三振

Sv Saves. Earned when a pitcher finishes a 救援
game without having given up the lead
after entering in a save situation (see
SvOp, below, for definition)

SvOp Save opportunities. When a pitcher 1) 救援機會
enters the game with a lead of three or
fewer runs and pitches at least one inning
, 2) enters the game with the potential
tying run on base, at bat, or on deck, or
3) pitches three or more innings with a
lead and is credited with a save by the
official scorer

TBF Total batters faced 對戰打者數

TL Tough Losses. Losses in games started that合格先發敗戰
are Quality Starts.

WHIP Walks plus hits divided by Innings Pitched平均每局被上壘次數

W Wins 勝投

WPct Winning percentage 勝率
Wins divided by (Wins + losses)   

WP Wild pitches 暴投

保送數                                   ▏

防禦率 =自責分x9/投球局數                       


理論  =理論失分/防禦率                         

被安打數                                  ▏

奪三振數                                  ▏



勝率  =勝投/(勝投+敗投)                       


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