

在 桑寄生月經產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【調經孖寶】認識有助月經暢順的藥材 ⭐趁非行經日子調理身體 ⭐首要記得戒吃生冷凍飲 #星期四食材 益母草 vs 桑寄生 月經不調問題困擾不少女生,說到調經食物,很多人都會想到益母草及桑寄生,益母草固名思義是女性恩物,因為善於活血祛瘀調經,所以有「益母」之名,尤其適合血瘀型痛經的女生,明顯症狀為面...

桑寄生月經 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【調經湯水】月經失調問題要正視 ⭐趁月經前喝湯調理 ⭐月經好身體自然好 #星期三CheckCheckMail 南棗甜湯補血益氣 伍小姐:「每次月經來都覺得個人好虛弱,可以喝甚麼湯調補?」 CheckCheckCin:女生每月的月經都會耗失血液,可以趁月經前後調補身體,但要視乎體質症狀,因為月經...

桑寄生月經 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-26 17:27:41

【備孕須知】女性一生會排出約400個卵子 ⭐卵子數量只會有減無增 ⭐後天可延緩卵巢衰老速度 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 卵巢早衰4大警號 如果計劃生育,但肚皮遲遲未有消息,不少女性都會進行AMH(Anti-mullerian Hormone 抗穆勒氏荷爾蒙)檢查,AMH指數可以評估卵子庫存...

桑寄生月經 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-16 11:26:54

【月經診症室】經血過多小心引致貧血 ⭐不要胡亂進補 ⭐趁非行經日子調理身體 #星期三CheckCheckMail 正視每月血崩煩惱 洪小姐:「每次來經我都好苦惱,來經時間長達十天,而且坐着起來時就感到經血湧出來,又會夾雜着像仙草凍的血塊,每兩小時必須去洗手間,又不時覺得頭暈。」 CheckCh...

  • 桑寄生月經 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-10 17:52:18
    有 406 人按讚



    益母草 vs 桑寄生

    益母草 — 性寒,有活血化瘀、調經止痛、利水消腫功效,適合血瘀型月經不適人士使用,症狀為面色及唇色偏暗、月經期間時有血塊。注意孕婦忌服。

    桑寄生 — 性平,具滋補肝腎、養血安胎、祛風濕、通經絡、強筋骨的功效。



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    Motherwort vs mulberry mistletoe stem
    Many women are troubled by irregular periods. In order to treat this problem, many people would think of motherwort (‘yi mu cao’) and mulberry mistletoe stem (‘sang ji sheng’). The name ‘motherwort’ suggests it is beneficial to women, and is effective in invigorating the blood and removing blood stasis; suitable for women who experience blood stasis-related menstrual pain. Some apparent symptoms include dull and dark facial complexion and lips, and blood clots in the menstrual fluid.

    Motherwort can also improve the bleeding (lochia) problem during the postpartum period; relieve water retention, as well as bruises and injuries. Since motherwort is mildly cold in nature, it is suitable for individuals with heat-related conditions, which experience symptoms such as dry mouth, canker sore, acne and constipation.

    On the other hand, mulberry mistletoe stem, which is neutral in nature, can nourish the liver and kidney, as well as nourish the blood and the fetus. Many pregnant women love to drink herbal tea that consists of mulberry mistletoe stem, lotus seed and egg, as it can calm the fetus and the mind. Mulberry mistletoe stem can improve the circulation of the meridians, strengthen the bones and joints; relieve pain and numbness caused by rheumatism, as well as soreness and pain on the waist and knees.

    Since mulberry mistletoe stem is neutral in nature, it is suitable for most individuals to consume.

    Motherwort – cold in nature; can invigorate the blood and remove blood stasis, treat menstrual pain, induce diuresis and relieve water retention; is suitable for individuals who experience blood stasis-related menstrual discomfort, which carries symptoms such as dull and dark facial complexion and lips, and blood clots in the menstrual fluid. Pregnant women should avoid consuming it.

    Chinese taxillus herb- Neutral in nature, replenishes the kidneys and liver, nourishes blood and baby. Coupled with lotus seeds which can calm the mind and egg to nourish yin, relieve dryness and strengthen the brain.

    Motherwort and Chinese hawthorn tea
    Effects: Activates blood and relieves stasis. Suitable for pale complexion and lip color, menstrual blood has blood clots.
    Ingredients: 15g motherwort, 4-5 Chinese hawthorn, cane sugar
    Preparation: Place all ingredients into thermos, rinse with hot water and add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-browed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Consume 1 week before mensuration.

    Chinese taxillus herb tea with mulberry and red date
    Effects: Replenishes and nourishes blood. Suitable for those with asthenic weak type of menstrual discomfort. Accompanying symptoms are prone to cold limbs, heart palpitations, dizziness.
    Ingredients: 15g Chinese taxillus herb, 10g mulberry, 3 seedless red dates
    Preparation: Place all ingredients into thermos, rinse with hot water and add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-browed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Consume 1 week before mensuration.

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