

在 桃園ten屋產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅Handerson_yau Photography,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Looptopia Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季 2018. #looptopia2018 LOOPTOPIA 是台灣原創的大型音樂季,由帶給國人近 40 場萬人音樂盛事的在地團隊 theLOOP 一手蘊育而成。 自 2000 年誕生以來,theLOOP 便一步一腳...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅鈞鈞_12點直播,也在其Youtube影片中提到,國旗屋米干米線 320桃園市中壢區龍平路215號 雙十米干 Double ten yunnan noodle 32093桃園市中壢區龍平路211號 鈞鈞TG頻道👉 https://t.me/jingjing520 鈞鈞donate 👉 綠界:https://p.ecpay.com.tw/23...

  • 桃園ten屋 在 Handerson_yau Photography Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-01-06 20:52:55
    有 9 人按讚

    Looptopia Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季 2018.


    LOOPTOPIA 是台灣原創的大型音樂季,由帶給國人近 40 場萬人音樂盛事的在地團隊 theLOOP 一手蘊育而成。
    自 2000 年誕生以來,theLOOP 便一步一腳印地為台灣的電音環境默默耕耘,讓電音文化在台灣得以生根茁壯。多年來 theLOOP 邀請了超過 400 組國際知名 DJ 與藝人,更催生出近 40 場萬人規模的音樂活動,也見證電音文化從地下躍升為主流。從 2003 年數千人的 Spring Love、Winter Love,發展到亞洲規模最大,動輒萬人的 2F White | 白色派對、Halloween Massive / 萬獸派對。theLOOP 自有品牌的亮眼表現,更吸引了跨國集團指定合作,率先引進了 Sensation、Armin Only 等知名電音盛事;不僅為台灣電音帶來一波新的高峰,更讓台灣成為亞洲電音新樂園。
    現在,電音專家 theLOOP 將結合超過 15 年以上累積的豐富經驗,打造接軌國際的超級電音季,為國人開創台灣史上規模最大的電音聖典——《 Looptopia Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季》!
    為期二天的 LOOPTOPIA 將邀請到國內外 50 組以上的重量級 DJ 及表演藝人。跨國團隊設計的三大前衛舞台,結合裝置藝術、互動設計、露營、烤肉、小木屋及沐浴等設備完善的場地,肯定是電音迷的烏托邦理想樂土。《LOOPTOPIA Music Festival 樂托邦國際音樂季》即將再度在 2018 年四月寫下台灣電音史新的一頁。
    LOOPTOPIA 將是台灣史上規模最大的電子音樂季。一起加入這場立足亞洲、放眼全球的電音聖典,跟我們共同經歷這值得驕傲的一刻!
    地表最狂音樂季,為期 2 天、3 大舞台
    50 組國內外重量級知名 DJ
    給您台灣前所未見的 #真正音樂季體驗!
    活動日期:2018 年 4 月 6 日、 4 月 7 日
    主辦單位:theLOOP Events
    活動地點:埔心牧場 (桃園市幼獅路一段 439 號)
    LOOPTOPIA is Taiwan’s very own music festival brought to you by theLOOP. We are a native production team that has hosted nearly 40 large-scale music events all over the island.
    Over the years we’ve welcomed over 400 international DJs and produced nearly 40 large-scale music festivals. From household brands like Spring Love and Winter Love to Asia’s largest music events with over ten thousand partygoers like White Party and Halloween Massive, theLOOP has grown to be an entertainment powerhouse. The success of locally produced events resulted in multiple international collaborations with brands like Sensation and Armin Only. All of our hard work and efforts were aimed to shape Taiwan into an EDM paradise.
    Now, we will combine over 15 years of entertainment and music experience to create a new landmark for international music festivals in Asia.
    The 2-day event will host over 50 Top DJs and entertainers. Not only will the venue consist of 3 colorful performance areas designed by renowned international stage designers, there will be interactive art installations, camping, barbecue, cabins, showers, and complete amenities; It is a new utopia for festival lovers. With surprises in every corner of the venue, it is an outdoor playground embodying all the beauty and enchantment that is Formosa. Let us take you to a new kind of fantasyland filled with good music, friendly people, and savory island food. Join us in honoring the start of spring through a weekend of dance and music. In April of 2018, LOOPTOPIA will write a new chapter in Taiwan’s EDM history again.
    We want to share with you the beauty and hospitality that Taiwan has to offer; what better place than the refreshing island breeze and lush grassland to awaken your inner child. Join us and be part of this historic event and unforgettable EDM experience in Asia!
    LOOPTOPIA 2018, see you there!
    Taiwan's premier dance music festival is coming! Spanning across 2 days, 3 stages and 50 more globally acclaimed DJs, all in 1 event! Combining camping, BBQ, at the most epic outdoor venue in Asia, this is truly Asia's premium festival experience!
    DATE: April 6, 2018 - April 7, 2018
    EVENT BY: theLOOP Events
    WEBSITE: www.looptopia.cc
    INFO: https://www.facebook.com/LooptopiaFest/
    VENUE: Pushin Ranch (439 Sec. 1 Youshi Rd., Taoyuan)
    LOCATION: https://goo.gl/maps/BkyiDiCKRDL2
    HOTLINE: +886-966-136-000
    #LOOPTOPIAisPLUR #LOOPTOPIA #LOOPTOPIAmusicfestival #樂托邦國際音樂季 #theLOOP #樂托邦 

  • 桃園ten屋 在 Viviyu旅遊美食世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-05-30 20:26:36
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