題外話: 男生朋友聊天一定會聊到美女, 很多人不知道其實女生朋友們聊天也會聊到帥哥, 你們該不會以為女生們都只聊時尚美妝與小孩吧?! 呵呵.
新開幕的東引快刀手位於市民大道附近, 是南京三民站東引小吃店的獨立分店, 何謂獨立? 因為是女兒開的, 有自己的想法與經營方式. ...
題外話: 男生朋友聊天一定會聊到美女, 很多人不知道其實女生朋友們聊天也會聊到帥哥, 你們該不會以為女生們都只聊時尚美妝與小孩吧?! 呵呵.
新開幕的東引快刀手位於市民大道附近, 是南京三民站東引小吃店的獨立分店, 何謂獨立? 因為是女兒開的, 有自己的想法與經營方式. 牛油乾麵依舊是招牌. 目前下午有營業.
🔥招牌牛油麻醬麵 (小) $55
我選寬麵. 攪拌時會有牛油香氣, 吃的時候, 牛油香會被蓋住.我個人覺得還可以. 點 ubereat 的人要注意, 店員說醬不會分開放, 我覺得你要吃麵的時候, 麵會糾結得很嚴重.
🔥 滷味 (價格在菜單上)
往左滑有菜單, 花干, 蘿蔔, 滷蛋都可以點. 滷汁微辣. 滷味不錯吃, 店家自己有很辣的辣醬在自助區, 請斟酌.住附近的人可去吃看看.
Off Topic:You guys talk about girls while chatting. Guys always think that we girls talk about fashion, cosmetics and kids all the time. Oh, we girls talk about guys too.
Newly-opened local food restaurant is located near SYS Memorial Hall near Civic Blvd. It operates during afternoon.
🔥 Noodle with Butter fats and Sesame Paste (Small) NTD $55
I selected the thick noodle instead of thin noodle. While mixing the noodle, you can sense the butter fats aroma. However, while eating, the sesame paste would cover the butter fats flavor though. If you are going to order uber eat , I would suggest you to only order noodle with butter fats.
🔥 Braised Items
The menus are at the end of the pictures. I ordered braised tofu, daikon and and boiled egg. All are delicious along with mild spicy braised sauce. If you live nearby, I would suggest you to try it out.
💰 均價: NTD $100~ NTD $150 / 人
🔍 #娜姐松山區美食
🔍 #foodie_songshanfood
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