

在 杜哈英文產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] Paiwan Warrior wins Olympic silver for Taiwan 排灣戰士替台灣奪得奧運銀牌! 音檔: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRvzCYJKW1d/ Taiwan’s Yang Yung-wei (楊勇緯)* too...

杜哈英文 在 江婉瑱 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-19 03:22:04

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  • 杜哈英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-25 18:32:58
    有 428 人按讚

    [時事英文] Paiwan Warrior wins Olympic silver for Taiwan


    音檔: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRvzCYJKW1d/

    Taiwan’s Yang Yung-wei (楊勇緯)* took the silver medal in Judo’s 60 kilogram category, marking the country’s first medal at the Tokyo Olympics and its first ever Olympic medal for Judo, on the first day of competition, Saturday, July 24.

    • mark (v.) 象徵;標記
    • first ever Olympic medal 有史以來第一枚奧運獎牌
    • judo 柔道

    7 月 24 日星期六,台灣選手楊勇緯在柔道 60 公斤級比賽中獲得銀牌,這是該國在東京奧運的第一枚獎牌,也是奧運柔道賽史上的第一面獎牌。

    *Yang: https://bit.ly/3zuIIAj


    Twenty-three-year-old Yang, of the Paiwan indigenous people, and from Taichung City, previously won silver medals at the 2019 Asian Pacific Judo Championships held in the United Arab Emirates, the 2019 World Judo Championships in Tokyo, Japan, the 2020 Judo Grand Slam in Düsseldorf, Germany, and the 2021 Judo World Masters in Doha, Qatar.

    • the Paiwan indigenous people 排灣族原住民
    • be held in... 在...舉辦

    23歲的楊勇緯是來自台中市的排灣族原住民,先前曾在阿聯舉辦的2019年亞太柔道錦標賽、2019年日本 東京世界柔道錦標賽、2020 年德國 杜塞道夫柔道大滿貫和 2021 年卡達 杜哈的柔道世界大師賽獲得銀牌。


    While a gold medal would have broken a long streak of silver, and Yang was visibly disappointed at the end of the bout with 28-year-old Takato, Yang’s youth puts gold well within his reach in the future. By the time Yang reached the podium he had overcome his upset to Takato. After being awarded the silver medal, Yang picked it up and rubbed it on his cheek. “I wanted to feel it, this is the Olympic medal,” Yang said.

    • break/end a … streak 打破/終止~以來的紀錄
    • streak (n.) 一陣好運;一陣黴運
    • visibly disappointed 明顯感到失望的
    • bout 回合
    • within his reach 他可以達到的範圍
    • overcome his upset 克服敗局(的失落)
    • upset (n.) 混亂;麻煩;爆冷門; 翻倒;傾覆

    雖然(若在這次獲得)金牌會打破長期以來的銀牌紀錄,楊勇緯在與 28 歲的高藤直壽的比賽回合結束時明顯感到失望,但楊勇緯還年輕,在未來依舊相當可能獲得金牌。楊勇緯上台領獎的時候,他已經克服了自己對敗給高藤直壽的失落。拿到銀牌後,楊勇緯將它拿起來,在自己的臉頰上蹭了蹭。「這是奧運獎牌,我想感受一下,」楊勇緯說。


    Yang’s achievement drew praise from all quarters in Taiwan with President Tsai Ing-wen taking to social media to say “Congratulations to Yang Yung-wei on your silver medal in judo! You’ve made your fellow Taiwanese proud, & won Team Taiwan’s first medal at Tokyo 2020.”

    • draw praise from 獲得~的好評
    • all quarters 各界、各處、四面八方
    • take to social media 使用社交媒體、在社交媒體上說
    • make sb proud 使~驕傲

    楊勇緯的成績獲得台灣各界一致好評,蔡英文總統在社交媒體上說:「恭喜楊勇緯獲得柔道銀牌!你讓台灣人感到自豪,並在 2020 年東京奧運上贏得了台灣隊的第一枚獎牌。」


    完整英文報導: https://bit.ly/2TBtSIY

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