是日芒種👨🏼🌾👩🏻🌾 「未食五月粽,寒衣不入籠。」芒種這氣節,氣溫及濕度相繼提升,天氣日漸悶熱,剛過了端午節,多了病人有胃脹、胃氣多等症狀,大概是粽子惹的禍吧。加上炎熱天氣,間中飲食生冷也在所難免,所以更加要保護脾胃,每天飲用一杯米水,減低脾胃負擔。另外也建議運動後立即換衣服,平常也要穿著透氣性...
是日芒種👨🏼🌾👩🏻🌾 「未食五月粽,寒衣不入籠。」芒種這氣節,氣溫及濕度相繼提升,天氣日漸悶熱,剛過了端午節,多了病人有胃脹、胃氣多等症狀,大概是粽子惹的禍吧。加上炎熱天氣,間中飲食生冷也在所難免,所以更加要保護脾胃,每天飲用一杯米水,減低脾胃負擔。另外也建議運動後立即換衣服,平常也要穿著透氣性高的衣服,否則皮膚容易出現敏感或出暗瘡等。
Grain in Ear Solar Term
Keep a light diet
Keep dry
Regulate the spleen and stomach ‘Don’t put away your winter clothes, until you’ve had your May rice dumplings’
Grain in Ear solar term is when the temperature and humidity both increase and it starts to become hot and stuffy. Dragon Boat also just passed and a lot of patients visit with stomach bloating and gassiness issues, most likely due to eating rice dumplings. With the heat, having cold food or drinks become unavoidable, so it is even more important to protect your spleen and stomach. Having a cup of rice water daily can help to reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach. We also suggest that you change your clothes immediately after exercising and in general wear clothes with high breathability to avoid skin allergy and irritations or pimples.
Rice Water (for 1-2 people)
Ingredients: red rice (two tablespoons), white rice (1/2 tablespoon), coix seeds (1/2 tablespoon)
Preparation: Rinse ingredients thoroughly and add into pot with 800-1000ml of water. Cook on high heat until boiling then simmer on low heat for 20-30 minutes.
Note: Make it daily and finish it within same day, do not keep overnight.
Suggested foods: okra, asparagus, corn, black fungus, string beans, dark prunes, malt, cucumbers, star fruit, kiwis, mint, lotus leaves.
未食五月粽寒衣不入籠 在 滾續達人 Facebook 的最佳解答
又到衣物換季嘅時刻,好多人面對要收拾整理衣櫃都無從入手,因為啲衫長期塞埋喺衣櫃堆積如山。今日茄子丸想同大家分享衣物斷捨離同埋分類放小貼士 ^^
(1) 首先拎起每件衫問下自己對呢件衫有咩睇法~
(2) 用聯想分類法放置經篩選後決定保留嘅衣物︰根據衫嘅長度、厚度、大小、輕重、款式同顏色去整理,將同類嘅放埋一齊,而最常著嘅就放喺當眼處,咁就唔會因為搵唔到而又去重覆購買多餘嘅衣物。
#滾續達人 #換季衣物斷捨離 #收納大法 #未食五月粽寒衣不入籠 #仲有機會轉凍
未食五月粽寒衣不入籠 在 自家廚房 CasaCookery Facebook 的最佳解答
未食五月粽寒衣不入籠 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
Grain in Ear Solar Term
Keep a light diet
Keep dry
Regulate the spleen and stomach
‘Don’t put away your winter clothes, until you’ve had your May rice dumplings’
Grain in Ear solar term is when the temperature and humidity both increase and it starts to become hot and stuffy. Dragon Boat also just passed and a lot of patients visit with stomach bloating and gassiness issues, most likely due to eating rice dumplings. With the heat, having cold food or drinks become unavoidable, so it is even more important to protect your spleen and stomach. Having a cup of rice water daily can help to reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach. We also suggest that you change your clothes immediately after exercising and in general wear clothes with high breathability to avoid skin allergy and irritations or pimples.
Rice Water (for 1-2 people)
Ingredients: red rice (two tablespoons), white rice (1/2 tablespoon), coix seeds (1/2 tablespoon)
Preparation: Rinse ingredients thoroughly and add into pot with 800-1000ml of water. Cook on high heat until boiling then simmer on low heat for 20-30 minutes.
Note: Make it daily and finish it within same day, do not keep overnight.
Suggested foods: okra, asparagus, corn, black fungus, string beans, dark prunes, malt, cucumbers, star fruit, kiwis, mint, lotus leaves.