

在 木訥男特徵產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過259萬的網紅7-ELEVEN,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #IG抽獎 #尋人啟事part2 他…又是誰?像你某位朋友嗎? 快Tag擁有以下任一特徵的朋友 一位 #25歲 #初入職場 男子💼 一位 #表特版男神 ✨ 一位偶包很重的 #天秤座 男子 一位木訥的 #A型 男子 一位眼睛離不開手機的 #低頭族 男子 快到小七IG指定貼文回答問題就有機會獲得...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過32萬的網紅快樂大學Happiness University,也在其Youtube影片中提到,為什麼情人一個換了一個,朋友一個交了一個,感情總是無法長久?內在到底出了什麼問題? 00:20 聊聊做快樂大學的有趣感想和經驗 02:20 現代人處理情感問題的兩種極端類型(木訥男vs渣男) 03:25 兩種極端類型的病根 04:50 說書推薦:壞男人的孫子兵法 👉訂閱快樂大學的頻道,讓你的人生變...

  • 木訥男特徵 在 7-ELEVEN Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-26 15:30:25
    有 180 人按讚

    #IG抽獎 #尋人啟事part2

    一位 #25歲 #初入職場 男子💼
    一位 #表特版男神 ✨
    一位偶包很重的 #天秤座 男子
    一位木訥的 #A型 男子
    一位眼睛離不開手機的 #低頭族 男子



  • 木訥男特徵 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-12 05:58:06
    有 277 人按讚

    Getting Back The Missing Finger













    這一段話,我打上粗體字 「盡快完成」。






    他的感謝電郵和見他本尊時一樣 - 一樣木訥。😄

    就因為客人表達能力不強,一封電郵多聲謝謝更顯得驚奇。我問他是做了哪些事,他說三件事都照辦了。我告訴他這事得他自己撥電感謝師父,因為這不全是我的功勞,也是 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu 的慈悲救渡。



    This male client had a Bazi consultation with me in last September in 2020.

    At that time, he was asking about his career development.

    Later on, he mentioned that his wife was already 6 months pregnant. However, despite several ultrasounds, they couldn’t see complete five fingers on the baby’s hand.

    The doctor told them to be mentally prepared that their baby when born may have only four fingers on his hand.

    I was shocked when I heard it. I asked for his wife’s birthday and explained why the combination of their Bazi would cause such an issue. I gave him some solutions and hoped that he would heed my words.

    After the consultation ended, I kept thinking of this issue. I examined the couple’s Bazi back home. 3 more months before the baby is due, there is still time to turn the tide around.

    In the 12 years I learnt under Shifu, I vaguely remembered he once resolved a similar problem with Feng Shui.

    I gave Shifu a call one night and sought his teaching. Shifu compassionately taught me again what he did for his client, and reminded me the foods that the wife must avoid.

    When you wish to transform your destiny, you must know how to gather the trinity powers of the Heaven, Earth and Human, and the result will be faster and more obvious.

    A few days later, I wrote an email to the male client and gave him three things to do to help his baby:

    1. Heavenly Time
    Based on the client’s wife Bazi, I listed which foods his wife must avoid in the remaining three months.

    2. Land Advantage
    In a particular sector of their home, choose an auspicious date & time to put up a poster of a baby boy. I laid down clearly the characteristics of baby in the poster and the conditions of the sector.

    I wrote in bold “Get this done AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.”

    3. Human Harmony
    From now till the child’s birth, the client and his wife should each recite 108 times daily “南無地藏王菩薩” and dedicate the merits to their son: May my son be born healthy physically and emotionally, and able-bodied.

    In my experience, some clients are more temperamental when it comes to living their lives. Thus to rely on their Heavenly Time to change their destiny, it is hard to achieve desirable results with poor self-discipline and perseverance.

    To rely on Human Harmony, if the client is lazy at times and diligent at others, or easily doubtful and hesitant, whatever effort also come to a naught.

    But the only factor that can work in such times will be Land Advantage. As long as the client is willing to make a change once, and does not alter the Feng Shui after that, the power to transform his destiny will arise.

    On Jan 7, 2021, the male client wrote a short email to thank Shifu and I, and said that things looked okay with his newborn.

    His thank-you email was just like his persona in real-life - woody and reserved. 😄

    Yet because the client was not expressive, it is even more surprising to get an email with many thank-you. I asked which of the 3 recommendations he took up, and he replied he did all 3. I told him to give Shifu a call to thank him personally. Firstly, out of sincerity. Secondly, this wasn’t all due to my effort.

    If getting a Bazi read can result into a healthy baby born, what a great value! 😄 This deserves a celebration! 🎉

  • 木訥男特徵 在 卡馬先生 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-02-10 00:31:51
    有 95 人按讚




