

在 月經mess產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【男友求生手冊 】來一課拍攝技巧101 ⭐與其投訴男友拍得差 ⭐不如一齊研究如何可以拍得更好 #星期三CheckCheckMail 幫女友影相呃Like 男友要掌握的拍攝技巧 男朋友:「唉~女友話要做KOL,經常要我幫她拍照,但每次拍完都被嫌棄拍得差,現在給她拍照都很大壓力。」 Chec...

月經mess 在 重量訓練/增肌/減脂 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 13:51:16

😩怎麼安排課表呀? . 數天前的Q&A,有人提到規劃課表;看我連續回覆三篇動態,就知道我心中的火有多大。這一篇文章,不是針對當天發問的人,而是這問題,其實已經如月經一樣,每個月/每一次Q&A/諮詢新客戶都會期許我回答的。 . 這是常態,但我們能怪大眾嗎?不能,從來沒有教練跳出來講清楚,規劃課表有什麼...

月經mess 在 Suzanne 湯士萱 物理治療師 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-17 08:34:55

今年是第5次聽 Mark Comerford 老師的 #KineticControl - The Movement Solution 2(骨盆+胸椎+肋骨)課程 還記得第一次看到這些奇奇怪怪的符號是在2015年上TMS1時,Mark老師幫我做的評估紀錄。 2016年正式上TMS2 課程時, ...

  • 月經mess 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-10 15:56:11
    有 123 人按讚

    【男友求生手冊 】來一課拍攝技巧101










    ✔️CheckCheckCin 紙包茶療推介:火龍果玫瑰茶


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    Help your girlfriend take photos that will win ‘likes’
    Photography tips every boyfriend should learn

    “Sigh, my girlfriend wants to be a KOL. She always asks me to take photos of her, but then she also criticizes my photography skills. Now I feel stress every time she wants me to take the photos.”

    CheckCheckCin: Based on unofficial statistics, nine out of ten women are unhappy with the fact that their boyfriends or husbands do not know how to take proper photos of them. To be honest, it takes two to quarrel. First, women should not treat men as professional photographers. If they have tried their best, then give credit where credit is due. On the other hand, men should also better understand women’s needs and not brush them off as if they are not important. It will be fun for couples to study photography techniques together!

    Based on the feedback from some women, here are some problems they found in the photos taken by their boyfriends:

    .Bad angle
    The girlfriend might have demonstrated how to shoot, but the boyfriend still fails to produce the effect she wants! Don’t forget about the difference in height! What you see from your height might be very different from that of his. Try taking a photo first and make adjustments accordingly.

    .Top-down or bottom-up angle?
    Women are good at capturing the V-shaped face in their selfies, but their boyfriends will always accentuate their rounded features instead! Remember to take a half-body shot or close-up profile from a high angle to create that V-shaped face. When taking a full-body shot, remember to shoot from a low angle so the person can look taller and more slender.

    .Random objects and people
    Perhaps your boyfriend’s world revolves around you, and he does not see anything else. Since you are the center of his attention, he might have unconsciously included people walking past and random objects in the photo as well. It would be nice for the girlfriends to remind the boyfriends to take note of the mess in the background!

    .Blur and out of focus
    A clear image is the most fundamental principle in photography. It is hard to blame the girlfriends for throwing a tantrum if they cannot see their faces clearly in the photos. In order to avoid taking photos that are blurry and out of focus, try taking photos in places with proper lighting. If you tend to shiver, try resting your hands on a wall or a pillar to stabilize your body.

    .Round face and selfie
    Everyone knows the closer we are to the camera when taking a selfie, the rounder our face will be in the photo. So guys, remember to position yourself in front of the camera and make the ladies stand behind you. They will appreciate you for the ‘sacrifice’ you made!

    Equip yourself with basic photography knowledge so your girlfriends will feel like they are the happiest women in the world. Of course, you will need practice to sharpen your skills. Good luck! If you feel stressed about this, drink a cup of dragon fruit rose tea to soothe the liver and relieve your anxiety!

    ✔️CheckCheckCin Paper Pack Drink Recommendation : Dragon fruit rose tea
    Ingredients: dragon fruit, rock sugar, honey, rose, lemon, oolong tea
    Effects: Loosens bowel to relieve constipation, relieves stress, aids digestion and burns fat. Suitable for those with difficult passing stool, stress, frequent sigh and dull complexion.
    Note: Not suitable for menstruating women, but can have this tea before period. Not suitable for pregnant women.

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我有壓力

  • 月經mess 在 鏡週刊 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-07 01:33:00
    有 3 人按讚


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    👉 鏡週刊 Telegram ➜ https://t.me/mirrormediamg
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  • 月經mess 在 湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-28 14:09:29
    有 108 人按讚

    今年是第5次聽 Mark Comerford 老師的 Kinetic Control - The Movement Solution 2(骨盆+胸椎+肋骨)課程


    2016年正式上TMS2 課程時,
    終於看懂這些符號,徹底了解自己的問題,也了解了如何處理 #SIJ(#薦髂關節)個案。


    還記得Mark 看著我說"OH!You are a mess!"
    ▪️Sacrum - BST to L, contra-SB to L
    ▪️R't Innominate- ant rot., up slip
    ▪️R't Pubic-inf. shear
    ▪️R't - PLAG, ISAG hypermobile
    ▪️Self bracing Failure: HE-AT, RL-WT, SL-PB,




    從去年4月到現在,我的SIJ 除了在偶爾月經來時有點痠痛外,幾乎可說是 pain free (無症狀)!

    今年!終於從黑板名單除名!正式脫離 SIJ 病人行列!
    擁有 Perfect SIJ!

    SIJ 和腳踝十分相似(從結構、生物力學...等方面來看),是一個很容易復發的部位,一個不小心就很容易再次扭到,造成症狀復發。

    保持良好的關節活動度、GS&GM 平衡、LS recruitment 是一輩子的功課。
    就像有吃東西就要刷牙一樣,只要有動,每個人每天都應該花2-5分鐘的時間,做動作控制練習,以保持 #動作健康。


    努力準備中文版的 Kinetic Control-SIJ課程中,希望能幫助更多治療師對pelvis 有更深入的了解、處理得更好!


