[爆卦]最近過的好嗎 Dcard是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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在 最近過的好嗎產品中有133篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過202萬的網紅草草 Enjoy life,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 買這件衣服時真的不知道它前面是空的😳 你們最近過的好嗎❤️ 臉書礙於尺度看不到的私藏影片只在這裡呦, 每天更新照片和影片 http://bit.ly/32yTC8s 搜尋ID〝你的草草兒〞 記得按「訂閱」後~所有~厲害的影片隨你看...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過53萬的網紅Sunny&Yummy kids toys,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Powered by Restream https://restream.io/...

最近過的好嗎 在 N|妮妮老師Voice Teacher Nini? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 09:21:39


  • 最近過的好嗎 在 草草 Enjoy life Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-28 01:07:44
    有 2,861 人按讚



  • 最近過的好嗎 在 妙妙 Miao Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-24 15:28:01
    有 135 人按讚




  • 最近過的好嗎 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-30 13:01:58
    有 138 人按讚

    哈嘍 粉粉們 大家最近過的好嗎?

  • 最近過的好嗎 在 Sunny&Yummy kids toys Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-11 00:14:33

    Powered by Restream https://restream.io/

  • 最近過的好嗎 在 筌筌•Chuan Chuan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-06 19:00:28



  • 最近過的好嗎 在 Stephen Rong榮忠豪 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2009-10-27 13:51:11

    Ok, so my Mandarin isn't that great because I was born and raised in Virginia, but I am seriously trying!! I really really love this song by Katy Perry. I don't usually get touched by songs, but her song "Thinking of You" is extremely touching (check it out if you haven't). But while listening to it for the 5948th time, I started making up Mandarin words to go with it. Making the Mandarin Version of this was really to practice my lyric writing skills. Please don't sue me, Katy Perry, for using/ruining your song, I love you. haha

    The basic idea of the song's lyrics is the guy's response to Katy Perry's original lyrics. I guess it's as if she dated a Chinese guy and he's talking back in Mandarin hahahaha.

    **sorry if the audio is a bit soft, I don't know how to solve that problem***

    Ok well, below are the lyrics and also the English translations. Let me know what you guys think. I'm sure I probably made a few grammar/word mistakes here and there, or some parts prolly sound a bit awkward.

    Verse 1:
    好久不見 你最近過的好嗎? 現在我們只像普通朋友
    當你牽著他的手會不會想起 我 不太習慣看見 你 和 他

    你曾經說你愛過我 看來那曾經已經過期了

    愛上他之後 有沒有 想過我 想過我 如果沒有
    請坦白的說 我就肯 讓你走 就希望我能懂的怎麼往前走

    Verse 2:
    還記得那年夏天我們一起旅行 那時 手牽手的溫柔 很難去忘記
    晚上躺在濕的草上往著天空 你說 那些星星代表 你 和 我

    我現在終於明白了 那兩顆星(心)永遠是分開的

    愛上他之後 有沒有 想過我 想過我 如果沒有
    請坦白的說 我就肯 讓你走 就希望最後 說無所謂的人是

    我 犯了多少錯 才讓你死心的 決定 要離開我
    我 沒法選擇了 只能從遠遠的 祝你 永遠 快樂

    愛上他之後 有沒有 想過我 想過我 如果沒有
    請坦白的說 我就肯 讓你走 就希望最後 說無所謂的人

    是我 沒有好好把握 空口白話太多 我只要求你
    想起關於我的記憶 是美滿的 然後我就肯 懂得怎麼 往前走


    VERSE 1:
    It's been awhile
    Have you been doing well?
    Now, it seems like we are just regular friends
    When you hold his hand, do you ever think of me?
    I'm not too used to seeing you with him.

    You said you once loved me
    Seems like that "once" has already expired

    After you fell in love with him do you ever think of me?
    think of me? If you don't
    just tell me honestly, so I can let you go
    I just hope that I will understand how to move on.

    VERSE 2:
    Do you remember that summer when we traveled together
    the warmth of us holding hands, is unforgettable.
    At night, we layed on the wet grass facing the sky
    and you said those stars represented you and I.

    I finally understand what you meant now.
    Those two stars (hearts) are forever apart.

    After you fell in love with him do you ever think of me?
    think of me? If you don't
    just tell me honestly, so I can let you go
    I just hope that in the end, the one to say "it doesn't matter" is me

    how many wrongs have I committed
    to make you give up and decide to leave me?
    I have no other choice
    but to stand from afar and wish you the best

    After you fell in love with him do you ever think of me?
    think of me? If you don't
    just tell me honestly, so I can let you go
    I just hope that in the end the one to say "it doesn't matter"

    is me
    the one who didn't grasp it
    the one who gave too many empty promises
    I just ask for one thing:

    when you think of memories of me, let them be happy ones
    and then I'll be willing to learn how to move on

