
為什麼這篇普通物理學(上)鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在普通物理學(上)這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Klaus337 (克勞斯森77)看板NTU-Exam標題[試題] 108-1 王名儒 普通物理...

課程性質︰化學系必修 地質系選修兼通識

試題 :
1.There are four particles, each of mass 10kg; form a square with an edge
length 1.2m. If the edge length is reduced to 0.2m, what is the change in the
gravatational potential energy of the four-particle system?

2.A tank is filled with water to height H. A hole is punched in one of the
walls at a depth h below the water surface.What is the speed v of the water
emerging from the hole?

3.Write down the functional form of a simple harmonic oscillator and use the
e^(-λt) trial function to find out its solution. Note that the oscillator has
mass m, a spring force constant k, and a damping constant b.

4.Write down the functional form of a simple harmonic wave traveling on a
string in postitive x direction. You need to pinpoint its amplitude, wave
length and period of this wave with your notations.

5.Oscillation of a 500Hz tuning fork sets up standing waves in a string
clamped at both ends under a 100N tension. If the string has a mass density of
0.010 kg/m, what is the wave propogation speed? The standing wave has 4 loops.
What is the length of the string?

6.Two trains are traveling toward each other at 30.5 m/s relative to ground.
One train is blowing whistle at 600Hz.(a) What frequency is heard on the other
train in still air? (b) What frequency is heard on the other train if the wind
is blowing at 30.5 m/s toward the whistle and away from the listener?
(sound speed=330 m/s)

7.In outer space, a spacecraft with a surface temperature 100K and an area
200m^2 is receiving effectively 300K blackbody radiation from a nearby planet.
What is the net power gain of this spacecraft assuming the area facing the
planet is only 100m^2 and the surface emissivity is close to 1. The Stefan-
Boltzmann constant is about 5.67×10^-8 W/m^2K^4.

8.Write down the Maxwell speed distribution for an ideal gas molecule with
mass m and its thermal equilibrium temperature T. What is the rms speed of the

9.In a proton therapy acclerator, protons travel around a circular path of 25m
in an evacuated chamber whose residual gas is at 300K and 1.0×10^-9 atm
pressure. (a) Calculate the number of gas molecule per cubic meter. (b) What
is the mean free path of the gas molecules of the gas molecules if the
molecule diameter is about 2.0×10^-2 cm?

10. For an ideal Stirling engine, find out the work, internal energy change,
heat transfer, and entropy change in the process (Va,Pd)→(Va,Pa) with one
mole mono-atomic ideal gas.


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU-Exam/M.1588994572.A.506.html
※ 編輯: Klaus337 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2020 13:42:21
※ 編輯: Klaus337 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2020 17:00:48

