

在 是是也是產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅每天為你讀一首詩,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 台南古榕 ◎楊牧 那裡我去過,中斷的劫數 在地理板塊遷移,產生 擠壓現象以前,曾經趺坐 久久體驗鉅大的孤獨 風雲在山區和草原飛 海水銜接處浮波洶湧似血 因心魔造次尋不到出路: 累積的憂鬱世紀曆法上重疊 烈日曝曬中止的意志 閃爍金光喧嘩,勢必── 身後將如山稜線游移 唯我自在空白...

 同時也有3394部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅阿康嚼舌根GOODSKANG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,買了 iPhone 13 之後最重要的就是我們該怎麼傳輸資料嘛,那這部影片就是希望幫助大家好好備份自己的 iPhone 13 囉! =========================== 🤩來挑最防摔的犀牛盾📱:https://url.rhinoshield.tw/kang13s 折扣碼:ytkan...

是是也是 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 08:51:39

台南古榕 ◎楊牧 那裡我去過,中斷的劫數 在地理板塊遷移,產生 擠壓現象以前,曾經趺坐 久久體驗鉅大的孤獨 風雲在山區和草原飛 海水銜接處浮波洶湧似血 因心魔造次尋不到出路: 累積的憂鬱世紀曆法上重疊 烈日曝曬中止的意志 閃爍金光喧嘩,勢必── 身後將如山稜線游移 唯我自在空白無邊...

  • 是是也是 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-18 21:00:19
    有 239 人按讚

    台南古榕 ◎楊牧
      楊牧雖自言對佛教、佛學沒有深入研究(注一), 但其實楊牧詩作中不時對景物所持之空靈冷清態度,與佛學的靜觀正念頗能有相通之處,這首詩開頭出現的「劫數」與結尾的「菩提」,當然也屬楊牧對佛學的轉化挪用。本詩的第一段設想板塊遷徙擠壓,令人連結到台灣的地理處境:「劫」之意為巨大的時間計量維度,開頭以「那裡我去過」起始,表示這似乎是一再更迭的輪迴,劫數只是暫時中斷,實則仍在暗中運行流轉,久久的孤獨彷彿是等待下一刻的迸發、流血與綻放。趺坐為了參禪,以佛學來說,自然是為了領略那變化之上顛簸不破的般若空性;然則做為血肉之軀,眼見歷史浪潮洶湧如血,真能如此無動於衷?這首詩寫台南之榕,台南做為台灣開墾歷史的起點,有其象徵意義,比如第二段的風雲洶湧與心魔憂鬱,便可視為現世擾動心神的簡短描述,這既是指台灣的波折歷史,也是指許多身在歷史糾纏之中的人,如同於世紀交替之間寫下這首詩的楊牧,發現種種憂鬱亦不斷在重演重疊。
    我以為我至少也正面,集中的宣說了勝利的主題,在〈平達耳作誦〉這首讚美的詩裡,但隱隱約約似乎強調的反而是怎麼樣的一種遺憾,輕度的失落感。 (注二)
      儘管〈妙玉坐禪〉與〈台南古榕〉都有趺坐參禪的情節,但兩詩主旨氛圍大相逕庭,〈台南古榕〉當然從容悠遠的多。但後者最後的「分心」抽離,卻也彷彿是為了現世的某些遺憾而回神感傷,相較於「久久鉅大的孤獨」,那些似乎昭然若揭的生命真相,楊牧顯然更在意廣袤時空中短暫匯聚肉身魂靈,產生的種種執著與火光。佛陀在菩提樹下悟道,如果名號是暫時的,榕樹何嘗不能是菩提(注三); 只是這次,了悟的不只是絕世離塵的空性,而是如何在自在的大清淨中,為了許多動人心神的呼喚,甘於將匯聚的心一點點地拆散,彷彿落下的是菩提,亦是眼淚,是我們存在的依憑。
    美術設計:�江襄陵 -Nysus IG:https://www.instagram.com/nysus_/
    攝影來源: Pexels
    #每天為你讀一首詩 #楊牧 #生命思索 #台南古榕 #郭哲佑

  • 是是也是 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-22 20:31:49
    有 223 人按讚

    (English version below)


    那是否每個人,都可以運用「八」這當令數字?答案是是,也是不是。就好比陽光,天下萬物都需要祂。可是卻有人,就這麼容易中暑。曾經有位師兄向吾述說,每當他到碧山的Junction 8,他就感到頭暈。吾是這樣認爲,兼看用神更好不過。

    媽媽們請留意哦!玳瑚師父要送禮給妳們了。本地有間名爲FOUR LEAVES的麵包店。其商標正是八運當令財星,因而它已在本地營業恰似一個成年人的歲數之久了。它也是唯一一間,打進日本超級市場的本地麵包店。這既是當令,也是當旺的運數。媽媽們應常買FOUR LEAVES麵包,給於您們家中的小朋友,當早餐或帶到學校吃,能加持她他們,學業頂呱呱,榜上有名哦!





    YouTube 看完整影片 ► https://youtu.be/iS4SA1rVDRI


    The number 8 is especially loved by the Chinese people. At first I only knew it was because the number 8 when spoken in Mandarin is quite similar sounding to the Chinese character “發”, which symbolises prosperity, hence it is a hot favourite among the Chinese. Later on, as I officially started studying Chinese Metaphysics, I then truly understand that this number 8 has a little-known "identity" . Those with knowledge of Feng Shui basics would know that between the Year 2004 to 2023 is known as the Period of 8, the current luck period of our world. One can say that whenever and wherever you encounter the number 8, prosperity will follow. In my previous writings, I had introduced and revealed that some shopping malls had specially changed or weaved the number 8 into their logos.

    Does it mean that everyone can use the Number 8 which is currently in power? The answer is both a yes and a no. Take for example, the sunlight is needed by all living beings, yet there are some people who get a heat stroke easily. Once, a Dharma brother told me that whenever he went to Bishan Junction 8, he would feel dizzy. This is my opinion: it is best to evaluate together with your favorable element needs.

    Attention all Mothers! Master Dai Hu is about to give you a present. There is a local bakery brand by the name of Four Leaves. Its logo embodies the Wealth Star of the current Period of Eight. Hence its years of operation in Singapore is equivalent to the age of an adult. It is also the only local bakery to enter the Japanese supermarket market locally. This indicates that the bakery is in the period of power and prosperity. Mothers ought to often buy breads from Four Leaves for your young children at home, as their breakfast or snacks at school. It can empower them in their quest for academic success!

    The opposite of prosperity is, of course, decline. All these years, I have observed many families who no longer enjoy the same prosperity as before. What is the reason for this? The reason has always been about the erroneous thinking of people. They think they should cut back on spending whenever possible, to avoid exhausting their finances. The truth could not have been further from this. To harbour this mindset and exhibit this behaviour at the beginning of a new year, only means that you did not catch on to prosperity. Thus be prepared to scrimp and save for the entire year.

    If you are sick and tired of leading life on this kind of “saver mode”, during Spring Festival, please do the following: Set up a festive formation at the area diagonally opposite your main door entrance, generating joy and happiness in both the hosts and the guests. When the Wealth God sees this from the heavens, He will naturally bestow you with good fortune and wealth. This is called riches borne by the amiability of Qi. Do you understand? Do you know how?

    Place a round wooden table at the corner diagonally opposite your main door entrance. Drape a red table cloth over it, and place a pot of Zamioculcas on it. This is followed by surrounding the potted plant with festive foodstuff. Of course, there are several other methods! Let me bestow you with a little known secret technique! Get a new note of one-thousand or one-hundred denomination and paste it under your table top. Since this is supposed to be a secret, please do it in secret. Let Master Dai Hu tell you the truth. Ghosts and gods are abound in the realms of ten directions. After your life improve, you must not be lazy and over-indulge in enjoyment. You ought to be charitable at all times and give joyfully to the needy. Your sources of wealth will naturally come forth in succession. And there always be a Eight Treasure Chest in your life.

    NOTE: The Feng Shui formation is valid for the entire year.


    WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/iS4SA1rVDRI

  • 是是也是 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-02-20 06:14:15
    有 154 人按讚

    (English version below)


    那是否每個人,都可以運用「八」這當令數字?答案是是,也是不是。就好比陽光,天下萬物都需要祂。可是卻有人,就這麼容易中暑。曾經有位師兄向吾述說,每當他到碧山的Junction 8,他就感到頭暈。吾是這樣認爲,兼看用神更好不過。

    媽媽們請留意哦!玳瑚師父要送禮給妳們了。本地有間名爲FOUR LEAVES的麵包店。其商標正是八運當令財星,因而它已在本地營業恰似一個成年人的歲數之久了。它也是唯一一間,打進日本超級市場的本地麵包店。這既是當令,也是當旺的運數。媽媽們應常買FOUR LEAVES麵包,給於您們家中的小朋友,當早餐或帶到學校吃,能加持她他們,學業頂呱呱,榜上有名哦!





    YouTube 看完整影片 ► https://youtu.be/iS4SA1rVDRI


    The number 8 is especially loved by the Chinese people. At first I only knew it was because the number 8 when spoken in Mandarin is quite similar sounding to the Chinese character “發”, which symbolises prosperity, hence it is a hot favourite among the Chinese. Later on, as I officially started studying Chinese Metaphysics, I then truly understand that this number 8 has a little-known "identity" . Those with knowledge of Feng Shui basics would know that between the Year 2004 to 2023 is known as the Period of 8, the current luck period of our world. One can say that whenever and wherever you encounter the number 8, prosperity will follow. In my previous writings, I had introduced and revealed that some shopping malls had specially changed or weaved the number 8 into their logos.

    Does it mean that everyone can use the Number 8 which is currently in power? The answer is both a yes and a no. Take for example, the sunlight is needed by all living beings, yet there are some people who get a heat stroke easily. Once, a Dharma brother told me that whenever he went to Bishan Junction 8, he would feel dizzy. This is my opinion: it is best to evaluate together with your favorable element needs.

    Attention all Mothers! Master Dai Hu is about to give you a present. There is a local bakery brand by the name of Four Leaves. Its logo embodies the Wealth Star of the current Period of Eight. Hence its years of operation in Singapore is equivalent to the age of an adult. It is also the only local bakery to enter the Japanese supermarket market locally. This indicates that the bakery is in the period of power and prosperity. Mothers ought to often buy breads from Four Leaves for your young children at home, as their breakfast or snacks at school. It can empower them in their quest for academic success!

    The opposite of prosperity is, of course, decline. All these years, I have observed many families who no longer enjoy the same prosperity as before. What is the reason for this? The reason has always been about the erroneous thinking of people. They think they should cut back on spending whenever possible, to avoid exhausting their finances. The truth could not have been further from this. To harbour this mindset and exhibit this behaviour at the beginning of a new year, only means that you did not catch on to prosperity. Thus be prepared to scrimp and save for the entire year.

    If you are sick and tired of leading life on this kind of “saver mode”, during Spring Festival, please do the following: Set up a festive formation at the area diagonally opposite your main door entrance, generating joy and happiness in both the hosts and the guests. When the Wealth God sees this from the heavens, He will naturally bestow you with good fortune and wealth. This is called riches borne by the amiability of Qi. Do you understand? Do you know how?

    Place a round wooden table at the corner diagonally opposite your main door entrance. Drape a red table cloth over it, and place a pot of Zamioculcas on it. This is followed by surrounding the potted plant with festive foodstuff. Of course, there are several other methods! Let me bestow you with a little known secret technique! Get a new note of one-thousand or one-hundred denomination and paste it under your table top. Since this is supposed to be a secret, please do it in secret. Let Master Dai Hu tell you the truth. Ghosts and gods are abound in the realms of ten directions. After your life improve, you must not be lazy and over-indulge in enjoyment. You ought to be charitable at all times and give joyfully to the needy. Your sources of wealth will naturally come forth in succession. And there always be a Eight Treasure Chest in your life.

    NOTE: The Feng Shui formation is valid for the entire year.


    WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/iS4SA1rVDRI

  • 是是也是 在 阿康嚼舌根GOODSKANG Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 03:21:09

    買了 iPhone 13 之後最重要的就是我們該怎麼傳輸資料嘛,那這部影片就是希望幫助大家好好備份自己的 iPhone 13 囉!
    阿康 IG & FB
    FB :https://www.facebook.com/goodskang/
    1.) 至阿康的蝦皮消費:https://sho.pe/3grd6p
    2.) 加入頻道會員:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQ7s6G50qzqgDbQB6qKDDw/join
    拍攝器材:Sony a6400 + SEL18135, iPhone 12 Pro Max / iPhone 11 Pro, 智雲Smooth 4, GoPro Max
    收音設備:RODE Wireless Go, 鐵三角 audio-technica AT9934, RODE VideoMicro, iPhone 12 Pro Max / iPhone 11 Pro 和 GoPro Max 內建
    剪輯軟體:Final Cut Pro X
    背景音樂:Epidemicsound, https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/weo8gd/
    影片企劃:阿康 Kang
    影片攝影:阿康 Kang
    後製剪輯:阿康 Kang
    素材與資料來源 Source / Reference:
    官網、Pexels (若有非我實拍)
    Content / Right:All Material / Section / Pictures / in this video is 100% in order to help the source owners gain more exposure, all reference / credit is obviously attached in the description for viewers, any content that may be right-violated or unclear please feel free to let me know.
    所以我在影片內一定會提廠商 Sponsor 資訊
    或是也可到我的 Facebook & IG 私訊,可能會比較快收得到哦!
    #iPhone13 #iPhone13Pro #iPhone13ProMax #iPhone13Pro開箱 #iPhone13ProMax開箱

  • 是是也是 在 3Q陳柏惟 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 23:03:16





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  • 是是也是 在 Kelsi May凱西莓 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 18:00:10


    NativeCamp: https://nativecamp.net/zh-tw?cc=tw_ytc


    IG: kaiximay
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kaiximay/
    工作邀約: kaiximay@gmail.com

    Far Away by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp
    Licensing Agreement 2.0 (READ)
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/iTSpmnHMVS4

