

在 是在hollow產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅XXY 視覺動物,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【本週臺灣院線新片】 2021年7月 第四週 微解封來到第二週,新電影明顯少了很多 請大家務必記得,現在還是在三級警戒狀態;如果要去電影院看電影,一定要戴好口罩,不在場內飲食 做個守規矩的好觀眾! 這禮拜大家選哪一部呢? . 本週有7部院線電影: ▶ #厲陰宅3:是惡魔逼我的 The Co...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,310的網紅Kenmin Lin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,既然你們大發慈悲的發問了 那我就誠心誠意的告訴你們 我是怎麼從美國買吉他的 其實我找琴比抓歌還厲害多了 找琴的過程有很多眉眉角角 不只要注意商品本身 賣家也要好好篩選 找對代購還能省錢省心 尤其是在運費跟關稅的問題上 簡單總結三個步驟: 1. 在 reverb.com 上尋找目標 2. 寄商品連...

是在hollow 在 飘移公主? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-13 17:37:25

哈哈哈,我家的厨房家电水机都是在I bath studio 买的. 价钱最实惠服务最一流,真心值得推荐👍 我是在家外面安裝了戶外最乾淨過濾器Prince Super Membrane!! ◤ 🔥#Prince #SuperMembrane 王子牌 #NO1 🌍全马第一户外过滤器 😘 -99.9%...

  • 是在hollow 在 XXY 視覺動物 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-23 13:27:59
    有 7 人按讚

    【本週臺灣院線新片】 2021年7月 第四週





    ▶ #厲陰宅3:是惡魔逼我的 The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
    ▶ #宇宙特攻隊 Cosmoball
    ▶ #群青戰記 Brave: Gunjo Senki
    ▶ #手捲煙 Hand Rolled Cigarette
    ▶ #極速引爆 Hard Hit
    ▶ #密室中的少女 Naked Angel: The Red Room
    ▶ #狼嚎殺機 The Wolf of Snow Hollow

    📣 https://linktr.ee/XXY_filmcrtics

  • 是在hollow 在 Drift Princess 飘移公主 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-13 16:00:18
    有 100 人按讚

    哈哈哈,我家的厨房家电水机都是在I bath studio 买的. 价钱最实惠服务最一流,真心值得推荐👍

    我是在家外面安裝了戶外最乾淨過濾器Prince Super Membrane!!

    ◤ 🔥#Prince #SuperMembrane 王子牌
    #NO1 🌍#全马第一户外过滤器 😘 -99.9% 去除水中病菌,杂质,微生物,泥沙,铁锈与污染物❗让您拥有 #干净的水源,也同时照顾您一家人的 #健康 ‼️ ❤◢

    我们会在 🌻 #IBathStudio 🌻里做现场示范,用我们的王子牌 😘#Prince Super Membrane 户外过滤水机来过滤墨汁 (写书法的墨水-分子大约0.1 - 0.05 micron)📢。
    看完了这个现场示范您将了解到我们的户外过滤器的技术怎样的干净�❓ 也让您更容易的选择最健康的 #户外过滤器💯👏👏👏

    ◤ #Prince Super Membrane #王子水机是市面上 🔥 #最高品质 的户外过滤器,因为它的功能实在太多 #太强♥️ 了:👍

    1. 目前🌻 #最干净 的户外过滤技术,🍀纯净度高达 99.99 %。有效 快速 隔离99.9% 水中杂质 + 病菌 +泥沙 + 铁锈 + 微生物及污染物等。大大地 #减低全家人生病 的机率 ☀

    2. 采用 #超滤膜密度 0.01 微米,(比我们的头发细小10000倍) ✅Hollow Fibre #0.01Micron Ultra-Filtration #隔离技术🚀

    3. 在隔离的同时 #保留了自来水中对人体有益的天然矿物质: 钙镁离子等。✅让我们人体不容易流失钙质!而且也提供了全家人的 #优质水💦

    4. 突破了以往的传统过滤器,#无需技术人员上门为您清洗。🔔能自行 DIY 冲洗 + 反冲洗 ❗💦为您 #节省了宝贵时间和昂贵的服务费用!✅也能自动冲洗残留在滤芯上的污垢,预防阻塞,也能延长使用的寿命。也同时给了您 #突破性的冲洗功能✳✳✳

    5. 第5代的改良技术,👉更方便,更 #简单使用。不止美观大方,节省空间更节省水源❗😱⏰

    6. #高端食品级304S白钢外壳🔥,耐热,耐高压,不生锈,更安全健康❗

    7. 采用了 #最好的安装原料,Buteline Poly Fitting, 大大的提高了它的耐用性,更减少了 90% 漏水的机率❗👍👍👍

    8. #大流量,不影响您家里的水流量,煮饭洗衣都没问题❗🏆

    9. 能任意 #打直或 #打横安装,除了节省空间,美观又实用之外,也完全符合了 ✈️现代创新科技的风格,走在时代的前端😍。

    10. 全马第一户外过滤水机,最 #专业的 Prince大团队为您服务,无需烦恼售后服务 ❗ 💥✨

    #Prince #您最健康 🍀🍀🍀 的选择!✳✳
    ~ 让人人都能喝上健康干净的水,这就是我们 Prince 的 #使命 ‼️◢

    看到這裡是不是心動了呢?別急別急!我還幫各位朋友爭取到福利!你們看飄移公主的直播 是不是每次都有看到一把大雨傘!是的沒錯! 只要你在購買後說出我們的暗號「飄移公主」這四個字 就可以獲得一把跟飄移公主同款的限量超大大大把Prince的雨傘喔☂️

    「 I Bath Studio」厨房家电也选择众多,有 专业的服务人员会细心为你解说产品👍🏻�🚗下单后还有载货和上门安装👨‍🔧等售后服务,真的超贴心❣️
    一站式的厨房家电选择就是「 I Bath Studio」啦🤟

    「 I Bath Studio」
    📌 172, Jln Sentral 1, Tmn Nusa Sentral
    🕑 11 am ~ 8 pm
    ☎ 𝟬𝟳-𝟱𝟮𝟮𝟲𝟲𝟴𝟲 / 𝟬𝟭𝟳-𝟯𝟬𝟯𝟴𝟬𝟴𝟴


    🔔 快追踪 #赞👍 超过10000家以上的 #ibathstudio ⬇
    🌟 一站式厨房电器与洗碗槽专卖店
    🎥 一站式浴室用具与配件专卖店
    🌹 一站式户外过滤器与室内水机专卖店

    #Prince #SuperMembrane #IBathstudio #NusaSentral #Johor
    #Malaysia #马来西亚

  • 是在hollow 在 松露玫瑰 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-18 11:46:37
    有 1,134 人按讚


    當我2000年在網上結識Charlene並打橋牌時,她是一位成功的女商人。她在網上訂購了許多法國和意大利產品,然後運往台灣,她嘗試了一切,她吃了任何東西,任何動物,水果或蔬菜的任何部分,食物都是她一生中很重要的一部分。 2000年我第一次在現實生活中遇見她時,她看上去就像電影明星。 2007年,這個女孩選擇放棄自己的生活,放棄了我們認為是家庭的最好的朋友,失去了她的工作,並賣掉了在台北的公寓與我同住。我告訴她:從現在開始,您將在餘生中度假,我信守諾言。





    她完成了五件事,這在以前似乎幾乎是不可能的:我們2020年5月1日成立20週年,以及兩次浪漫的意大利長假。第一次去意大利的錫耶納和她最喜歡的Val d'Orcia,第二次去意大利的Lago Maggiore的斯特雷薩,那裡她的身體明顯較弱,但仍然非常欣賞令人嘆為觀止的景色和9月的夏日天氣,由於水的問題,再次搬到錫耶納(Siena),這使她感到自己在第二故鄉,感到非常高興!最近,她是荷蘭公民12年,而13年前移居荷蘭。我敢/希望認為這是因為她感到幸福,安全和得到了照顧。她的最終目標是她的生日(12月16日),很遺憾,這太樂觀了。


    將來我會回到我們一起去過的地方。從4月底到2021年6月初,我們在意大利計劃,預訂並支付了“在電暈之后慶祝/征服癌症假期”的費用。如果Corona允許我,我現在仍然想走,但是那是對未來的“遙遠”,吸取了Charlene和我們過去的所有假期,我可能會稍作更改。我們計劃了很多事情,所以對你們所有人:Carpe Diem!不要延遲或推遲您的目標,願望或清單。我會保留她的個人資料,並嘗試不時發布一些內容,我不能總是閱讀所有評論並回复它們,但放心,我會注意到它們。對於跟隨Charlene到公寓和飯店旅行的朋友:請提及她以保持生命,以免被遺忘。


    It aint over till the fat lady sings, but sadly the fat lady sang too early and the fragile butterfly flew away.

    When I met Charlene in 2000 online, playing bridge, she was a successful businesswoman. She ordered lots of French and Italian products online to ship to Taiwan, she tried everything, she ate anything, any part of any animal, any fruit or vegetable, food was an important part of her life. The moment I first met her in real life in 2000 to me she looked like a movie star. In 2007 this girl chose to give up her life, her best friends we consider family, her work and sold her apartment in Taipei to live with me. I told her: From now on you will be on a Holiday for the rest of your life and I kept my promise.

    Charlene wanted to mean something in Holland and started to create a new personality in a blog, not using her fame from Taiwan. She slowly built it up from nothing and today has more than 213.000 loyal fans and followers in several groups and platforms. Charlene has always been interested in travel and European food and her dream after retirement was to become a writer and live in a house in a European country with a slanted roof, preferably in France or Italy. We lived in a not bad apartment in Holland with a flat roof which she loved so much, home sweet home.

    In Holland she started to write cooking books, after she became more famous, she was asked by several publishers to translate books: Nigella Lawson, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay for instance. She has been doing this even when she was on heavy chemotherapy in hospital, even just before the end she was correcting the last version. We traveled to many places, randomly picked, just drove around, often not meeting any other person or car for hours. We stayed in beautiful apartments, mostly in small cities and villages or in the middle of nowhere. We saw beautiful things, ate fantastic food, lived life like a local, relaxed, but never a dull moment.

    Charlene the truffle queen, my butterfly and I fought since October 2017 for more than three years. She has been in a sterile room alone in hospital for 6 months, we have been in quarantine for more than a year. At first it looked like we would conquer these horrible cancers. All Charlene wanted was a little luck this time, but to no avail. Charlene had a good heart and always meant the best for others, she worked hard, she was tough and sweet, she never complained, and she was happy with the little things in life.

    From August 2020 we have been on our last two Holidays in Italy. Siena made her extremely happy, “My best Holiday ever” she said. Her dream was to go on a second Holiday and reach her next birthday, I was afraid that was quite optimistic. Charlene was disappointed we could not travel to the Luberon in the Provence in France, where we originally planned our second Holiday, where we had our first Holiday together in 2003. Unfortunately, the Dutch government suddenly declared many regions in France as “orange”, no go areas because of high Corona risks just after we booked. Spain was also on the list: A country I have never visited, and she wanted to show me, Spain was all orange.

    Five things she accomplished, which earlier seemed nearly impossible: Our 20th anniversary May 1st, 2020 and two romantic long Holidays to Italy. The first to Siena, Italy and her favourite Val d’Orcia and the second to Stresa at Lago Maggiore, Italy where she was clearly weaker, but still immensely enjoyed the breathtaking views and the summery weather in September, where due to water problems we had to move, to Siena again, this made her feel at her second home, she was so happy! Recently she was a Dutch citizen for 12 years and moved to Holland 13 years ago. I dare/wish to think it was because she felt happy, safe and taken care of. Her final goal was her birthday (December 16th), unfortunately that was too optimistic.

    We enjoyed, we dined, we cried, we laughed a lot, we cherished each other, we talked for many hours, everything has been said, no regrets. We were one. Charlene was worried for me to be and stay all alone and was sad for me losing her and I felt so sorry for all the things she missed out on, wished she would have stayed with us longer. We have been closer than ever before. I love her very much, she will always be in my heart, will miss her so much! I feel so lonely.

    In the future I will go back to the places we have visited together. From the end of April till the beginning of June 2021 we planned, booked and paid an “after Corona, celebration / conquer cancer Holiday” in Italy. I now still want to go if Corona lets me, but that is “far” into the future, having learned from Charlene and all our past Holidays, I might change it slightly. We had planned so many things, so to all of you: Carpe Diem! Do not delay or postpone your goals, wishes or bucket list. I will keep her profile alive and try to post something now and then, I cannot always read all comments and reply to them, but rest assured, I will notice them. For the friends that follow Charlene’s travels to apartments and restaurants: Please mention her to keep her alive so that she will not be forgotten.

    If you decide to respond, please respond meaningful. No hollow, empty, idle or religious phrases, else please do not respond at all, both are equally fine with me, I know you will miss her too.


  • 是在hollow 在 Kenmin Lin Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-31 21:01:40



    1. 在 reverb.com 上尋找目標
    2. 寄商品連結到 sales@shopjkl.com 詢問報價
    3. 匯款之後等著收貨


    0:00 前言
    1:23 PRS SE 35th Custom 24 (eBay, 代購詳細流程介紹)
    6:50 Tiny Talkbox (eBay, 被丟包經驗談)
    8:03 MXR M222 Talk Box Pedal (Sweetwater)
    9:02 Music Man Short Scale Bass (Reverb, 一波多折的尋琴之旅)
    11:49 PRS Special Semi-Hollow (Reverb)
    12:17 為什麼 Reverb.com 是最棒的樂器交易平台?
    15:31 為什麼我都從美國買? 而不是日本或歐洲?
    16:07 歡迎支持「Kenmin 借吉他」系列

  • 是在hollow 在 Gina music Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-05 20:59:36

    追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹

    facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland

    Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️
    🌸本影片與The Linch Agency、 Mr.生活扉頁 合作宣傳🌸

    For business enquiries, photo and song submissions contact: https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland


    Social Media:


    Gentle Bones是第一位被環球音樂集團簽約的新加坡音樂人,在 2016 年,他靠著自己的努力贏得了富比世亞洲「30 位30歲以下最具影響力人士」的稱號;也在同年成為第一位新加坡歌手贏得了香港亞洲流行音樂節 SuperNova Award!除此之外,也被英國知名媒體 BBC 稱為「新加坡的紅髮愛德。」


    How are you doing?
    How have you been?
    Sending this text for the fifth time this week
    So when can I call you
    There’s so much to say
    Sending this text cuz I struggle when we are face to face

    If you only knew
    The love you refuse
    Waiting by the phone for you

    But you misunderstand
    When I make these plans
    Tried to please then try to mend

    Cuz we shouldn’t even have to run
    When did this lose all its fun?
    I know these words are not the ones that you want
    But you won’t say that we’re done
    但你絕不會說出口 我們分手吧
    If you told me what you want
    Then we wouldn’t even have to run

    How are you feeling?
    Are you free in the evening?
    I just wanted to see you once outside of my dreams
    But I’m guessing you’d rather try this tomorrow
    但我猜 你可能會希望找時間再說
    Honestly right now we’re hollow
    We’ve been that way now far too long but let’s get this over with
    我們維持這種關係太久了 現在就讓我們結束吧

    If we only knew
    The love we refuse
    Tried to please then try to mend

    Cuz we shouldn’t even have to run
    When did this lose all its fun?
    I know these words are not the ones that you want
    But you won’t say that we’re done
    If you told me what you want
    Then we wouldn’t even have to run

    Forget you said I’m the one
    I’d go away if you say right now we’re done
    Do you hate what we’ve become?
    We shouldn’t even have to run

  • 是在hollow 在 FriesBro Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-17 21:00:15

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 哈囉 我是大薯
    他在S9積分使用卡力斯270場 勝率56%
    👉幫助達到40,000 訂閱▶ http://bit.ly/2ItnvA6

    Discord: https://discord.gg/X8Pft8X
    bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/404246854

    👉投稿短片寄到[email protected]


    Koven - Followers [Monstercat Lyric Video]

    Track: Tritan - Hollow Life (feat. Ratfoot) [NCS Release]
    Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
    Watch: https://youtu.be/WsMqp85TtaM
    Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/HollowLife

    Track: Egzod - Departure (feat. evOke) [NCS Release]
    Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
    Watch: https://youtu.be/K8mYKBWLdnQ
    Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/DepartureYO

