

在 新加坡農曆新年產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過62萬的網紅The News Lens 關鍵評論網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【獨特的星馬年節文化:象徵新的一年風生水起的「撈魚生」】#東南亞過新年 「撈魚生」對許多台灣旅人來說是既新鮮又有趣的新加坡農曆新年文化。如在「撈魚生」過程中,每加入一種配料,就有相對應的「酸酸甜甜」、「大吉大利」等吉祥祝福話語。 當所有配料添加完畢,所有人就會拿起筷子共同攪拌、高高撈起盤中「撈魚...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,480的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「添丁發財」這四個漢字,是中華民族非常喜愛的。多用在祝賀新婚夫婦。不過吾相信,就算是非中華民族,祇要她他知曉,這四個漢字的意識,同樣會欣然接受。那爲什麼這四個漢字,如此廣受大眾接納呢?因爲,小朋友乃夫妻婚後,家庭喜樂、接代的生力軍。有了這些生力軍,夫妻對未來著實有了展望。尤其是男性,自然會增加其奮鬥...

  • 新加坡農曆新年 在 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-02-09 13:57:00
    有 83 人按讚




    #新加坡 #馬來西亞 #撈魚生 #年菜 #過年 #農曆新年 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 東南亞

  • 新加坡農曆新年 在 RunHotel.hk,專注酒店情報和旅遊資訊 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2013-12-24 14:42:45
    有 1 人按讚

    Agoda 新加坡農曆新年酒店優惠 - 遠東集團其下酒店推出新年優惠,部份酒店日子低至6折。

    推介大家可以考慮位於牛車水既 AMOY 新酒店,酒店今年10月才開業,地點方便之餘,價錢約 $1400左右。其它遠東既酒店大部份亦位於烏節路一帶,平價之選有悅樂武吉士酒店,農曆新年初一未連稅價 $9XX左右....


  • 新加坡農曆新年 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-02-08 06:16:39






    The four Han characters 「添丁發財」 are very much adored by the Chinese. They are mainly used to wish newly weds. But I believe that if a non-Chinese understands the meaning behind these four Han characters, he or she will also gladly accept them. Why are these 4 Han characters so well-accepted by the masses? Because after a couple married, children are the new forces of joy who carry on the family line. With these new troops, the couple will have a firm vision for their future, especially for the man, whose fighting spirit will naturally intensify. Moreover, according to the phrase "Wife, Wealth, Descendants, Status", after marrying a wife, wealth will follow along. And after having children, status will come along too.

    People who understand Chinese Metaphysics will definitely know why a newly-wed couple must install two table lamps on the sides of their bed. This is a Feng Shui technique, to bless the couple with a noble son soon, i.e. to add a son to the family. A child is a symbol of good fortune. Those with little fortune will find it difficult to conceive. Of course, please do not over-do it because of this reason! You must know, for one person to feed more mouths indeed require greater fortune! However, should an "accident" happen between a couple, and a life is conceived, you must give birth to the child. You must never abort the foetus. Not only will abortion greatly deplete your fortune, it will also be the cause of your future pain and sorrowful misery! Please remember!

    Having a newborn is a form of auspicious energy. A place where living humans reside is called a Yang House whereas a Yin House is one where the dead rest. Hence, when a newborn comes knocking, there will naturally be this flourishing energy of growth. This growth and flourishing energy will drive the baleful energies out of the house. This is why we often hear of incidents where someone struck lottery, or got promoted and a raise at work because of a newborn at home. Another viewpoint is one I have mentioned previously, that having a child is a symbol of good fortune, and children is a form of water energies. And the water energy in Feng Shui plays a critical role. Because the water energy brings wealth, just like fish cannot be away from water, Man cannot survive without Wealth.

    I, Master Dai Hu, did not just start out yesterday. In the time as long as the age of a young adult, I have used Feng Shui techniques to fulfil the children dream of many people. In Feng Shui, one can absolutely ascertain why a couple remains childless after many years of marriage. For couples wishing to have a child, do not buy a house that is lacking the East and South-East sectors as that kind of house represents a "childless" home. If you have already bought such a house, you must come look for me. I say it so because I know how to transform a "childless" home to one with children. If you know a master who has such an ability, of course, you can engage his/her service, not necessarily me! The Chinese phrase 「添丁發財」 is a well-wishing phrase steeped in Feng Shui knowledge.

    Music provided by Free Vibes: https://goo.gl/NkGhTg
    Folk Chinese (Royalty Free Music) by PeriTune: https://soundcloud.com/sei_peridot/fo...
    Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)


  • 新加坡農曆新年 在 果籽 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-01-27 21:43:38


    《果籽》 栽種品味,一籽了然。

